
     Ok, folks. Been around for awhile and what I have noticed is that this weaselin' has been gettin' out of hand. 
     Everywhere you go, everywhere you look, they's folks weaselin', tryin' to get their way. 
     Can't get what they want straight up, like puttin' it to a vote, no, they got to try weaselin' what they want to get passed, get approved, become law, and when something becomes law, the people caught on the other side of it can't do what they were doin' anymore, or get what they were wantin'. 
     Weaselin' to get your way is called cheatin' in some parts, bein' underhanded in others. It gets me riled up jus' thinkin' about it. 
    Tell you why- 'cuz they's bad feelins' goin' 'round afterwards. Things ain't settled, is what I'm tryin' to say. And what ain't settled right just bides its time until it can weasel its way back to doin' what it wants to do, and weaselin' to get what it wants to have. 

First weasels, now rattlers! Git me that scattergun!Zach Savinar- Unsplash.com

First weasels, now rattlers! Git me that scattergun!

Zach Savinar- Unsplash.com

     Politicians be weaselin', business leaders be weaselin', well, it's just everywhere. Weaselin' is pervasive in our society. It's all over the TV, it's portrayed in the movies, it's what makes up a lot of the dramas we watch and read about. People have power, they want more, money, they want more, fame, they want more, and they can't go out and just get it so they's weaselin' goin' on.  

    Weasels are sneaky varmints, they lurk just out of sight in the shadows, or in the tall grass, and when they see an opportunity, they move right quick and snatch what they's after and damn! what got caught by 'em always looks totally surprised. Like they didn't even see it coming. 

     Bein' up front about things don't get you what you want so you go weaselin', which is a lower vibration but lookin' around, it appears folks got they minds made up that that's the way things get done, if you want things gettin' done, 'cuz the other way calls for dealin' with those holdin' a contrary view. Not weaselin' entails negotiation, time commitment, and possibly conceedin' on some points to get things done right and make it square with all the parties involved. But weasels ain't the budgin' kind. Nope, they ain't! They's gonna try 'n weasel their way, shoehorn their goals, objectives, and agendas inside convoluted mazes and morasses of twisted words, wild claims, and unsound notions to catch you off guard, you folks on the other side of this weaselin' bein' so dumb that you won't figure it out until years from now, after they's gone, somewhere way down the line. 

    Weaselin'! It ain't right!

The Ancestors

     Those that have gone before- are they still here? Though the physical evidence of their existence has mostly disappeared, is their energy still present? 
       And who were the ancestors, anyway? Does anybody really know? Archeologists and historians give us suggestions on what might have been here, taken place here, wherever 'here' may be, but what actually happened?
     There is so much we don't know so we have to probe, we have to go into our feeling selves in our particular locales to detect any energy traces and tendrils that might give us clues. 
     Our civilization, if we can call it that, is overlaid upon thousands and thousands of years of what has been there before. In America, it is said that Indians lived there before the white settlers, but who came before the Indians? Anybody? Far as we know, not a lot seems to have taken place, which seems really odd. Such a vast area and no human presence? 
     Even in sunny Florida? 
     Europe, on the other hand, is literally teeming with history and its associated energies. England, France, Germany, Italy...... .....this royal house, that one, all the highly detailed lists of Who was Who, along with their title, rank, offspring, and associated class structure privileges like castles, chateaus, and villas....
     ...China and Japan too, their lineage structure goes way back......
    But that kind of thinking was then, in the 'old' days, when people cared about lineages and such.

Lotta incense, lotta ancestorsFrank Mckenna- Unsplash.com

Lotta incense, lotta ancestors

Frank Mckenna- Unsplash.com

   Modern folk mainly live as if they're the first ones here (or the only ones that matter) 'cuz everybody that has come before has died, fled, was involuntarily relocated, got conquered, caught up in a cataclysim, or (perhaps) ascended. 
    We 'civilized' really don't know. But the indigenous know. They have oral traditions that go back hundreds and hundreds, even thousands of years. 

    Without connections to our past, we don't know where we came from, why we're here, or where we're going. Seems to be that life is a random event. We're born, here for awhile, wonder about it, and that's it. 
    Or is it?
     If, as Einstein and others postulate(d), all is energy and energy can never be lost, only showing up again in a different state, where did all those people from the past go? They couldn't have simply vanished without a trace. 
  Something to think about. After all, it's scientific! Rational. Logical. 
  Maybe those people's energy is still around, but it's too subtle to feel, unless you're walking through Antietam, the old Civil War Battlefield that I came across on one of my road trips. There's energy lingering there, it's sad and anguished, oh yeah. 
     Or how about Washington, D.C., where so much has gone on? D.C. is a powerful place, containing layers and layers of vibes.
     The White House! Does Lincoln still occasionally sleep in his old bedroom?
     What of The Declaration Of Independence, The Constitution, and The Bill Of Rights? Just pieces of paper, or is each one imbued with the energies of the men that wrote them?

     What if the earth is a vast storehouse of all the energies that humans have ever experienced and those energies are present in the very ground we walk on and in the air that we breathe?
    Why, that sounds like we have just might have an investment in this place!

Addiction Assistance Hotline

      I called the number on the screen- trepidatiously. I loved my addiction, but knew I had to act. What follows is some foreshadowing of what led me to make this decision.
     I had been on the quest for the perfect food, the one item that would satisfy a peculiar and obsessive craving. Many times after I had finished a meal I would wander around in the kitchen, looking in cabinets, opening and closing, opening and closing the refrigerator door, picturing in my mind afterwards what lay in there and how it could be assembled in such a way that the concoction I made would hit the spot. And many times after throwing something together I came close to satisfying that craving, but alas, no cigar. 
     Sometimes the cabinet or the refrigerator/freezer was so bare that I contemplated.....
     ....not that. I contemplated getting into my car and driving down to the closest store, or restaurant, but seeing as I live far away from such easy access to food I will do that only in extreme circumstances, and never at night. In extreme nighttime cases I will eat what is available, and feel miserable about it. 
     Having experienced this lack of a fix many times the thought came to me on numerous occasions, loathsome as it was, that I should stock up on my substance and all sorts of other foodstuffs, many times which I have acted upon, but sometimes my substance hasn't been available and the stuff I stocked up on has been as enticing as eating week-old leftovers. Let's be real- who knows what they'll be hungry for a day from now, much less a week?
   There's an old saying that goes "The difference between what I will eat and won't eat is 24 hours" and that is most times true, but in the case of my addiction it is always true. One night, desperate and alone, I called the number mentioned beforehand for their adept counsel. 

Any cake donuts in there?Bethany Newman- Unsplash.com

Any cake donuts in there?

Bethany Newman- Unsplash.com

     "Addiction Assistance Hotline. How may I help you?"
    "I'm Jones'n man, really Jones'n"
    "Please, listen to me. You don't have to do it. We're here to help. What substance are you Jones'n for?"
    "It's not on your list"
    "Tell me then, what it is"
    "Almond... Poppyseed... Muffins..." said I slowly, savoring each word.
    "I understand" came the voice at the other end of the phone.
    "You do?" I gasped incredulously. "You understand?"
    "Yes. Totally"
    "Who is this that I'm speaking to? What is your name?" I queried, seeking to foster the connection, for I had been floundering with this for so long.
    "Thank you, Mary. I didn't think....."
    "I had a similar addiction to yours" Mary said softly. "I can relate"
    "An addiction with what?"
    "Peanut butter chocolate chip cookies"
    "Whoa......    ....yeah.......    .....they are good, aren't they?"
    "Frightfully good" Mary said. "But I broke the chain of yearning, acquiring, consuming, feeling guilty, then yearning again"
   "How? I can't break my pattern. You'd think I'd get tired of eating these things but I never do! It can't be explained!"
    "Neither can the draw to eat- I'm not going to say the name of those cookies- let's call these kind of things 'substances'"
   "You know" I confided in Mary, "when you make up your own personal Almond Poppyseed Muffin song, it's bad"
    "That is bad" Mary replied. "I will agree. There are numerous bona fide addiction behaviors. That's just one of them"
     "What was yours, if I may ask?"
    There came a pause. "Mine" Mary said, "was never being too far from my junk. I had stashes. At home, at work...." 
    I thought I heard, but couldn't be sure, the sounds of crumbling.
    "I'm sitting in front of an Almond Poppyseed Muffin right now" I blurted. "I haven't cut it into bite size chunks yet, like I usually do. I'm just staring at it"
    Now I thought I heard the sounds of chewing. The microphone seemed to have been pulled away some, then it returned. Mary sounded muffled when she spoke this time, and I detected a bit of swallowing before she did.
    "Resist. Resist the temptation with all your might! If you can last three minutes, you can kick this! Those three minutes will turn to five, and then ten, and then....."
    Was that a drawer I heard opening?
    "....and if you can make it to an hour......"

