Customer Service Recovery Facility

The patient came into our facility in a wheelchair. Incoherent. Nothing we at the center couldn't handle. A typical case, one that we'd seen hundreds of times before. 
"How much exposure has this one had?" I asked the nurse on duty. 
"Eight hours" she shot back. It was a busy day, and the intake was filling fast with new patients. 
"Standard procedure, Room 12"
  "Got it!"

A few minutes later I made my inital evaluation of the newly arrived group of patients in Room 12. There were about a dozen, all suffering from various stages of exposure. Not only had they been recently exposed to customers, they as a group were suffering the cumulative effects of long term exposure. I could readily see it in their faces, postures, demeanor, and in their responses to a few cursory questions I posed.
  Each inpatient wanted to tell me a short but dramatic story about what they had recently experienced. I call this near overwhelming urge the 'dumping' or 'venting' reflex. Unable to do this at work, where the credo is 'the customer is always right', each patient had repressed and internalized the natural human response to being subjected to insult and indignity, which is to respond in a defensive way. I allow only a bit of venting to occur, which is usually enough to bring about a degree of calmness. They have more stored up within though, and this has to be remedied. 

The pool at our facilityBernard Hermant-

The pool at our facility

Bernard Hermant-

Our approach at the center is one of genuine caring and concern. If we tell a patient "Appreciate it!", "Thanks for the help", "Have a nice day!" or some other commonly used saying in response to an action they take you can bet we actually mean it. But, our using such a phrase in an insincere manner, through being rushed or momentarily annoyed by something unrelated to the patient, can trigger relapse and we don't ever want that. I myself strive to use variations of well wishing that they probably haven't heard 1,000 times before and to this I am always met with amazement. The common reaction I receive is "Wow! You're an actual nice person!" followed by an almost knee-jerk (and I must admit embarassing) latching onto my arm. "Don't go! Stay with me! Forever!” they plead.
This I cannot do. Instead, I bring these traumatized ones experiences that will counteract the effects of obnoxious customer behavior. These people have only been doing their jobs, or trying to do their jobs, but have met interference aplenty, sometimes ferocious.  

Instead of reinforcing their experiences of isolation, of being the uniformed one in a sea of brusque civilians immune to consequence, I have all present sit in a circle and round we go, each person in the group sharing just a few of their latest customer service interactions. Heads nod all around and previously shut down people eagerly await their turn to share. Invariably, there is danger in this becoming an all night affair so I try to limit our initial venting session to a mere eight hours. 

The next day is individually tailored, according to what I have determined by interviewing each patient and from taking notes during the venting session. To one I might prescribe hot tub immersion. To another, pampering at our in-house spa. To a third, exquisite meals, to a fourth, classical music, and so on. 
The next evening, and for many successive nights, comes what I call 'reorientation'. Here each customer service person is reprogrammed by seasoned staff members, including myself, as to what 'reality' is in the customer service field, for they have been exposed to unrealistic expectations to the extent that some of them have been expected to alter time, magically solve complicated issues, instantly manifest personnel, and perform other such miracles for their charges.
Group sessions then follow, where customer service interactions are role modeled first by staff and then patients to further seat the cure. Here are introduced such topics as "How to get your customer to be okay with waiting", "Allowable responses to vitriol", How to handle petulance and condescending attitude", “What constitutes customer ‘entitlement’?”, “Seven methods of getting even", and others. The level of joy the patients experience in these playshops signals to the staff that healthy self worth has returned and that they are ready for release. Our facility will always be available for drop ins, should each recoverer at any time feel the need, and the gratitude that each one expresses tells us that finally they have come across some people that have their backs for each has experienced the phenomenon of managers disappearing at critical times and company officials and stockholders higher up the food chain using them only as a firewall behind which they can garner profits. 

It is a blessing to see healthy customer service reps leave our facility but it is sad that there are ones we can't help. Certain patients we wheel in have what I have come to describe as 'The Thousand Yard Stare'. Severely traumatized, they have retreated to an inner world, one we are unable to reach. 
These cases are referred over to Long Term Care, where specialists in Burnout Recovery apply soft but steady rehabilitative methods to bring these patients back to the here and now. It is rare that any of these ever return to Customer Service- but they make good gardeners. 

My plans for the future? Expansion. There are millions of afflicted in this country alone. The market for our services is vast. And not only that, I see no move by companies to treat employees as anything more than machines manning profit centers, which will continue to bring us a steady supply of new patients.

Think of us as a sort of Workmans Comp for the psychologically perturbed.

Device Detox Center

"Velcome to the Device Detox Center! My name is Doctor Schuman. Could you hand over any devices you have on you? They will be returned after two weeks"
     The kindly doctor looked on as I pulled out my smartphone and gave it one final fond look before handing it over.
"Thank you. Do you have any other devices, perhaps in your luggage? Ach! Ve have already looked there, and found a tablet computer. Vere you perhaps thinking of surfing the web later? You know we cannot permit that"
(Busted!) "I’m sorry, doctor. I must have forgotten it"
"That is what all of our patients say. Come, we will enter the facility now"
Dr. Schuman led me through what looked like a security gate at an airport. A guard at the gate eyed me as I passed through and as I did, the light above the portal blinked green. I was in and device free. 
"First you will get to know the other patients some, yah?" the doctor said as he led me into a lounge area. Ten people of various ages were sitting in the room, some of them paging through magazines. I looked for a TV set but there was none. A few people in the room eyed me disinterestedly. 

Oh man…… I’m Jones’n for summa that!Rahul Chakraborty-

Oh man…… I’m Jones’n for summa that!

Rahul Chakraborty-

Doctor Schuman addressed the assembled. "This is Samuel! He has come to join you and is the last member of this session's group to arrive. Please welcome him. We will have much to share with each other over the next two weeks but for now I must leave. I will see everyone again in twenty minutes, ya?". Doctor Schuman actually clicked his heels before bowing slightly to us and departing. Old school German professionalism on display. 
Around the room, I could see that there was a lot of nervousness. "Hello" I heard a few people mumble, but none reached out to engage me in conversation. Seemed they were awkward around others and lacked social skills. 
I was hardly feeling gregarious myself. Had I my phone I could have Googled something about how to deal with this situation and I actually, due to force of habit, reached for my phone in my left shirt pocket before sadly realizing where my phone was, and where I had placed myself. Like the others, I had let my device habit spiral so out of control that I had chosen to admit myself to a facility such as this.
Yeah, it was only for two weeks, and it was gonna be tough, but I knew I had to do it. I didn't have to talk to the others to know what their issues with devices were because basically they were all the same. Content addicts we were, all of us. The only way to cure our malaise was to quit cold turkey and Dr. Schuman was said to be one of the best. His pioneering work was admired throughout the world and here, high up in the Bavarian Alps, in a lodge hidden in a remote valley, accessible only by a precarious, little used mountain road, and kilometers removed from any other habitation, we would be safe from WiFi. Its not like we could have gotten online if we tried but still, even though our devices could only act as security blankets now, even their physical presence had been denied us. 
Data flooded through my mind nonetheless, fragments of web pages I'd perused, images I had seen, videos I had watched. Garbage of the mind, clutter, chaff! Could I again reclaim the ability to think on my own, to have a private thought? Dr. Schuman claimed that this was possible but only in two weeks?

Nein! Two weeks was only the introductory period. Addiction reversal was a process of many stages and this was only stage one. Being isolated, secluded, and unable to satisfy our cravings was a test that we must each individually pass before we could hope for placement in one of Dr. Schuman's halfway houses where device access was again possible- but kept limited. For our own good, understand. Unlimited data had been our downfall and the ramifications of backsliding into addictive behavior again meant the dreaded R word- readmittance!
But not for two weeks. No, failing to stay clean and being readmitted meant going cold turkey for a month. Three time violators had device access revoked for a year. Nobody in this room wanted to be subjected to that. How utterly horrible. Draconian, even. 
The stakes were perilously high and everybody knew it. Because of this nobody was talking much and countenances were more than a little bit glum. I comforted myself by looking out of the lodge's windows towards the snow-capped mountains in the distance, and the bucolic woodlands and meadows that spread out before them. Nature was out there, something I knew about from watching videos. 
A young woman entered the room. 
"Good morning!" she cheerily began. "I am Dr. Schuman's assistant, Greta. Before we show you to your quarters we are going to do a round table session with Dr. Schuman to see where everybody is as they begin this process and address any concerns about it you might have. This won't take long. Come with me!"
She led us down a long hallway and into a rather cozy space. No more than twelve of us could fit inside the paneled conference room we came upon, which resembled a large study. The chairs were comfortable and arranged in a circle. A few largish windows enabled many of us to gaze out upon the mountains while those without window views could look upon the hundreds of books that lined the walls. 
I was already feeling sharp pangs of desire to get online and from the looks of things, I wasn't alone.  Dr. Schuman then entered and gave us an overview of the program. Oh, this was going to be a long two weeks but, as Dr. Schuman repeatedly assured us, the tradeoff was going to be less anxiety and stress. After going around the table and addressing each participant’s concerns, he told us that we had already taken a very big step towards healthy device relationship by consciously choosing to lay our devices down for a while. This meant that we had chosen of our own free will to directly face the two greatest fears of our time- the Fear Of Not Keeping Up and the Fear Of Missing Out. The World would still be there when we got back online, he said. Life wasn't going to end, or change in any dramatic way. 
"People lived out of touch with each other for thousands of years!" laughed Dr. Schuman. "And they survived! You have nothing to worry about!" 

Instead of reassuring us, his blithe comment brought a wave of anxiety over more than a few participants, myself included. Did we trust Doctor Schuman enough to warrant being subjected to this onerous and demanding trial? Our anxiousness about Keeping Up and Missing Out was causing discomfort aplenty and it had only been a few hours since check in.

The doctor said that the first three days would be the hardest, then after that we’d settle in.

I sure hope he's right about all this! 

Pre-Christmas Sightings

Even in Hawaii we know that Christmas is near. Evidence started to show soon as Thanksgiving dinner was being put away in leftover containers. The first Christmas commercials started running on TV. 
The next tipoff that the yuletide season was fast approaching came a day or so later when I spotted a 'Reindeer Horns On The SUV' guy. I identified this 'reindeer' as Rudolf, 'cuz his SUV had a shiny red nose. 

The first time I ever saw this corny reindeer horns thing was a few years ago. It was startling to see initially, and then despite my fervent hopes to the contrary, it took off at a pace approaching viral. Now it's settled down a lot and become commonplace. Along with these guys and gals is the staid old 'Wreath on the front of the SUV, minivan, or pickup' look. Carryin' that Christmas spirit on down the road these folks are, "Ho Ho Ho" ing their way through midday traffic, a place where there's never a lot of jolly going on. 

Next thing I saw, 'cuz I got home from work at night a few times, was that the Christmas lights people (thank God for those) had been active. You know, the ones that every year dig the display and the lights out of the garage, set it up, and shoulder the additional charge on their electric bills to bring the Christmas spirit out into the neighborhood, these guys being the antidote for the non-display people whose homes stay dark, as dark as the deep night of winter. "Bah humbug to that!" the display faction says. "Let those lights of ours shine, and let them shine bright!" All through the night, even at 3:00 a.m., some of these displays are still lit, in case a lonely traveler should pass by, his spirits downcast, as if still reeling from an encounter with Ebenezer Scrooge. "Thank you" this traveler might mumble inwardly, and quite unconsciously, upon seeing Santa's sleigh upon some roof, giant candy canes and glittering snowmen in the yard, and mischievous little elves carrying packages right to the front door, which just might be his front door. You never know. Despite Scrooge's admonition that you had been naughty a lot during the year, sometimes you were nice. 

Moving on, it's still a little early, but I know these guys are coming. I'm just waiting for the first one to show. I don't know how the appropriate moment is decided upon but when it is, all the others seem to come out of the woodwork and then they're everywhere. I'm talking about the Santa hat people. I really don't know how to take them. For the most part I'm able to avoid them but.... ....every now and again I can't and we interact. Is this person representing Santa as his official agent of merriment while Santa is busy in his workshop? How should I act? I don't know. I guess I should be jolly, filled with good cheer, and "letting nothing you dismay", like the song. Giving hearty nods and a brisk handshakes, that sort of thing. Getting into the spirit. That good enough for ya? 

Hopelessly outnumbered! Gimme a hat so I can blend in already!Jack Levick-

Hopelessly outnumbered! Gimme a hat so I can blend in already!