High Fashion at it's bestFood Photographer Jennifer Pallian- Usplash.com

High Fashion at it's best

Food Photographer Jennifer Pallian- Usplash.com

    I distinctly heard the sounds of crinkling plastic- the kind of plastic that store-bought cookies are packaged in. 
   I decided to call Mary on it. 
   "Mary, are you eating?"
   There was a pause again, crunching sounds, swallowing, then again came that slightly muffled voice that sounded that she still had food in her mouth. 
    "Yes, a... a.... veggie wrap! You should try eating these instead......"
    "I think you're lying to me, Mary. I know what cookie eating sounds like!"
    "Okay, okay, you got me" Mary fessed. "It's been a long shift of listening to people's problems over and over. I needed a break"
    "I understand"
    "You do?"
    "Yeah. This 'addiction' moniker that some of us are saddled with really doesn't apply. I like to think that 'all things in moderation' makes more sense. It's not like I eat muffins until I pass out or anything! One a day seems to work"
   "Same here! I think that if God created chocolate and peanut butter, and people put them together, that was part of God's plan! There's no harm in indulging yourself every now and again"
  "It's not like we're shooting up heroin, or (yikes!) Fentanyl"
  "Oh for God sakes no!"
  "That's serious s___!"
  "You got that right"
  "You know what, Mary? You're all right. All right by me. You go on and have your cookies, and I'll go on singing my Almond Poppyseed Muffin song. I think that from where we're coming from with this, we can make it- together"
  "Amen, brother. Say, I got another call. Back to the grind. You take care now, you hear? 'Muffin Man'"
  "You too, uh, 'Chipmunk"
  "Ha ha. I like that. I do like to squirrel those things away!"

  Soooo glad I made that call! It's nice to know that I'm not alone in this. 

 (and I'm gonna keep on adding verses to the Almond Poppyseed Muffin song)

Fifteen Hundred Year Old Man

     It was brought to my attention that a man this age lived nearby. I checked into it, thinking it a hoax.
     "Hi, I'm Carl" he said when he opened the door to his modest apartment. 
     "Sam" I said. "I hear you're fifteen hundred years old"
     "Not quite" Carl replied. "I will be, in 2059"
     "Have a chair" Carl gestured, inviting me in. 
     I would certainly have thought that a man of Carl's years would be fantastically rich but Carl's apartment was not by any means lavishly appointed. In fact, by modern standards, it was downright spartan. I took a chair while Carl settled into a 1960's divan across from me. 
    "Coffee?" asked Carl. "You look like you need some"
    "Sure. It's early" I replied. I could see that Carl at least had a coffeemaker. Soon he was back with a couple of steaming mugs. 
    "It all started back when I happened to be associated with King Arthur" Carl began. "I drank from a cup he had sitting on the Round Table. Turned out the damn thing was the Holy Grail. How was I supposed to know?"
    "Did others drink from that cup?"
    "Maybe. I don't know. A lot was going on at those meetings. They were kind of raucous. Lots of grog. Arthur was no teetotaler, I'll tell you that"
    "Rough times, those?"
    "Not as rough as what came after. Years later I was doing a lot of roaming about the countryside. People kept dying on me and I had to move on. Life was pretty short. Can't tell you how many wives I went through"
    "By this time you must have thought your longevity pretty remarkable"
    "Remarkable? I was goddamn mystified! Black Death, the pox, none of it took. I'd get conscripted to this army or that and be the only one standing after the battle! If I got wounded I would heal. Sailor I was, many times, and the ship would go down in a storm or get washed up on the rocks and there I'd be, clinging to a piece of wood or washed up on the beach safe and sound. After a while you start to realize....." Carl paused and looked into the distance for awhile, as if he was searching his vast memory, before resuming. "....that you're not gonna die. No matter what. Gives you a brighter outlook, that's for sure"
     "Ever wish you could move on, er, 'die', like the others, especially if one that you love greatly passes?" I asked.
      "Early on, yes, oh, hell yes you do. After a while, not so much. You'll see 'em again"
     "The same person?!"
    "Can't say for sure. Might be. Feels like it. Their qualities are similar but I'll tell you- even if they resemble 'em, they're not exactly the same. Never"
    "How about you? Ever make it into a really good job, a leadership role? You must have had numerous opportunities"
    "Yes, I did. But I'll say this- It's dangerous at the top! Everybody wants your head! Plotting and scheming always to take your place! Can't trust a damn one of 'em! Yeah, I tried that, made it to Earl one time, to Prince another, next in line to the throne, but chose to travel to far regions of the realm for an extended stay. The thing is, people expect you to age and when you don't, they get freaked out. Best to stay out of the spotlight. It's easier to move around that way"
     "Your health? Doctoring wasn't so good back then"
    "Haven't seen a 'doctor' in well over a thousand years! Teeth are still good- got 'em all! Can't say it's because of what I've been eating because my diet has changed. A lot".
    "I'll bet it has! How many kids do you think you have?"
    "Thousands. But as many of 'em are dead. None of 'em got the gene or whatever passed to 'em that has kept me alive, sad to say. I raise 'em up then say goodbye. They never know that I am destined to outlive them"

Me and some of my boys, around 1670Christian Fregnan- Unsplash.com

Me and some of my boys, around 1670

Christian Fregnan- Unsplash.com

     "Religion? What's your faith orientation, or do you have any?"
     "Well, that's a good one there. You'd figure a guy like me would believe in God and I do but not in the way you'd think. Tell you why- people think they know what God is but their perspective is only through the lens of one lifetime. Try hundreds of lifetimes"
    "But you haven't lived that many. You lived one very long lifetime"
    "Doesn't matter. Enough time passes you experience it all, and I have seen it all. We could talk here for a hundred years. My memory goes way back. I'll tell you what-a lot of your history is wrong"
    "How would you know that? You only saw the small picture"
    "I saw enough of it to know that when I read about certain periods of time things weren't exactly that way. Can I get you more coffee?"
    "Sure" I watched Carl rise, and quite spry he was, looking not a day over forty. He filled my cup and quickly returned.
    "Technology is big right now, Carl" I said to him, after he had again settled into his seat, he also having a fresh mug of Joe in hand. "What do you think of the devices we have at present?"
    "They're okay" Carl offered. I thought he would have a stronger opinion so I pressed for more.         

Fun to drive but hard to park, my CaddyIzumi Jones, Unsplash. com

Fun to drive but hard to park, my Caddy

Izumi Jones, Unsplash. com

     "Technology is amazing! Just in the last ten years there have been so many upgrades....."
    Carl interrupted me. "You forget you're talking to a man that has seen far more than just fancy gadgets! I've seen the sweep of history!"
     "Yeah, right" I agreed. "In that light, it's not such a big deal"
    "It is" Carl said in response to that. "It is a big deal, but so is everything else. Every age has its inventions and breakthroughs. I remember how amazing it was to have an oil lamp for light! Electricity! You should've been there when that came on the scene! It was just as big a deal as having a smart phone!"
     "Carl, I could talk to you forever, and probably actually could. Any idea you have on how long you're going to live?"
    "I dunno. Haven't a clue. I usta think that the good Lord would come and take me home or some religious playout like that was gonna happen, but after you turn 100 you wake up in bed and marvel that you got one more day. Then when you get to be 120, you're really amazed. After that, the fact settles in that you're different. Then you just wonder, now and again, about it and don't give it any more thought than that. You develop interests, get involved, and don't want to die"
     "Not that you did in the first place!" I offered.
    "Right" Carl agreed. "Over and over you're told that you got this long, more or less, so when the time grows near you'd better get your affairs in order. I did that like all the others and nothing happened. So I forgot about it"
     "That's a good place to end, Carl" I said, fascinated by our discussion. "I didn't think you were real and now I'm starting to think different. I'd like to come by and talk again, if you would be open to it"
     "Hell yes I'm open to it!" Carl replied. "In all this time I've never been interviewed. Nobody believed me! Will your readers believe me?"     