Jack Levick-

You have to go to the mall to experience the next pre-Christmas sighting but sometimes I see them waving at me before I get to the mall. They're out on the street, perhaps in front of a tree lot, or a car dealership. Santas! I know this can be confusing for little kids, to see him out there on the lot, on a billboard, or driving in his SUV when he's (again) supposed to be in his workshop but Moms and Dads can readily explain such multiple Santa sightings away. 
At the mall, Santa is there on his throne (always a big, wide, sturdy one) while wide-eyed thumb suckers trepidatiously wait in line for their turn to talk to the big guy, the guy that grants wishes. Oooh, the power this magical being has! The little one on Santa's lap is whispering something into Santa's ear like he's the Godfather while the parents, between taking tons of pictures, give big smiles to their kid(s) to assure them that everything’s alright. It's a rite of passage. Every kid in America must go through it. 

Office parties. I have never been to a Christmas office party, because I have never worked in an office. But I've seen them in the movies and they always look like a frickin' riot. How come my company never throws a bash like that? Every place I've ever worked for the bosses bailed for lengthy stretches of holiday time off beforehand and left the employees lame catered food spread out on tables that they could consume while on break at work. That was our 'party'. No booze, no drunken debauchery, no suppressed-passion holiday trysts, no scandalous stories to relate around the water cooler for weeks afterward. Bor-ing!

Before I get to the last one, my partner and I did experience Christmas Carolers once. Was that ever weird! Outside, we could hear some kind of commotion coming closer down our street. It sounded like singing. Nobody ever sang in the neighborhood, not publicly, anyway, and here this unusual sound kept coming closer and closer until a knock was heard upon our door followed by a lot of rustling going on outside. I opened the door, my partner and I looked out, and a group of Christmas Carolers loudly wished us a “Merry Christmas!”, after which they sang us a song! Like they really cared about us! It was, well, shocking. Not used to such adolation, we have to admit we were a little bit uncomfortable- at first. But when they didn't stick around to adore us more, we felt let down as they showered the spirit of goodwill upon our neighbors next door. Oh well. It was good while it lasted. 

Finally, my fav-o-rite thing that tells me that Santa is almost here are those old school Christmas specials that they've been playing on TV since I was a tot. Frosty the Snowman. How The Grinch Stole Christmas. Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer. Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown. Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol'. I love those shows. Awkward animation! Narrated by Jimmy Durante! Super cool Cratchits and Marleys and Scrooge’s played by polished Shakespearean actors! Times were simpler then, and if you got stuff like Army men, a Tonka truck, a bike, or a Barbie set for Christmas you were positively thrilled
Nowadays during one of these shows they cut to the T-Mobile ‘flashing lights’ commercial that damn near blinds you by all the funky fun dancing young people that are getting so much data for their buck that they can't help but think they're the coolest and smartest people on God's green earth and then we're back to the show again. Talk about odd juxtaposition!

  But, that's Christmas 2018 for you. It's all good. Nice to see that the spirit is there. Enjoy it while it lasts, because right around the corner comes..... ….you know….


Suffering a personal crisis that was peaking in intensity, I called the hotline. As always, they picked up on the very first ring. 
"Heaven Helper Hotline. How may heaven help you?" came the always-pleasant voice. 
"I need to talk to God"
I heard a sigh on the other end, something I had never heard before. 
"I'm soooo sorry. God is not in today"
"Not in?!" I almost yelled into the phone, but quickly remembering that it wouldn't be good to piss off God or his staff, I meekly struggled to say "Can you tell me when he will be?". My shock was so great that I could only manage to think to say this. 
"In 28 days. He's on vacation- his first one in ten thousand years"
"Okay, okay" I struggled to think. "Is Jesus in?"
"Yes- but...."
"But what?" I almost yelled into the phone again.. "He's not available?" I managed to say, then as soon as I said it, I almost kicked myself for saying something so stup.....
"That's right. He's struggling to fill God's shoes, but not even the number one son......"
"I get it. How about Moses? Or any other prophet? Apostles! I'll bet there's a few of those around! Any saints available? How about Joan Of Arc?"
"I think we can manage to get you through to somebody. There is a wait, however"
I pictured a massive heavenly call center, halos floating over cubicles as far as the eye could see, all of the hallowed ones within those glowing cubicles busy fielding calls.
"Would you mind holding?" came the ever-pleasant voice.
(What choice do I have?) "No, not at all"
There was a soft click and then the most wonderful Muzak came over the headset. I almost drifted off, as a matter of fact I must have, because when someone suddenly came on the other end of the line I was roused as if from dreamy sleep. 
"Yeah? Can I help you?" came a brusque voice over the headset. What was this?
"Yes, I'm here" I stuttered. "Who are you?”
"St. frickin' Anthony! What does it matter? Now- what's your problem?"
I was aghast that the Heaven Helper Hotline would have this kind of individual on their staff. "Is there anybody else I can talk to?" I queried this, this person. 
"Not unless you wanna wait"
"How long?"
"At our current rate of fielding questions, about two days"
I didn't want to wait that long. I needed answers right now
"Okay. Here's my problem. I got up this morning and figured that I didn't know the purpose of my existence”.

Which way?Yeshi Kangrang-

Which way?

Yeshi Kangrang-

“So? Join the party, pal!"
I brushed off his curt 'answer' and continued. 
"It's something I've been wrestling with for years. And I've been able to deal with it for years. But sometimes...... .....I just can't get my mind off of it. Today I woke up and, with the midterms so close, I felt I had to find out. Because if things go the wrong way...."
"Speak no further, Bud. Whatever happens, it's all good"
"How can you say that? 'It's all good'? I don't think this country or my sanity is gonna make it another two years! That’s all you have to offer me?"
"Nobody here is gonna tell you anything different. We've been answering this question all day. People from the Left are about to jump off a bridge and people from the Right are stockpiling food and ammo. It ain't pretty what's happening out there, but it's all good"
How is my undesired outcome gonna be good for me, or for the people I care about? God wouldn't tell me that!"         

"The hell he wouldn't! He's the one who gave us this morning's script! He may be on vacation, but he still has his finger on things.  “it's all gonna work out” he told us to say. “Love will prevail. It's the strongest force in The Universe. Everything comes back to the fold sooner or later. You'll see- or maybe not- but your kids will. Or maybe their kids...."
"No, no, no! It's all gonna end! The Left and the Right will never coexist in harmony! They're too far apart and are getting farther apart every day! They're gonna go to war on each other!"
"They already are”
"So- is God gonna send reinforcements, when one side or the other threatens to take over the whole country?”
  "Please, calm down....."
"I won’t calm down! I feel worse than ever!"
"Go watch Seinfeld or something. Take your mind off of it"       

If the light is green it doesn’t seem so badBraden Hopkins-

If the light is green it doesn’t seem so bad

Braden Hopkins-

"Are you kidding?!”
"Not at all! You guys have to learn to relax. You think God is gonna sit by and not intervene? When the time is right, well, actually before, because he's so far seeing, but from your perspective of 'when the time is right', he'll be there. Like Superman! Believe you me, were ordinary people able to turn the tide in their favor they would have long ago. Goes to show there's equal power here- sort of like a standoff. Doesn't take much to tip the scales, and God doesn't see the point in overworking any issue so he let's humans work on problems, sometimes for a long time, then he steps in and 'tink!' everything changes. He's a very good scale tipper"
"Which way?!"
"You'll find out. But remember- whichever way it goes...'s all good"
  Before I could get another word of protest in, the 'saint' or whatever at the other end hung up. I tried to call back but got a busy signal. After about twenty nine more times I finally gave up. 
So I took the guy's advice. I turned on Seinfeld and found I just had to laugh. Jerry and George were in some kind of trouble that had to do with ridiculously tight streetfront parking and then damn if Kramer didn't show up and somehow exacerbate the situation. Elaine had some weird issue with returning a sweater at a high end store- a sweater she bought but never wore- and…. 
….what was I thinking about? About twenty minutes ago? 

Oh yeah- now I remember. I don't know what my existence means, and from the way things have gone- and are going- I might never will. Same for most everybody else. Maybe we're not supposed to know. We're not ready for it. In God's view, we’re Jerry, George, Kramer, and Elaine. Bumbling through life and overreacting to the twists and turns of it. It's just where we're at. 
  Things might seem dire to us, but they're not really, not yet, and there's a good chance they never will be. The maddening issues that vex us aren't going away. We've got to stay with them, in the present moment, and keep working the puzzle of life, meaning, and existence.

Old Man Winter

       Every year, about the middle of August, he shows up. Early in the morning, in the east, just before dawn. Ugh! Bad enough school is going to be starting soon and now this! Weatherman is calling for lows in the 40's on Tuesday night. Too soon!
Late summer is in full swing still. The landscape is lush and crops are ready to be harvested but his appearance acts as a reminder that the hot and languid summer days we've been experiencing won't be around much longer. Fall is right on our doorstep.
Talkin' about Orion, the constellation. Unmistakable. Like the Big Dipper. 

Old Man WinterMcKayla Crump-

Old Man Winter

McKayla Crump-

From the time you first spot Old Man Winter there's dread deep in your gut because he's relentlessly on the march, that's for damn sure, and by Christmas he'll have climbed well up into the nighttime sky and be looking down on you, you standing there looking up and probably shivering in your snorkel parka in some cold outdoor clime, like I usta live in, when I was growing up.
It was likely by then for it to have snowed many times and if it just had, nothing was more still- or chill- than a winter evening after a snowstorm hit when the clouds had departed and the sky, bereft of insulation or any moonlight, was at its darkest and lit only by shimmering stars. Off to Old Man Winter's right always were the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters, visible to the naked eye. Bluish, they are, and tightly clustered together. 
But they're small compared to even the belt of Orion, consisting of three stars lying in a crooked row. Scientists tell us that like the Pleiades, there's a nebula in there, a place of dust and gas where stars are born. "Maybe I oughta pull out a telescope and look at that" I many times thought, but it was always too damn cold. 
By the time my birthday arrived Old Man Winter was at his absolute zenith in the night sky. This was my annual reminder that it was only mid frickin' winter and there was much more to come. I used to look up and call out "Hey there, you old bugger! Happy Birthday to me! It's only ten below zero tonight! More snow, more slush, more ice to slip on, and more frost to scrape off my windshield! Thanks a lot!”.
  You'd think there woulda been a solemn holiday like the solstice or something to mark this yearly event, me and the old man squaring off, but no, it was always just us. He had the upper hand at the moment but I knew that after this night would come his slow and steady fall. Every night he'd set in the west earlier. That undeniable evidence would tell me that freezing cold or not, spring was coming. 

I won’t forget my hat and gloves againwhereslugo-

I won’t forget my hat and gloves again


Since those dark winter nights in the frosty northern lands, I have moved away and lived in many places. Old Man Winter has been seen from many different perspectives since then. 
I have seen him rise up out of the ocean, big and bad- and kind of haunting, too.
I have seen him from many cities in the U.S, and in different countries. In some places he's high in the sky, in others he's low on the horizon, but, wherever he is, it's winter
That is, unless you're south of the equator when he's around, like I was once. The sight of the old guy meant it was summertime to those folks, but I never quite trusted that Orion wouldn't throw a cold front my way, me and him having a history goin' way back. 
Because I could swear there were times when Betelgeuse, the red giant, on the shoulder of the old man, used to stare directly at me like a fiery red eye, and Sirius, the dog star, low and behind the old man, would nip at my pac boot heels no matter where I went trying to bring frostbite my way but I'm fairly safe from the old man now, living in the tropics like I do. Still, whene'r I see him I know people are shivering somewhere, and I feel for them, 'cuz I know what it's like. 

But, take heart, citizens of earth. By late March Orion will be setting with the evening sun, which is a good thing. A very good thing. Old Man Winter will go back to sleep for another year- and you'll be able to pull out your golf clubs, bicycles, and motorcycles again.

#@$!+!# Socialists!