You knew Guinevere?!Jon Ly- Unsplash.com

You knew Guinevere?!

Jon Ly- Unsplash.com

     "It's up to them" I said, rising from my chair. "Makes for a damn good story. Nearly fifteen hundred years of being alive, without a break. Say, just one more question. How do you pay your bills? I've been dying to know"
     Carl walked me to the screen door, his hand on my shoulder. "Art, Sam, art. I'm a collector.  Investments. Stocks, bonds, even simple interest compounded over decades upon decades. I save old stuff that fits the times and people don't think to keep. The antiques business has been very good to me"
     "But you don't live like you're rich"
     "This isn't my only apartment".

Sage Team

    "Brring! Brring!" rang the phone. I picked it up and looked. This one hadn't been on my caller ID for awhile. 
    "Sage Team" I answered. "Can I help you?"
    "Yeah, this is Frank Billingsley over at A1 Property Management. I wonder if you could help us with one of our units" 
    "Go on"
    "Our condo properties over at Wentworth Estates experience great turnover but lately we've been having trouble renting out a particular unit"
    "Tell me more. I need details, if you could"
    "Well... (I sensed a little hesitation, as if Frank didn't want to spill, but I knew already what was coming) ...I know you guys stress that we have to do our homework more, and really screen these applicants, but in the vacation rental business if you don't let 'em book it right away onto the next page they go. That's how we roll and most of the time that works pretty good for us. Trouble with this particular unit is, after the last long term renters left no matter how we list it it just sits vacant three fourths of the time. People book it for a night, maybe two at most. We also get a lot of 'em second guessing us and canceling before any penalty can be applied!"
     "I understand and you don't need to elucidate further, er, 'talk more'. Do you want the usual clearing, or do you want our upgraded service?"
    "Hate to spend the extra dough but you guys are worth it. I think in this case, send in the upgrade. I got pressure on me to get investor return on this unit"
    "Give us about an hour to assemble. Will that be enough?"
    "Yeah, the regular cleaners will be outta there by then, and the new renter isn't due until tomorrow. We had to list it at a scandalously low rate just to get a bite"
    "Alright. Door open?"
    "No, the cleaners will have locked it. My strict orders. Call me when you get there and I'll give you the key code".

    Right after putting down my I-phone I tuned into the unit under discussion (as if I hadn't already!) and felt into the situation. Yeah. Lingering ugliness, sort of a pea soup green energy, was present throughout the condo. I made a few phone calls and my Saturday team was quickly ready, as they always are, Saturdays being one of our busiest days. I gave 'em the coordinates and we converged on Wentworth Estates' C212 unit under discreet cover, dressed like ordinary tourists, as usual. 

Joan brushes the smoke with an eagle featherDaniel Thurler- Unsplash.com

Joan brushes the smoke with an eagle feather

Daniel Thurler- Unsplash.com

     Joan lit some white sage once she entered and carried the smoldering wand around the living room before Arnie and I ventured in. Both of us conferred what Joan had immediately felt- the heaviest area was located in the kitchen. Some was in the living room, and there were lesser amounts in the bathroom and sleeping area. Surprisingly, the outdoor deck felt relatively clear. Perhaps they hadn't used it. 
    A drinker couple, elderly, had occupied this condo for three weeks. Depression energy permeated the unit. Along with the depression energy wafted similar low energy vibrations, these having to do with aberrations of mental and physical health, which were no match for the Sage Team. 
     After cleansing the unit with white sage, and holding crystals in key points of the unit while simultaneously chanting some healing prayers we had been taught by a Tibetan Shaman, we gathered around the kitchen table and cast a white light over it, and then over the entirety of the unit in all six directions, East, South, West, North, Above, and Below. 
     That done, there came some chants that we had learned and had used over and over in these situations, some of our chants having to do specifically with dispelling entitity attraction due to the overuse of alcohol. After doing that, Arnie chimed a singing bowl, Joan toned, and I shook a sacred rattle between making a series of rhythmic beats on a hand drum that had been specifically crafted for use in healing ceremonies.
     Our final task was to encase the unit in gold light, which we did, just before leaving. I can't tell you how long the Sage Team was in this place. Our process takes as long as it takes.

     Upon leaving we texted A1 and told them the unit was good to go and please give us any feedback they receive so that we can use our data for the highest good in upcoming situations. Frank quickly responded, texting us that the check for our services will arrive direct deposit (we call our checks 'angel donations').
     We had another call to make, a large estate that had hosted some rather unsavory characters, at three o'clock. Before going there each of the Sage Team members dipped their hands and bare feet into pails of sea salt we had placed in the light of the last full moon, after which each member stood barefoot on the ground in a natural area and reconnected with the pure earth. Gotta recharge, you know. And recharge we did. The feeling we all shared was that this estate job was gonna be lucrative for us, but challenging in the extreme. Lots had gone on there, and pockets of dark energy were present

     Nothing we couldn't handle but as always our motto at Sage Team is "Safety First! The number one priority is to NEVER bring the job home with us!". 




    This morning I, capitaine of the Michaud, am adrift in the Sargasso Sea. My crew stands listlessly at their posts. It's no use to give them busywork to do, it's all been done. We await only on a freshening breeze that so far hasn't come. 
     Our craft groans and creaks as it bobs lightly on the waves, waves that come from somewhere over the horizon, for here it is dead still. 
     Strange brown sea grass surrounds the hull of our ship, dampening the effect of the currents that would carry us out of this trap we so innocently sailed into. 
    Becalmed we are, with no means of propelling ourselves save current and wind. Occasionally, the rudder is freed from any matter that would slow our progress. 
      It's a wonder to me, to us, how we could be upon the briny deep and yet be so stilled. 
    Journal entries show days of little movement, and our stores are nightly meted out in precise amounts lest they be too soon extinguished. We are not yet in peril and I dare not tell the men the exact amount of our remaining nourishment. Grog is given nightly to lift dampened spirits. 
     Our voyage takes us to the shores of the New Land, to the west, there to disperse supplies to the settlers. Many of my crew will join them, but I and enough men plan to restock our ship and journey home, though I wonder now if I will have sufficient crew. Already I see signs of wavering and even fear in some of them, for nor they or I anticipated this. 
      Still, it could be worse. We could be caught in storm, which we were, briefly, before encountering these conditions. 

     Aye, 'tis a sailors lot to face the unknown.

Those clouds have to mean somethingArmando Castillejos- Unsplash.com

Those clouds have to mean something

Armando Castillejos- Unsplash.com

     Here it is not bravery that is being tested, it is fortitude. Inner strength alone will carry each of us through. We must inwardly, each of us, have resolve. 
    And of the courageous I must silently bear the most pain. I must show confident face always to the men. Any sign of loss of faith will infect the crew. Mutiny could, at worst, follow.
     To that end the chain of command is strictly observed for my boatswain, quartermaster, and first mate, those who have sailed before, understand the need for order. 
     For it is just us, few in number, who are charged with providing for the safety of our crew. Though we may be many miles at sea we answer to those who have financed our voyage, they being present on both shores.

     Tonight's sextant reading shows that our position continues to change, relative to the stars and sun. The current is taking us slowly, yet steadily, towards the west.

Island Life

     Everybody ought to live on an island at one time in their lives because when you live on an island, you know where the edges are.
     On continents there are edges too, but they are far away. When you can see the edge of your land it brings it home to you that you can go that far and no farther. 
      'That far and no farther' is what contains you, limits you, and restrains you. Whereas The Mainland might be roiling like the wild west, island life is always serene. You can't cause a lot of trouble there. There is one government, a limited supply of resources, and everybody on the island depends on getting along. Its just the way of it. It's an understanding. 
     On the island I presently live upon, there is one port in which we receive all of our goods. We are very protective of that port. Our drinking water falls from the sky, so we are thankful most of the time (flash flood events excluded) when it rains. 
    We host visitors, a LOT of visitors, and try and make them feel welcome while they're here, so they can enjoy island life for awhile too, before they have to go "Back to reality!", as they glumly say it. 
     We have crime, but usually not major crimes, because where can you go? And if you do go, half the population is related and somebody is likely to rat you out. 
     Some of the locals have bad driving habits, because they've never been anywhere else, but you just let 'em by. 
     This island I'm on is big enough so that there are towns 'far away' (26 miles!) so you have regions. 'Upcountry', 'the South side', 'the West side', and 'Downtown'.