Somewhere inside lies the salon d’eleganceDavid Svihovec-

Somewhere inside lies the salon d’elegance

David Svihovec-

  Security Adjunct Cedrick Floom addressed He That Shall Not Be Named.
      An aide quickly jumped up and whispered in Cedrick's ear something about using the correct protocol, to which Cedrick nodded.
"Yes?" Replied He That Shall Not Be Named
      "Faux News has alerted us to the presence of numerous Socialist camps within our borders!"
"Damn! As if we didn't have enough trouble with the Immigrant Caravan! Where is that disgrace, anyway?"
      "At present, just south of Guajalhara, a day's walk from the border checkpoint at Brownsville, Texas"
      "Keep 'em there until just before the election. Now, about these Socialists. Who are they led by, what are there intentions, and how in the hell do we either A. Get rid of them or B. Turn them into election worthy newsbites?"
"There is no per se 'leader' of the Socialists, Sire. But there are those that the Socialists look up to, and at the top of that list is a man named Dwendel Apfulshuk" 
"What do we know about him?"
"Well, Sire, in Socialist circles he's kind of like their hero, their legend. Living"
     "Can we make him not living?"
     "Is that a joke, Sire?"
"Of course it's a joke! Tell me more about Apfulshuk, his beliefs, and all that. Hurry though- I've got a 1:15 tee time"
"Mr. Apfulshuk refuses to adopt a mortgage, and urges his followers to do the same. He eschews traditional American home ownership in favor of a nomadic existence. He is at present camped on the outskirts of Fairville, Kentucky, and is surrounded there by many of his fervent followers. They appear to be the kind of people we should be very careful in handling. Most of them are white, and approaching retirement, but are not quite there yet"
"Precisely, Sire."
     "Many are, some aren't. We have tried to plant agents in their camp to subvert and convert. It's just not taking. They seem to be very fired up by Aphulshuk's views"
      "They won't buy into the system? Real estate is my system! It's been very good to me. So many of my crony pals depend on their income properties, and the tax breaks those generate. Can the military be called in?"
      "To forceably move Apfulshuk and his followers? Super bad P.R., Sire. They are totally law abiding"
      "Isn't there a law somewhere about taking on a mortgage?"
"No, Sire. Mortgages are not yet a requirement"
      "Then let's get my people in the Senate to work on changing that. Meanwhile, isn't there something we can do? Hate to see the Democrats latch onto a rallying point. Can we starve them out?"
"No chance, Sire. They're living comfortably on Little Caesars $5 pizzas, 2 for $5 Burger King Whoppers, and $1.49 Costco hot dogs. Benefactors bring them food from these purveyors, and many others, from time to time"
     "Hate to piss off Costco.... ....hmm...  ...Okay, I've thought about it for a minute, time to Tweet something...."
     "Perhaps you should wait, Sire" 
     "I never wait. Give me my phone!"

     It was right at the moment that Apfulshuk was adressing a crowd of ne'r do wells in the middle of the Fairville County campground. 
     "You, you band of beautiful ruffians and modern day Artful Dodgers! This is your time! Time to bust the system that has failed you! Decades of inaction by the States and Congress has created the unaffordable housing crisis that plagues our nation this day. Investors and home flippers have only aggravated this problem by taking the available supply of homes totally out of the reach of the working class. We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore. We don't need to march on City Hall though- City Hall needs to march to us! They need us to buy houses, assume mortgages, pay our property taxes, and support their corrupt system. No more, say I! I would rather live in my RV! Are you with me?!"
    "Where shall we settle? cried a far thinker in the crowd.
"We shall summon our bretheren across the country and journey with them en masse to Mexico! Across the border of oppression we'll flee where we can live in a less expensive clime and once there, realize the fruits of our pensions and savings! No more shall we simply exist!"

     And so it was that now two caravans, great in number, approached the border.

     One wanting in, the other wanting out.

Hostile Territory

I left my hideout wearing the appropriate uniform and carrying an attitude to match it, which would hopefully fool everybody for I was to be an infiltrator this day. Deep within enemy lines I was going to go. 
Dressed as a member of the Operation Center's motor pool, I drove away from my hideout but was tailed near immediately. I was not used to operating during daylight hours and maybe I had already blown my cover so I accelerated coolly but briefly, then pulled over slightly and waved my (now two) tailgaters to pass. They passed me by and kept going- while I breathed a sigh of relief.
Driving towards my objective, the stream of traffic I found myself in was heavier than I had anticipated and it was moving fast so I blended into the pack and matched their speed to remain unnoticed until abruptly peeling off, like they often did, indicating that their (and now my) objective was in sight. I pulled silently into the Operations Center's vast parking lot, and made my way towards the facility.

Just one of the gangGabriel Amaral-

Just one of the gang

Gabriel Amaral-

A few officers and some enlisted personnel eyeballed me curiously, or gave me hard stares, as I entered the Operations Center. It was not normal to see ones of my rank checking out equipment at this hour but it occasionally occurred, due to some ranking member being Away On Leave or even AWOL, so even though I was a curiosity, I wasn't challenged. Were I to be, I knew the appropriate lingo to use for I had been studying my target for quite some time. 
Leaving the Operations Center two minutes later, I climbed into a transport, started it, and began to drive. Personnel at the Operations Center Exit Gate eyeballed me for second, then waved me through. I or someone like me had been seen driving a transport before, it was nothing new, though it was unusual to see a motor pool member other than one of the usual few. 
Whew. I was in. Making my rounds between the airport landing site (Adam 17), base (Charlie 16), and a few others, I called in the appropriate radio codes. My voice was unfamiliar to the long-term personnel at the Ops Center but my delivery was flawless for I had practiced calling these radio codes back in my hideout, and due to that, I was not challenged in any way. 
A few hours in, I knew I was likely to ace it because so far, my mission had been a success. I actually found myself getting bored. Infiltrating the OPs Center motor pool had been easy, but I knew I had to stay sharp. Eyes were occasionally on me, studying me, perhaps thinking that I would attempt to return again (should I be so bold) on the morrow. These watching eyes I could not trust for I sensed malice in them and they made me very nervous. I told myself to remain aloof and act natural, but it was difficult. I could feel them scanning me, puzzled as to why I was there, and maybe going so far as to approach me and ask questions, or check the duty roster. I had my alibi at the ready and was prepared at any moment to use it but this game of cat and mouse continued in a tense, unspoken way, neither I nor they giving any clue as to what the next move would be. 
It was in this way that the remainder of my time behind enemy lines passed, until I had gathered up all the resources I had infiltrated the base for. Exiting much the same way I came in, I saw ones of my rank walking my way. I dodged them until I was safely again in the parking lot, lest they accidentally identify me through hailing me in greeting and break my cover. 
Soon I was racing away from the Operations Center, my mission a smashing success! I had achieved my objective-

  Pulling a shift on DAYSHIFT.

Road To Perdition

Saw a bizzare political ad on of all things Sportscenter last night, in which the left was near comically demonized. The ad screamed that voting for any democratic candidate was an act that would lead the country down the road to ruin. Really? There's no compromise anymore? 
Yeah, the left represents (in my opinion) to the right the one thing that they fear the most, dread the most, willl do anything to defend, will fight tooth and claw to their bitter end about, and that is relinquishing profits. 
  And to that end, they will try and foster support for their cause by saying that they represent anything other than that. 
It's easy for the right to rally the religious, just mention the A word and you got 'em, but as one astute person recently tweeted, "There are ten commandments, not one”.
And those 'crazed hordes' approaching the border might be cause for alarm in lesser minds but hey, I've been around immigrants- a lot- and they bring good food into this country. Couldn't they be allowed to come in and make tamales, falafel, spanakopita, Tom Yum soup, and open up Parrillas (Argentine barbeque joints)? That would keep 'em out of the profitmongers hair, they'd be self supporting. How about imagining that option? One of perhaps many?

ParrillaChristian Koepke-


Christian Koepke-

Frankly, I'm a little disgusted by the lack of rational thought, the unwillingness to negotiate, to debate, to explore options because it's never gonna be a one way street. This here is a democracy, not a 'demon'cracy, if some people haven't noticed, read the constitution, or understand that in a two party system there's such a thing as actual deliberation needing to be employed in order for the thing to work. 
Were this built-in need to negotiate not so, we'd be living in something resembling an authoritarian regime, where somebody at the top would decree that something is so, and it would be so. Like God. Is your party, which claims to be so tight with God, trying to actually play God?
I hope not because I actually talked to God the other day and he's not happy about your party's considering pushing him aside. But, being God, he's also forgiving. In addition to that, he'd like to come by and visit, talk a little sense into those that think they're capable of doing his job, give a few pointers, because when God does his job, he takes input from everybody and then works out a soulution.  
Some would argue with that, they would say that when God calls the shots he does whatever he damn well pleases but if that was so we'd all be mindless robots but we aren't, we are allowed to think and act independently. After all, who would want to live in a world where they have to take orders all the time by people......
....that think they know best and/or want everything to be their way? Kings used to speak and whoever stood in front of them, their knees shook. Anybody want to go back to those loose bowel days? Not me! 
    So God's a' comin', he said he'll be here Thursday. No, wait, I heard that incorrectly. God isn't coming, he's sending some emissaries. He's way too busy. 
These emissaries have been around, they know how to curtail the wall building impulses that come when certain factions don't want to negotiate anymore and start to throw tantrums, adamant as hell that they won't budge an inch on their positions and wanting every vesitge of power simply turned over to them without ever presenting a rational argument to the governed as to why that should be allowed, who died and made you the boss, and all that other messy democratic hashing things out stuff. These emissaries are skilled with handling the kind of folks that act like they're the new, self-appointed schoolteachers and the citizenry is just a bunch of wide-eyed third graders taking it all in. The emissaries simply posit a few questions to the self-appointed know-it-alls:
"Why should adults grant you any authority?" "On what grounds do you base your assessments of any situation, much less upon reality itself?" Present We The People actual, authentic reasons for any of your proposed decisions that the citizenry may then choose to follow. Soundbites, pieces of audio/video taken out of context, flashing comical images, and baseless outright lies do nothing to sway the learned. 
Situations are complicated. Governing is hard. This is the internet age. People are way smarter than before. 

And Jesus, whoever dreamed up that ad, stop interrupting Sportscenter!

Up your game or leave the court!


About seven years ago I had a job where I drove several times a day past a dirt Motocross track built into the side of a hill. There were the usual Moto track rutted turns, low spots, steep banks, and abrupt mounds where the riders could catch air, and this track was built alongside a freeway. Every weekend in the summer riders would converge on this rural location and compete, which was entertainment for the bored freeway drivers, you bet. 
But then early on one summer weekend day I saw something else. A horde of dirt-covered people were running along the motocross track! WTF? So I checked it out, later, on the internet. They were doing a thing called a 'Mudder'. 
What a Mudder is is basically like signing up for a day of hardcore boot camp. With a bunch of other contestants you run an obstacle course and yes, some of the obstacles are the sort of thing you have to get through that will get you very muddy in the process. This is apparently great fun, becoming physically and mentally tormented for a day.
Right off I could see that this was only something that people that worked in offices would do, because believe me, the average Joe what holds a day job ain't no way gonna exert himself in no mud pit on the weekend. He'll be on the sofa watching the game(s) with a bowl of high calorie, high fat feed close by. In his hand will be a bottle of suds, and many more of those will be in the coolerator. 
Gotta rest up for the week ahead! 
But no, such is not the case for those that hold office jobs. These are the ones that you see getting in their early morning jogs, bicycling to work, hitting the gym after work, and competing in Mudders and marathons on weekends. 
I've never ever held an office job, my constitution is totally incompatible with being confined in a building throughout the week, but there are plenty of people that gravitate to such environs so there is a huge market for these Mudder-type events. 

“What are these people doing on my track?!”Koen Van Ginkel-

“What are these people doing on my track?!”

Koen Van Ginkel-

"Rah!" goes the Mudder cry, and they're off! Bounding up the muddy track, climbing up and over the rope/wall, dunking themselves in the ice pond, dodging their way through the maze of hanging wires that give them electric shocks, traversing the monkey bar obstacle, the bars slicked with butter and grease, trying to get up and over the similarly greased half pipe obstacle, etc., etc., all of this an improvement on boot camp!
Competing in a Mudder is also a teamwork event. The participants are encouraged to help each other along the way and so yes, doing that sort of thing is always boss-approved and so doing a Mudder may even be a company sponsored activity. A perk! (Just alla you come back to work on Monday in one piece, okay?)

  Well, seems this Mudder idea has taken off and of course with that has emerged sponsorship, prize money, TV, and the inevitable stars of the 'sport', strapping lads and sinewy lasses making money by working the circuit. 

Surviving a Mudder course is touted as being invigorating in the extreme. You really haven't lived until you've crossed this off your 'must do' list. 
Okay. All right. Say what you will you ain't getting this hombre far away from the sofa on a Saturday (or on a Sunday). That's what weekends used to be about, before two guys, one a former counter-terrorism expert, the other a former corporate lawyer (think 'office job') came up with this crazy 'Let's sell agony (boot camp) as fun’ idea. 
But I can't say it doesn’t look like extreme fun, I can't deny that. Running wild in the woods like a ten year old kind of fun. Were I in my twenties with energy to burn, and there were some hot babes around as fellow competitors, I might give participating in a Mudder a go one weekend- maybe

What I do know for sure is this- if I had to sit at a desk all day and take my breaks near some coffee setup/water cooler, I'd be praying for Saturday's Mudder to come so I could burn off the calories I'd been accruing from eating all those doughnuts in the breakroom. 