Not the first one hereMatias Difabio- Unsplash.com

Not the first one here

Matias Difabio- Unsplash.com

     It's easy to forget about The Mainland but thanks to the internet, it's like I'm right there, though I'm not. The Mainland is a whole 'nother animal, sprawling, vast, and wide, crisscrossed by airplanes and highways that I once used to drive on. 
     There's trouble there, in spots, mainly about bein' neighborly which wouldn't be happening if all those people had to live on an island. If they did, things would quickly get worked out. 
But, people want their freedoms, their space, and their territory. Somehow that works, I guess...
      Los Angeles! I see a lot of people from there. LA people have sort of an island vibe, like Los Angeles is a huge, culturally unique, and amazingly diverse island like none other. So yeah, you can live on The Mainland as if you're on an island, but again, there's something about seeing water on all sides and no roads or bridges leading to anywhere else that makes the vibe truly 'island'. 
     No escape routes, is what I'm trying to say. 
     No markets to exploit. 
     And abysmal chances for growth. 
    Why, it's anathema to the American business credo! 
    Globalization has already happened on any island. Long ago. Nothing there to add to your portfolio. So if you wanna come visit, put your briefcase away and join the others...

     ...just hangin' on the beach, watching the new arrivals airliners flying overhead.


     Just remembered (how could I have forgot?) the simple joy of being a physical being. I guess I got too wrapped up in thinking, and worry, because a lot has happened in the last week that threatened my physicality, or the physicality of others. 
     To be alive in a rich environment where the five senses are activated (and hopefully the sixth as well) is probably overwhelming to us as infants, so we have to check out for hours on end and then when we become adults we shut down for one third of our lives recovering and recuperating in a continuous process of realignment and rejuvination that we take totally for granted, as if our bodies were like our cars which we can (and will, most of us) drive right into the ground.
     After all, how many people really do required car maintenance?

     It's funny, though few can laugh about it, at how much we are trained to turn ourselves off during the day. We eat mundane foods 'cuz we're in a hurry, we work at jobs that force us to be constrained, we wear work clothes. Hard hats- how about wearing one of those every day? Or, for the fashionable, shoes with heels? We stand too long, stoop, bend, sit, walk, twist awkwardly, lift heavy or unwieldy objects, run sometimes to get tasks done, we expend our energy on jobs we'd rather not be doing then race home with everybody else to get some down time, away time, 'what we really want to be doing time' and by default or design are living less than optimal life experiences. 

Becoming reacquaintedSilas Has- Unsplash.com

Becoming reacquainted

Silas Has- Unsplash.com

     But what is 'optimal life'? Can it be defined, are there those out there demonstrating it? Yes, there are role models who have followers and fans, but that's highly individualistic, suited for particular tastes, and not at all comprehensive. 'Optimal life' is a melange of physical, financial, emotional, and egoic needs being met, but to simply experience raw physicality without all the trappings, the trimmings, is in itself surprisingly satisfying. I think we've lost touch with that and might have to attend a workshop or something to rediscover it because basic physicality is being bypassed for things deemed more 'important'. It is something important and vital and you can access it without have to be famous, accomplished, or free from whatever is plauging you, distracting you, or distancing you from it at the moment. Physicality is the most amazing gift ever but also the most overlooked gift ever. 
     Get in touch with it again. Turn off your devices for awhile. Sink into sound, touch, taste, smell, and sight. It doesn't cost you a dime and is always present. A present- for you!

Slow Train Lane

    (Haven't posted anything since Hurricane Lane came into my life though I did write some pieces but due to busyness, circumstances, exhaustion, or power outtage, I was unable or unwilling to publish them)

Chugging down the storm trackTom Barrett- Unsplash.com

Chugging down the storm track

Tom Barrett- Unsplash.com

      This visitor to the islands was declared a hurricane on August 15th and has kept me busy ever since. I have dubbed this hurricane 'Slow Train Lane' 'cuz it has taken its sweet time gettin' here and leavin'.
       Hurricane Lane, which is a strange name for a hurricane don'tcha think, came marching our way and built into a roaring Category 5, which scared the bejeezus out of everybody around here you bet. Old timers got ready for the standard tropical storm fare- high winds, pouring rain, flash floods, downed trees and power lines, blocked roads, the stocking up of ice chests with frozen food, long lines at the gas station, etc., etc. 
     As Lane got closer to us it decided that it might want to hang around, entranced as it was with the islands like any other visitor and wanting to stay just a little bit longer, which it did. Lane's forward motion at one point decreased to 2 mph, which is walking speed, and I was getting just a little bit frustrated because the effects of Lane weren't going away soon enough. We had high winds, which was troubling, and then they got higher. We had periods of strange calm. We had light skies, darkening skies, high clouds, low clouds, and then the power flickered a few times before going out. But it came back on again a few hours later. 
      Toying with us, it was. Lane got downgraded to a Cat 4, and then to a Cat 3, but kept on marching directly towards us. The forecasters said that it would make an abrupt left (West) turn before it reached us but it was more of a lazy, wide, sweeping brush-with-the-curb sort of turn when it happened, which brought with it periods of drenching rain and all that comes with that- flooded roads, landslides, and more downed trees/power lines. 
     Comes a time when any visitor stays too long and starts to get on your nerves a bit. Lane was certainly at this point getting on mine. "Enough already!" I yelled but I might as well have been yelling into the wind (which I was) for all the good that was doin' me 'cuz Lane was going to do what he (or was it a she?) damn well pleased. "For godsakes don't backtrack on us!" I also pleaded. 
     In response to that, Lane said that it was kinda done and would be leaving, but not before it had trashed a lot of people's vacations and messed with the entire tourist industry, upsetting the usual routine here in a big way and putting some unexpected life into things. Lane gave people something to talk about and down at work yesterday, back after three hectic and stress-filled days, I saw my first "I survived Hurricane Lane' T-shirt. You just knew those were coming. 
     I got a new respect for Mother Nature now. Had Lane hit us with just a Cat 3 wind event it would've been ugly but Lane stayed far enough offshore to keep worst of its effects amongst the churning waters of the open sea. 

Have at it out here, Slow TrainGleb Kozenko- Unsplash.com

Have at it out here, Slow Train

Gleb Kozenko- Unsplash.com

     After watching the drama unfold, you'd have to think that there is some kind of intelligence present in all this. Lane seemed to have a mind of its own and was meting out exactly what needed to be meted out at each stop on its journey. I myself think that Lane was just a bit uh..  ...'mischievous' is a good word. 
     Lane was a reminder, a humbling force, it kept me in a highly focused present moment state in a big way, which turned out to be exhausting when experienced for hours on end, and I think that toughened me up a bit, it exercised my dealing-with-stress muscle. Lane also tested me mentally in another way. How long could I witness its effects without going into fear? Could I simply observe what was going on without judgement? Most of the time, yes. But there were moments of high anxiety. When things are bigger than you are, choice disappears. You are simply forced to forgo judgement. Inevitability shows you that resistance is futile. But up until the moment choice disappears, you can still be in argument with What Is, you can rant and rail and fret.

      So now Lane is moving away, and it's all calm and peaceful again. Things around here are pretty wet but there seems to be a little more vibrancy in the air and a general gratitude for simply being alive amongst the populace. 
     Not that they or I want to see anything like Lane again for awhile. How about we call this storm good enough for the next decade?

In The Beginning?

    Had an old chopper crewman for a customer yesterday, said he used to jump out of choppers in the 'Nam and rescue victims of plane and chopper crashes (and load body bags). 
     He said most of this to a passenger, young, maybe in his late 30's, who tried to comprehend the fullness of his amazing service but couldn't really, as he said he 'hadn't been born yet'. 
     I, having been alive at the time of the Vietnam war, knew full well that that old soldier had been in the thick of some serious nastiness and I felt extremely honored to have been able to serve him. (I had a cousin in the 'Nam and my partner's brother had done two tours and lived to tell about it).
     When I was just a lad, having been 'just born' not long before, I was fascinated with the American Eighth Air Force and studied all of their exploits during WWII. I felt an affinity for those crazy brave servicemen, though I hadn't been around, having been 'unborn' at the time. Why the draw? It was as if I had, at the time, only been able to see the little picture and was now seeing how the whole of the air war had played out. I still don't understand it. Very strange.