It'd also give me something to talk about around the water cooler come Monday.

This Just In

  Word has reached us here at The Daily Dose that people lie. Let's go to our correspondent on the street, Darren Philberts, for some insight into this phenomenon. 
"Darren! Is it true that people lie?"
"Apparently so, Janelle. And not only do they lie, but they do it all the time"
  "Give us an example"
"Easy" (Darren hails a passerby on the street) "Sir, can I ask you a question?"
  "Certainly" (first lie).
  "We're doing a story here about lying. Do people around you ever lie?"
  "Yeah! They do it a lot!"
    "Yeah, like five minutes ago. I got a text from my boss 'asking' (second lie) if I wanted to work on Saturday. He said somebody at work called in sick. But I know that person is not sick. I know that she is lying"
  "So this lying has an effect on you" 
    "Big time! I was going to spend an afternoon at Dodger stadium with my bros watching the NLCS!"
“Why don't you just tell your boss no?"
"Are you kidding? And threaten my future promotion chances? If I don't show up on Saturday I'll be viewed as Not A Team Player. Sayonara end of year bonus!"
"Uh, thank you" (Passerby walks off muttering. Another one is hailed)
"Ma'am? Can I ask you a question?"
"Uhm... Okay" (third lie. This suit better not be asking me for no personal information!)
"We're doing a story about lying....."
"I'm out of here!" Passerby walks hurriedly away.
Darren looks at the camera. "This seems to be a touchy subject for people!"
A man approaches, carrying a briefcase.
"Sir! Can I ask you a question?"
"Certainly" (fourth lie).
Darren goes into his story spiel and the guy listens. 
"Yeah, I lie. So what? I'm a lawyer. It's my business to s t r e t c h the truth. We don't consider it 'lying' though. We're simply offering a different perspective"
  "Interesting. Thank you, sir" 
"You're welcome" (fifth lie).
A local ruffian is hailed.
"Young man- can I ask you a question?"
"Wow! I'm gonna be on TV!"
"Do you ever lie?"
"Hell yeah! Think I'm stupid or something? How else am I gonna relate?"
"So you're saying that lying happens a lot, as a matter of course"
"Dude, where your brain at? You think I'd be survivin' out here streetwise tellin' the truth? Ain't nobody out here givin' you the facts straight up. It's all twisted. You gotta interpret everything"
"And you're good at that?"
"I'm okay. Some's better than me"
"Thank you for your input" 
"No problem, man" (sixth lie)
Elderly gentleman approaches.
  "Sir, can I have a minute of your time?"
"Okay, sorry to bother you! How about you, miss?"
A young girl pauses. Darren gives his spiel, asks her if she ever lies. 
"Yeah. I tell guys I like them"
"Do you?"
"Not all of them. But if I do, they do things for me"
  "You don't see anything wrong with that?"
"Use it before you lose it, my sistahs tell me. We all do it"
"Uh, thank you, miss"
A couple approaches. Darren stops them. 
"No" they say, looking at each other intently. "We never lie about our relationship (seventh lie). We are totally honest with each other. It's what makes a relationship work!"
  "Thanks for your input"
Off they go, to get ice cream or something. Darren stops a policeman. 
"Good morning, officer. Do you or any of your fellow officers ever lie?"
"Never! (eighth lie). "We are sworn to uphold the law. It is our solemn duty. We might joke with each other, and with citizens, but we never lie"
"Sounds good to me. Have a nice day (ninth lie) officer"
"You too. Obey the law!"
  "I will, sir!" (tenth lie)

“No way!”Mpumelelo Macu-

“No way!”

Mpumelelo Macu-

"Whew" Darren turns back towards the camera. "It seems that lying is rather commonplace here in society. I just caught myself in a falsehood! After a few minutes on the street it must be clear to our viewers that lying is so prevalent that encountering the truth is rare. Perhaps our next story will be on that topic. 
    But what would be the point in presenting that? Employing white lies or blatant deception is relative to the scenarios people are presented with. Depending on the circumstances, some people gravitate towards one end of the spectrum, some to the other. Maybe the deeper question that should be asked is why do people feel that they have to lie at all? Would it be so harmful, or detrimental to their ambitions, to honestly articulate their needs to others? 
    Yes, it would, telling the truth being diametrically opposed to telling a lie. Truth stands alone, bright, shiny, naked, and unafraid. (Well, maybe not bright and shiny but definitely the other two). People are used to having to get what they want through roundabout ways, these being deception and/or manipulation. They veil their intentions, mislead their opponents in order to gain trust, then ferret their way towards their personal goals, or in business's case, shared goals.

Lying is rampant in our society and due to that, there is rampant distrust. Nothing and no one can be taken at face value. We have lost our innocence and become predators upon each other, predators that search to satisfy personal needs in a jungle environment. It doesn't have to be this way but man thinks he needs to be a wily and perpetually strategizing creature. He prides himself on skillfully playing the game of human life and studies the moves of other astute players with rapacious appetite. He seeks power over the outer above all else. 

Those that seek to control the without have not yet discovered the ability to create within. That which lies within the mind, the attention, is always perfectly reflected in the without. The without acts as a learning tool in that way. 
Attempting to control the without is a cumbersome, karma-intensive, awkward way of bulldozing the personal will through obstacles to achieve one's objectives. Why not harmonize with the outer- The World- to get what you want? It's a far more elegant way. It might call for great patience and trust but The Universe has a way of giving you more than you could have ever imagined”.   

Grimstone Manor

  A knock came upon the door. Reginald, the butler, opening it, peered out at a figure he had difficulty recognizing for a moment in the darkness. Ah, he knew this man.
     "Good evening sir. What brings you to Grimstone at this late hour?"
"A matter of great importance, to which I am unable to divulge details. Is Sir Crickston about?"
"He is asleep sir" "
"He must be wakened. The matter is of extreme urgency"
Reginald strode away as fast as a dignified butler could and soon Sir Crickston appeared, not quite awake, but conscious enough to appraise the matter he would soon be presented with. 
    "Whatley? What is the matter? For what reason am I I aroused from fitful sleep?"
   "A carriage containing your son has overturned on the brewery road. He was injured, as were others"
   "How is he affected?"
   "A broken leg, to which he has received a cast, and a blow to his head, to which he has received stitches. He is in hospital"
   "Reginald! Gather my cloak and cane. We're off to St. Elias at once!"