Hungover after a night dancing with English girlsJon Robinson- Unsplash.com

Hungover after a night dancing with English girls

Jon Robinson- Unsplash.com

     If you don't believe in reincarnation, your only recourse is to then assume that before you were born, before you came out of the void somewhere and arrived for your first time here, that all that happened in the past had nothing whatsoever to do with you and you can watch or read about history passively. 
     You must also believe that from out of the void babies are blessed with mysterious talents and have proclivities for all sorts of things, these being merely happy accidents. 
     Furthermore, you must believe that you come in fresh, unburdened by any previous baggage. You have no karma to contend with. 
    As well, you also have only one single and solitary shot at life, so you can justify your behavior towards others by the viewpoint that everybody is out for themselves, so why not go for it?
      I myself think I have been around so many times it's mind boggling. I have had many experiences and those lifetimes have been a progression in understanding how to operate in the world, this present one I am inhabiting, which in itself is an illusion, I'm told, as there is in actuality no time outside of the earth plane reference, no past or future but.......
    ....if you're not ready to go there, and want to think otherwise, then the concept of 'I wasn't born yet' could be your failsafe. If it makes you feel comfortable, then yes by all means.
      You can shut out the nagging weirdness that way and turn a blind eye to child prodigies, idiot savants, and people that have passionate interests in pecular and obscure things that nobody else cares about. Life is just life, you say.

     Family members don't come back time after time to experience playing different roles with each other, old friends with which to connect don't resurface, enemies don't rise again in some other guise to vex you, and soulmates don't come back around to haunt you. 
     I've had all four of those things happen in my life, and more. Still can't figure some of the people out that I've crossed paths with but I knew them from somewhere and somewhen, I'm sure of it. I'm not just talking about significant relationships here, these could be people I was with for only a short while. Maybe with those the connection was less or I'm not supposed to remember but even so, I can feel that there is something there. If you can't, you're missing the party, I daresay. 
    But, hey.....
 .....you'll get there when you get there. It's all good. We've got all the time we will ever need and you get to play your own role(s) in the manner that fits you best.

An epochal conflagration

     When the monkeys run the zoo trouble brews everywhere. Truth isn't truth, there are alternatives to facts, lies issue forth to challenge that which is hidden in common sense plain sight. Who, exactly, is acting the fool?
    For only fools would attempt to sleight of hand millions upon millions, thinking that they just might be able to get away with it. 

SayonaraValmir Dzivielevski Jr.- Unsplash.com 


Valmir Dzivielevski Jr.- Unsplash.com 

     But it's all good, in a way. I foresee a roaring fire, burning all this rubbish into ash. This is necessary. Bring all of the skeletons out of the closet, drag out everything that has lying under the rug. Reach into dark corners to what has been festering there and wrench it out. Don't mind the cobwebs, because a lot of this is very, very old. 
     Daily come the revelations, which to some may seem bad news, and it is, but from another perspective it's just spring cleaning sort of stuff, even though fall is approaching. Doesn't matter the timing, so long as it is happening. 
     The way things are going, have been going, it looks like this is going to be a super spring cleaning. It's gonna be like none other because for some reason, now is the time the dirt and grime just has to be reckoned with. People are really motivated to get into things that have been put off for ages. It's weird- for many of the normally destitute of awareness miscreants around there is an underlying yet pervasive sense that this just might be their LAST season.

     The door is closing on desperate endeavors and behaviors, and when that door closes, it's gonna lock.

A Genrl'y Unfavorable Forecast

    "Winds from Hurricane Donald are expected to increase in intensity over the next 24 hours. It's too early to tell which track the storm will take but current models suggest a weakening trend. We'll know more as this storm moves closer to the U.S. mainland. 
    Meanwhile, a nationalist cold front is swooping across the central plains, sure to bring with it significant thunderstorm activity. Ahead of this front, sultry conditions will keep the eastern half of the nation scrambling for relief in pools and at water fountains. 
    Down in the the desert southwest, the arrival of the monsoon season slows construction of The Wall. 
    Oh- It isn't under construction yet? 
    Over in the west, wildfires have consumed all of California and are marching eastward towards the scrublands of Nevada. Interior department officials tell us that there are expected to be no containment efforts applied. You're on your own, heathens! 
     Looking northward, towards the Pacific Northwest, fire danger is high in the region. Locals there are begging for the return of cloudy and dismal weather. 
   We won't give the forecast for Alaska and Hawaii, but just assume it's cold in Alaska and hot in Hawaii.

     Around the world, China is experiencing record levels of smog, due to heavy industrialization. Chairman Xi appeared on television last night to address the nation. "Continue to wear your surgical masks until the year 2122" he cautioned. "Your children's children, if they survive, will by then have achieved the glorious goal of making China the dominant world power."
    India, looking over in that direction, has been experiencing severe flooding. Numerous villages have been affected. Oh well! Par for the course.
    Saudi Arabia has been undergoing a cooling trend. Daily highs are only expected to hit the low 110's. 
    Europe is in the midst of a severe drought, perhaps brought on by haggling within the European Union over England's decision to Brexit. One theory, postulated by our team of experts, is that the unprecidented drought that England is experiencing could be symbolic of the isolationism the country is embracing. 

And I just washed the car.Layton Diamond- Unsplash.com

And I just washed the car.

Layton Diamond- Unsplash.com

     Crazy weather in Australia! How crazy? A dust storm enveloped Melbourne for three straight weeks. And in the dead of winter, yet. 
   Meanwhile over in South America, much has been going on. It has rained lots in the upper Amazon basin, but not so much on the Bolivian plateau. Need we say further? Okay, we will. We'll give you..... 
     ....the forecast for tomorrow for Easter Island! Out there it will be 73 degrees, sunny, with winds from the south/southwest at 10-12 knots. 
    That's our global forecast! Let's take a necessary break for this message from the makers of Provilive. Thrive with Provilive! 
    Ok we're back. Sandy here will now give our millions of viewers insights into not only the reasons New England has Nor'easters, but also why the staff here at Weather Central wears such odd clothes. Sandy?
     "Well, Dr. Ernstein, in answer to your second question, it was determined that the men here at Weather Central would dress themselves as either clones of Mr. Rodgers or as collegiate assistant football coaches. The women were instructed to find the least flattering dresses imaginable. There was a store we found, in Pennsylvania, on the edge of Amish country.....
   Thanks for those insights, Sandy! Time to break for weather on the 9's!"

Then and Now

     Had a neighbor try and pawn off a cassette player on me the other day and to that I said "No Thanks!". I had weaned myself off of cassettes years ago and tried to get rid of my old collection of tapes but there were no takers. 
  What happens to such technologically obsolete but still functional items? Nobody wants them. Although this lady's cassette player is in pristine condition only a 'throwback guy' would want it, you know, those guys on Craigslist that keep the old technology alive. 
     And they probably get all their stuff for free. 
     Dig- if you were such a person, you would be innundated with objects from the past. Land line telephones. Film cameras. Stereo receivers. CB radios. Scanners. VCRs. But probably not old vinyl, which has become prized by hipsters who use old albums to create mixtapes. (Is that the correct word?)
    Vintage clothes are collectibles and I really wish I had some of the old clothes that I used to wear. You just can't find that stuff anymore. 
     I'd love to drive some of the cars I used to own, but that's the realm of car collectors, which I am not. 
    The list goes on. Eight track tape players. Amplifiers. Equallizers...... 

Imagine carrying these around.Jon Tyson- Unsplash.com

Imagine carrying these around.

Jon Tyson- Unsplash.com

    Furniture. How about that? Like clothes, they don't make the kind of furniture that used to be made. It was sturdy stuff back then. But, some of it was pretty ugly, I gotta admit. 
    You couldn't preserve food from the past but if it had been possible you'd find that some of it was pretty good. Certain items had more flavor. But lab coat-wearing chemists came along and swapped out the real ingredients for some synthesized, altered, and adulterated 'foods approved for use by the FDA' that were cheaper to make and damn if you couldn't tell something was off. 
    But purists, thank God for them, wouldn't stand for that. Health food stores started showing up and the food and drink has gotten sooooo much better. 
     Entertainment-wise, amazing. So much to choose from now, new and old. If I 'miss' the old TV commercials from the 60's, I can watch them on You Tube! It was a far different mindset back then. Media is preserved forever but everything else other than cars seem to be relegated to the dustbin of history. I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet, maybe it has, but somebody somewhere is going to open a 70's museum.
   Hipsters and Millennials on a road trip might pull off the highway in Ohio or something and swing into an expansive parking lot, pay the entrance fee, and wander through the rooms of a typical 70's house. Or better yet, they'd enter a compound. An actual operating 1970's village with period re-enactors milling about! 
    "Look- Mom- over there! What's that man doing?"
    "He's recording a CASSETTE"
    "And that woman over there- what's she holding?"
    "A film camera. She's taking a picture"
    "What's that rumbling sound?! I'm scared!"
    "That's just some Glasspack mufflers, on a 70's car" 

     This hypothetical family wanders the grounds until they tire. There is so much weird stuff to look at. The first growl of a stomach triggers the urge to eat. Mom pipes up.

   "Do you want to eat at the 70's cafe over there, hon?"
   (husband) "Yeah, uhm, sounds 'adventurous'. Kids?"
   (guarded) "Uh, okay....."
   "Good. Let's go!"
  Upon arrival they peruse the menu. 
  (Mom) "It's decided, then?
  (Dad) "Yes. I think we're all agreed. Waitress?"
  Waitress comes over. 
  (Dad) "Swansons Salisbury Steak TV dinners for everyone!"
  "What would like like to drink with that?"
 "I'll have some percolated coffee, she will have Lipton iced tea, and the kids want grape Kool- Aid"
   "Coming right up!"

   Can't you just wait to dig in?

You Are So Talented!

     Was readin' the NYT yesterday and there was an article in there- '60 times Madonna changed our culture'- and it looked rather inticing so I scanned through it. Yup- the authors of the piece (multiple) listed 60 ways in which she had made her mark. 
     I liked Madonna's early MTV videos, back when MTV videos were kind of cool, they were more amateurish and not so slickly produced like everything is now, so formula! 
      Madonna had her finger on the pulse of whatever women had on their minds, which was stuff I could've cared less about, so she wasn't such a big influence on me, or on a lot of men, tell the truth. Madonna was all about representin' something to women, and so here goes, I'm going to comment on a few things that the NYT listed and give my take, from a guy perspective.
       Nah. Ain't gonna go there. Too much work! A lot of what she did impacted people in ways I don't really know about, understand, or it doesn't apply, so what's the use? I did find out that she was a driven, passionate woman who made a ton of money and basically ruled the world before the likes of Britney and Taylor and Beyonce but go to any of her concerts? Not me. 
     Madonnna is a superstar that got big through the support of an audience that I'm never a part of, never have been a part of, so what does she have to do with me? Nothing. Her life has been stage and dance, a whirlwind of publicity and parties, as off limits to me as the White House or any executive boardroom. I like her, though, she seems to be a positive person.
     She may have set examples for women to follow- which were ahead of their time, timely, or controversial- but as far as I'm concerned she could have been broadcasting from the moon or her own personal country somewhere all this time. We're in the same region of space, we're both physical, but that's about all I can find between us that is similar.

Yawn. Another day, another two thousand adoring fans.Nainoa Shizuru- Unsplash.com

Yawn. Another day, another two thousand adoring fans.

Nainoa Shizuru- Unsplash.com

     Ditto Prince and Michael Jackson, when they were alive, the Rolling Stones, Liz Taylor, Taylor Swift, Drake, Pitbull, Kanye West, Tiger Woods, LeBron James, all of them sooooo distant from my world that it borders on the ridiculous.
     I read about them, see them on the news and find out what they're up to, watch 'em on SportsCenter, maybe a documentary will come up on Netflix about them but what, really, does it matter? You start seeing that your life is a finite thing and....
     ....oh, that's it, isn't it? Figured it out this morning. The reason the article was titled '60 times Madonna changed our culture' is because Madonna's 60th birthday was yesterday. She's a contemporary of mine! (Jeez do I hafta be reminded of that again?). I'll be hittin' that milestone soon and I'll tell you what- when you get to be around that number you care about what is going on in the world less and less. Oh, you still care, you always do, and will, that won't go away, it's just that it all won't seem so important. No matter if you succeeded wildly or lived a quiet, obscure life, it won't matter. 

     An old guy told me once, long ago, that the number one thing that was important in life was your health. I scoffed (I was in my early 20's at the time). "MONEY is the most important thing in life!" I adamantly replied (what the hell do you know?). 
      To that he just shook his head, as if I had totally missed the mark. "When you get to be my age, you'll see what I mean" he said, before we parted ways. 
      That encounter has always stuck with me, and the truth of it has become more and more apparent over time. The longer you're healthy, the longer you will live to experience things. Doesn't matter if you're on stage being adored by thousands or sitting at home petting the cat it's experiences that make up a life. Money is nice, don't ever discount its ability to enable you to live comfortably, but time is your real enemy. Without health, your final experience will come sooner. 
      Let the superstars have their money, their fame, their parties. There is nothing you can do about that anyway. Enjoy your time while you're here. Stay healthy. Work out. Eat well. Get plenty of rest. Doing that will keep you around longer.

     Gratitude is the attitude.


     The government of the country of Chillainia recently decreed that all future generations will be covered under a Right To Not Work act, which will give their citizens, upon turning 18, the power to choose whether or not they will contribute to the economy. 

Right on! The die is cast.Rawpixel- Unsplash.com

Right on! The die is cast.

Rawpixel- Unsplash.com

     Even though Chillainia is a very small and relatively unknown European country, shock waves resulting from this decision traveled rapidly around the world. Leaders took stands on the decision without delay, for they sensed its potential for fostering unrest amongst thieir populations. 
     While most of the progressive countries took stances of guarded approval towards Chillainia's action, some large industrialized counties went immediately on the offensive. 
      "This 'Right To Not Work' law is abominable!" blasted United States Secretary of Labor Rodney Blunt. "No country can operate under such a Socialist, pie in the sky, ridiculously unfeasible economic system!"
      "Here here!" seconded the British, themselves threatened by a forever teetering economy, where those on the dole, the layabouts, are viewed by many as unnecessarily coddled. "Every able-bodied citizen must work, if work be available!" thundered Labour Party leader Colin Jones to a concerned Parliament. "Laying about and being coddled is the exclusive realm of the upper classes!"
     Over in Asia, Japan and China weighed in, each country taking a dim view of Chillainia's action, especially the Chinese. Xia Zochen, Supreme Cultural Minister of the Communist Leadership, responded "The exalted notion of a lifetime of servitude in support of The State cannot be allowed to crumble, lest the party leadership goes with it! Production is at an all time high and container ships full of exportable goods crowd our busy ports, due to millions of happily employed, who are eager to prove their devotion to Communist/Capitalist ideals! (Isn't that right, minions?)".
     To that, a resounding, clamorous "Shi!" (Yes!) followed by millions of hands clapping in thousands of factories was heard and if it wasn't, loudspeakers throughout the towns dotting the countryside played the minister's speech and the deafening applause that followed it over and over and over. 

      Here and there around the world, the progressive countries' responses to Chillainia's action were low key, their positions on the decree being ones of measured caution. While celebrating Chillainia's audacious stance, there was some wariness towards embracing the proposal in their respective home countries. To observers, it clearly seemed to indicate a wait and see approach. Still, these leaders, when cornered by the press to give opinions on the issue, were mainly heard to respond favorably. "Bravo!", "Glad to see it", and "An idea whose time has come" were some of the comments given.
      Over in the United States, talk radio stations were buzzing in feverish reaction to the news. It seemed that Chillainia's decision ran counter to what they interpreted the Founding Father's ideas to be. According to them, the Founding Father's believed that 'everyone should have the Right To Work' and it was mentioned repeatedly that so far twenty eight states had passed Right To Work laws, as if to cement the Founding Father's wishes into stone. 

     Liberals of course argued in favor of instituting a slightly different yet similar version of Chillainia's Right To Not Work law, bringing to light that decades ago the military chose to eliminate the draft and institute an all volunteer army, which many claimed would never find enough willing candidates to fill its ranks. However, such an all volunteer system has proven workable despite the fact that military service entails low pay, continuous relocation, the constant threat of deployment, and the possibility of being involved in potentially lethal combat! Even with all those unfavorable conditions needing to be met the fact is that the rosters of the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force continue to be filled. 
      Would a voluntary workforce be capable of the same? Would it be able to draw enough workers to run the economy?

     Conservatives across the board rose up in arms over even entertaining the idea, claiming that not one single person would volunteer to hold a job. A nationwide sense of entitlement would prevail, a depraved and degenerate society would rapidly develop, and the 1% would find its fortunes flailing in free fall.
    "Work is not just a right" shouted a livid Republican senator in response to the Democratic Socialists' proposal to place a Right To Not Work bill to a house vote. "Work is every man's duty, a cause noble and just! Every man in America knows that he's born to strive, to overcome, to pull himself and his family up, to compete in the marketplace! Like Gandalf at the bridge, I will stand firm. Democratic Socialists, hear this: Thou shall not pass!"

     And so, on and on like this it went. Vehement resistance was kinda the prevailing vibe in this and other 'modern' industrialized countries. 

     Over in Chillainia, every baby, child, and teen didn't really know how momentous the moment was, but their parents did. "We are the wayshowers" they said to each other, their friends, and their coworkers. "We don't know what is going to actually happen so we have to prepare the young ones for every potential outcome. No country on earth has ever gone to an all volunteer workforce before. Some will choose to never work, we know that from the coworkers amongst us that constantly avoid work! We know from that that there are a certain percentage of louts. But we work around that, and always have. We are the unsung and unrecognized heroes who keep the businesses running. We're overworked and on top of that we work overtime, it's all we've ever known, but- "What If?

Yeah, "What If?"Jake Oates- Unsplash.com

Yeah, "What If?"

Jake Oates- Unsplash.com

      What if the people that presently don't pull their own weight stopped showing up? First of all, nobody would miss them, because they aren't pulling their own weight now! Secondly, everybody at work would be there because they wanted to be. In a strange way, operations would be fully manned, which would actually serve to lessen the workload for everybody. The managers could stop pretending that they're going to 'fix the problem', which they never do, and 'work' would be a happier place, full of only congenial employees. 
     At any point in any day you could choose to exert your Right To Not Work and go home, so the pressure to be at work wouldn't be there. If one person left, the rest could multitask to cover- just like in the old days! So many benefits would result, some conceivable, many unconceivable- simply by eliminating compulsory attendance!

     And if worse came to worse, and the country started to fall apart, we would reintroduce compulsory attendance for awhile before trying again because I gotta feeling, and I think it's shared (nodding heads all around), that a lot of us are gonna like having the Right To Not Work!".


     There's this girl, now a woman, that has vexed me for decades. I 'met' her in junior high and followed her (the original 'following') throughout high school but we never hooked up. I knew I had been with her in a past life the moment I saw her (but she wasn't able to remember and to that I remember thinking "How can you NOT?!") because for me it was such a powerful and unmistakable recognition.
     Were we supposed to hook up? That is the million dollar question for the attraction I felt for her has never left, which is ridiculous, due to so much time having passed. 
     They say love is timeless and in this case it certainly appears to be so, but does or did she ever feel the same way towards me? Obviously not! Although hard to track, I have been able to ascertain her present domestic situation (It was a curiosity thing, my partner and I were idly surfing the net one day and we got a link through Classmates.com, which offered a free trial) and damn, a few links later, looky there! Ms. Low Internet Profile was on screen. 

She was beautifulChristian Holzinger- Unsplash.com

She was beautiful

Christian Holzinger- Unsplash.com

     She was hard to recognize at first, her hair was radically different, age had taken a toll, and there had been (sad to say) a bit of weight gain. She was certainly not the lithe, slender, and utterly entrancing vixen that had graced my high school Algebra class and anywhere her princess self walked but enough data triangulation pointed to the fact that yes, it was indeed her. I won't say much about her present domestic situation but she appears to be happy enough. Hasn't done much with her life, from all indications, and so now I know. 
     I know that. But what if we would have gotten together? Who knows and it doesn't matter anyway but what I don't understand is why I have been dreaming about her for decades. I've moved on but whatever that potential relationship represented has not. I am haunted by what seems to represent a missed opportunity. 
     Fulfillment is the word that comes to mind, fulfillment of a contract, as in a life's journey together? Maybe we were supposed to get married? Have kids? That could be, but it doesn't feel even close to being right. There's more to our connection than that. A lot more. 
      I have dreams about her from time to time and it's always the same thing, the connection is almost made, it is tantalizingly near, but ach! No, not yet.
      I don't know what would happen in the dream state if we ever were to connect, and I don't mean in a sexual way because it's much more than that, it portends a deeper connection, vast, one that is so beyond powerful it's almost scary. 

      I dreamed about her again last night. Same thing. 

      I guess there are worse ways to be haunted because dreams about her leave a very pleasant afterglow. I tell ya, there's a psychic residue that can't be described but it feels like this missed-in-the-physical-yet-continuous-and-unbroken-connection-in the-non-physical is 'meant to be' because I don't beckon her, she just shows up.       

      She's like a guide. She also serves as a reminder of something very profound.
      Maybe I'll get an answer to this someday, but if I do, it might be one that cannot possibly be put into words.

To Be Or Not To Be

   Facebook asks the question "What's on your mind?" and to that the entire world gleefully jumps up and says "I've been dying to tell you!", which is one of the reasons I'm hardly ever on Facebook, even though I post on Facebook. 
     You see, I would like a little privacy. Seems a contradiction, no?  For by posting on Facebook I'm hardly a private person. 
     What I am implying, though, is that I don't want to have my mind invaded by hundreds of millions of viewpoints on every subject imaginable. I don't want my head filled with images and words. Quickly gets to the point where ya can't think, ya know?
     But, times being what they are, it's all going that way anyway so I occasionally jump in with my two cents worth, and maybe on a slow news day will actually glance at Facebook and other social media some just to see what's going on. 
     Never is the social media lake still, with nary a ripple. Always there are many very important events/causes presented in such a way that they grab attention, provoke, titillate, shock, expose, magnetize, hypnotize, etc, etc. 
     Non-attachment in such an environment is virtually impossible so I choose to now and again turn away from the blare and glare of the new TV and (OMG) just be. 
     Is that even allowed anymore?

Food For The SoulNatalia Figueredo- Unsplash.com

Food For The Soul

Natalia Figueredo- Unsplash.com

     There is a me still left, I think I can feel it. It hasn't been absorbed into the gestalt of Facebook, lost in a swirling mass of images, buried under tons of fresh content, here for a moment and then gone (I just checked- yeah, I'm still here. My physicality has been verified by sight and touch). 
     Whew. Thought I was a goner, a data point, byte, metric, hit, click. 
     Then, pulling back even further, I checked in and found to my relief that yes, I can still think for myself- I think! But I have to be careful that I don't overly indulge on the 'Feeds' or else I'll have an 'Internet Moment' like "What was I writing about here? I forgot!" (which I just did!). The length of my attention span can at times be milliseconds. 
      Fortunately just then a text message chime startled me- I had the volume on too high- and I reached for my phone, muted it, closed the lid on my tablet, and shut down my desktop computer. "Ahh....." I sighed, as the calm, familiar, and peaceful surroundings of my open-windowed living room enveloped me.  "Blissful silence, distraction free space! Absolutely nothing happening!".

    Yeah, I'll get back to the Feed when it feels right but at the moment nothing feeds me better than being Old School offline, listening to the birds and the wind.

My Shiyonin ST 3000

     It's not every day that something you order online comes walking up to your door and rings the doorbell but my Shiyonin ST 3000 arrived that way. My new A.I. personal assistant robot. 
     I paid a hefty price for this model, and even though another one was currently under development and was rumored to be imminently released, I couldn't wait. I just had to have one right now. Worth the steep price, my personal assistant owning friends said. 
     And right they were! Moments after my robot arrived I put it to work and it didn't mind at all. The first thing I had it do was wash all the dishes. It performed admirably at that task. Next, I had my robot, which I named Burt, drive down to the bakery and get me a couple of stick donuts 'cuz I was Jones'n for 'em. In no time Burt was back, with a package of just- glazed and still-warm stick donuts in hand.
     There was an outside storage closet needing to be painted, I got Burt on that soon after, and he did a good enough job. There were a few nooks and crannies that he didn't paint so well but heck, I was more than happy to do a little touch up rather than a full fledged painting job. 
    The grass was needing to be mowed and there was trimming work to do. Could Burt do that?
     YES! To see him pushing my lawnmower made me feel like a king, and of course all the neighbors were jealous and wanted to borrow Burt right away, but hey! I still had tasks for him to do and I didn't want him depleting his batteries doing work on other people's property, no matter how much they begged or were willing to pay me. Far as I was concerned, Burt was worth his weight in gold. 
    So I kept him close. Auntie down the way I loaned Burt to for a day, so she could, being elderly and all, get some errands run, and over to Uncle's house he went for a spell, Unc just back from surgery and needing help, but after that quick back to my house he was, where I kind of kept him under wraps. Jeez was he ever popular! 
    When Burt finished a task I had him programmed to come into the living room and stand at attention at first, but him just standing there when I didn't have another chore started to freak me out a bit so I had him sit in a chair, almost out of sight at the kitchen table, and act like he was meditating. Soon as I called his name, Burt's eyes would open (he has 'eyes') and he would instantly rise, ready to perform another task. Burt was tireless. 

I'd love you to pay my insurance bill!Alex Knight- Unsplash.com

I'd love you to pay my insurance bill!

Alex Knight- Unsplash.com

     Only after a couple weeks of intensive Honey Do projects was I finally able to settle Burt into a routine of sorts, and most tasks he's pretty darn good at. I owe this to the Shoghuin Corporation over in Japan, they did most of the development work. Burt has amazing sensors, delicate manual dexterity, and a power pack like a damn John Deere tractor. You wouldn't want to arm wrestle Burt, though. I tried once. 
    And that's the way things went for a while and now here I am, a couple of months in, finally living the life I've always dreamed possible because not only has Burt taken care of my day to day chores, I have also programmed Burt to do a regular job! It took a little tweaking here and there, I had to upgrade (I sent Burt back to Japan for some cosmetic work) but his boss loves him. Burt's never late, works right up to quitting time, and doesn't even need a break. "Lunch' he gets by plugging his power pack into a wall for a thirty minute charge. 
     And the most amazing thing of all? Burt was upgraded to look and act just like me! My old boss and co-workers don't suspect a thing, but they are weirded out by my standing stock still next to the water cooler for thirty minutes once a day. I tell them I've changed, I'm on a serious mental discipline/Navy Seal type posture training program, and they're buying it. I hope to get away with this until the backup power pack I purchased arrives in about a week or so. 
     The way things are goin', I'm going to get me another Burt. Or maybe two more. These things aren't cheap but man, I'll tell you, the sky's the limit. This is the technology you want to get in on the ground floor with because if I'm doin' it......
     ......(whispered) others are too.


     Many moons ago I read Byron Katie's work 'Loving What Is' and once again, it sounded easy at first, like a lot of self help books do, but in daily application it has proven harder at times than I could imagine because there are times when I do not Love What Is and want to see it changed. 
     Changing the exterior situation, though, in certain instances is impossible due to the situation being bigger and more powerful than me so I am left with only two options. Loving it or resisting it. 
     Thus it is that I have come upon my three year anniversary at my job, and in the case of loving What Is or resisting What Is in this situation, I would state that the latter still applies, to varying degree. 
     However, if I look at the evolution of myself as I have progressed through this gig, I have seen changes in me where I have become much more tolerant of other's behavior, much more patient, kind, and accepting of simply What Is. I can't deny that What Is happening is happening, which a lot of people do, I have seen them temporarily check out of the situation they're in with me and go into never-never land for awhile, which is absolutely fascinating to watch. Talk about being in denial! Pretending that something that is happening isn't happening might get you through uncomfortable situations, for a time, but eventually you will have to face issues directly, as I have been placed in the position to do, and through actually doing I have learned. I have learned to be present with What Is and through continuously having to be present, my resistance towards What Is occurring has grown to be less and less. Some would say that that is the result of capitulation but I have never capitulated. I have simply learned how to work within the context of What Is in a way that chafes me less, which is a roundabout way of saying that I have learned to 'love' What Is, but I'm not completely there yet (and I know it).  

There's light at the end of the tunnel!Kiwihug- Unsplash.com

There's light at the end of the tunnel!

Kiwihug- Unsplash.com

       I also know that I will eventually take what I have learned doing this job into other arenas and apply the knowledge gained there. By now it's so ingrained in me, so natural and instinctual that I act in less resistant ways without pause, which is not the way I approached my work situation three years ago. 
     One could say that I was forced to love What Is, and that would be true, but who forced who? Did The World checkmate me into servitude or did I bring it upon myself, my soul ushering in this lesson to further its development? The 'soul development' theory kind of 'splains it in satisfactory way, but I can't be certain. 
     What I am clear about is that my job, the position, is going to be phased out in less than a year and I will be on to something else. That's a definite. 
     Sure, I could have chosen an easy life, I think that was always an option, but would I have grown so much internally? Many times I have chosen the more difficult road, experienced being the lesser advantaged one. In this way I have packed multiple lifetimes into this lifetime, I think, which will serve me in good stead in future endeavors. 
     It appears that my tolerance level for deprivation is wearing thin, though. I am opting for more abundance because I have been needing a breather from all this intensity. Perhaps The Universe will position me in the lap of luxury for awhile so I can learn to love What Is in that environment?
   After all, I have to learn to receive largesse....

     ...because balance in all things makes for a well-rounded individual!


    Got wrapped up in the 'out there' for awhile, got wrapped up in story, got wrapped up in illusory small self. 
     My bad. 
     I know better than to do that because I AM A NOBODY.
     How many times do I have to remember this? As many times as I forget because being a nobody is the truth and being a somebody is the false and that never varies. I may, but the truth never does. 
     If I turn away from The World, and all the unconscious people in it, I can within five minutes or less recover that which I lost, which never went anywhere, though I did. 

     Accessing awareness is so simple that it is not valued. Value in our culture comes from struggle in most cases, and the prize, upon being gained, brings with it a degree of satisfaction commensurate with the lack of it being experienced by everybody else. This is ingrained in us as a culture. I have, you do not, thus I must be happier. 
     But over and over, upon playing the game, I have realized victory- which satisfied me for a time, yes, that is true, and maybe there was even a long term smug satisfaction, an afterglow- but eventually even that faded and I found I was just like everybody else again, even those schmucks I thought I had distanced myself forever from. Everybody has experienced this thrill/letdown cycle. Outwardly you might have initials next to your name, be honored or accomplished in some manner, but inwardly you know that lack still exists within that awful corner of your mind where inadequacy thoughts dwell, and others like them. 
     So putting on a brave face you present a mask to the world. There is an appearance of a you, but there's really nobody there because I know, I've looked into that concept, that idea we call 'the self'. I've diligently looked for a 'me' and haven't found it, and neither have any of the other researchers who have spanned the length of human existence. Look 'em up. Read about them. They knew. 
     Right now it may appear that we are a conscious, evolved, and progressive race. Everybody knows that life is temporary and that no matter what they do, it is in vain. This is being presently demonstrated for all of us by the preponderance of tattooed people you see these days, who are illustrating the point that the body is only with us for a time and it's no big deal to go ahead and decorate it. 

I be stylin'Jayson Hinrichsen- Unsplash.com

I be stylin'

Jayson Hinrichsen- Unsplash.com

    They may be doing this consciously, or unconsciously, but few, if any (to my knowledge) are so conscious that they live selflessly thoughout each and every day like the teachers of non-duality, the teachers of Advaita, who bring it home to anyone who is watching their videos, listening to their words, or reading their books just how near the truth is, which can be defined as 'the experientially demonstrated absence of an individual self'. This is the truth of 'you' right now, as 'you' are reading these words, and this is true always, for there isnt any 'you' present at any time. But, you can pretend to be a you any time you want for as long as you want, and that's all you can do. Pretend! But eventually, suffering will bring to you a quest. You will want peace of mind. Relief from anxiety. When that happens, you don't have to read a ponderous tome, or make a pilgrimage to India.  

     Simply by closing your eyes and concentrating for a while, trying to find out where the 'I' you assume is there exists, will make it very clear that 'I' cannot be precisely located in the body. It might feel like this 'I' is in the heart region, or in the head, but can you clarify the location of 'I' any further? No. Proceed with your inquiry. 
    Does this 'I' have a shape or form?  Does it have boundaries? Does it get happy, sad, angry, depressed? Does it fade? Does it sleep? 
    On and on you can ask questions like these and never be able to pin the 'I' down, because it's everywhere and ever-on. And so are 'you'. 
    It's really that simple. Don't make it complicated. If you do, you'll spin out on some tangent and be lost there for hours, days, months, years, a lifetime. 

    And you don't need to know the "Why?" of it.

    Just try and stay mindful of the fact that you are awareness itself. It's sooooo easy to forget this (I know!). The World can be very distracting and seem entirely convincing. You be the judge. You have to. There's really nobody that can save you except yourself.