    A mere two hours later they were in the local village and entering the door of St. Elias hospital. "Sir Crickston!" gasped the nurse on duty at the sight of the esteemed personage. "Right this way!"
    Led down a nearly silent corridor, they came soon upon Sir Crickston's son's room. He was propped up in bed, and, as the nurse had relayed during their walk down the hallway, still under the effects of the sedative the doctor had administered. 

Take me to the ER!Patrick Schneider-

Take me to the ER!

Patrick Schneider-

"Hiya pops! Guess I f___ed up again" Sir Crickston's son emitted.
  "He never speaks in such a vulgar manner!" an alarmed Sir Crickston muttered to the nurse. "The effects of the sedative! If we could be left alone...."
    "Most certainly, Sir Crickston!" the nurse said as she backed up, then exited the room. 
    Sir Crickston turned his attention back to his son. 
"Doctor Dobbs said you would make a complete recovery. I passed him on the way in. Alexander- what were you doing at the brewery with those wretched 'friends' of yours? I have cautioned you time and again that they are merely a gang of ruffians and will do nothing to further the ambitions or social standing of the Crickston family. They will only add to its detriment! Word gets around, you must at the very least be able to understand that. Already families of distinction are distancing themselves from involvement in our social affairs. You are incorrigible!
  I have half a mind to disown you!"
"Disown me, then, father! I will be the better for it!"
"Drugs are in possession of your mind" Sir Crickston replied. "Your ability to reason has been compromised"
"I am firmly in control of my faculties and I say again, disown me! Free me from your life of dull parties and limpid society gatherings! I have much more fun with the lower classes at the breweries, pubs, and dance halls in town. I have a surprise for you, father- I have recently asked the cigarette girl at the Cabana Club for her hand in marriage"
    "You can't be serious!"
  "I am"
   "This will bring you to ruin! No son of mine will be allowed to marry a club girl!"
   "I can, I will, and I don't care!"
   "Impetuous youth! Enough of this! I shall have, as soon as you are able to be moved, a task for Reginald and some others of the estate staff. You shall be forcibly removed to our families' second estate, Dragoon. Once there placed, on the distant Scottish moors for the summer, you, through reeducation, will again begin to learn and appreciate your postion in society!
  "I shall not be removed!"
  "Even now agents under my employ have barred any means of your escape. You will follow your father's wishes!"

And so it came to pass that young Alexander was expatriated to Scotland for the longest summer of his young life. Upon his return home, he slowly started to pass the brewery in his carriage and while doing so, gave nary a glance at his old friends, who saw him and pleaded with him to join them. 
"I shall not!" Alexander shouted out. "I am a changed man! I read the good book daily, am courting a sweet and polite member of my standing as my future wife, and have studied the means of accounting and business so that I may soon take up duties at my father's firm. I shall n'er see the likes of you again!"
"What the f___ happened to you?" challenged 'Sir Loathsome', the former leader of Alexander's run-around crew. "Have you gone insane?”
  "Ha ha" chuckled Alexander. "I see your choice of vernacular is still the same- coarse. I, my old 'associate', have become sensible”
Sir Loathsome looked around at the other members of the local crew and the look he gave them was that his old pal Alex had most certainly lost his mind. 
  "Ok ‘Alexander’" Sir Loathsome said. "Go. Go and be a member of polite society. Take Miss Jane or whatevers hand in marriage. Raise some fine young lads and lasses. Enjoy your time at your father's firm. Purchase a grand estate. Manicure the grounds. Have tea at four o'clock in the afternoon every day. Read The Times every morning, pressed flat with an iron by whatever butler you hire. Throw gala social events where everybody of your kind mingles over punch and harpsichord music. And then, the day you wake up bored out of your mind, come on down to the brewpub and over some greasy fish and chips and a frothy mug of grog, we in the old gang will celebrate your return to reality!”.

Cure All

       I have discovered, to my delight and dismay, that there is a substance in the world with amazing magical properties. This substance isn't found everywhere, only in certain places. With it you wield the greatest power. Without it you are as nothing. 
      Those given this power are ordinary mortals, just like you, who seem to be just like you, but once they have this substance in their possession they are changed by it. Nothing is ever enough for them once they have it, and nary will they give up a dram of it to those in need. Beyond all comprehension they act as despots, rulers without mercy, employing their new-found power to satisfy every desire it can possibly fulfill. 
      Those without this magical substance are ones bereft, shivering in dark places, relegated to dank environs, and looked upon with pity. To these afflicted the rest of the world is mainly unaware (and thus unable) to come to their aid. The local governors, those who are aware and in position to render aid, gaze with unflinching eye upon the distress of the afflicted for the governors only employ this magical substance to achieve their objectives. They do not themselves possess it, but give it to others, bestow it upon them, as reward. These boons, granted, are highly prized. The governor's blessing "Do what thou will with it!" is then given the fortunate whilst those lacking the substance are treated by the same governing forces with a disdain bordering on villainous and unchristrian. How can such a thing be?

The churlish look you get when you ask a favorRod Long-

The churlish look you get when you ask a favor

Rod Long-

 "Is it not unfair that ones should have so much, and others so little?!” beseech the greatly displeased. “After all, are not people equal in the eyes of God?".
      "No!" say they, the possessors of the alchemical elixir. "'Tis fair that we have a greater quantity, for we are special! Different. Above and beyond the rest. No one can save you". 
      "But you can!” plead the lesser-than. "You, who have this astonishing potion, can show us mercy!"
"Nay!" say they, and the door slams shut. 
  Decades of this unfair and unethical treatment can pass, the powerful growing ever the more, the wretched slowly accruing, but never will they be able to match the power of those above them, who lord over them still (and undoubtedly will) until the bitter end. 
  No misery is greater than this, no offense more grievous, no chance at respite more hopeless, no cruelty more pronounced. 
  Those that have the fairy dust would argue that it is not so, things are not as bad as they seem. They downplay the impoverished one's suffering and ofttimes jest about it, telling them that they once knew of the astounding bleakness they're experiencing, the lack, the lesser chance at life, and survived it. 
    "But (if you ever did) that was so long ago!" howl the afflicted. "You, who claim to understand suffering, bring to us ever the more of it! We are not blind to your smirking at our travail, passing us by with thinly-veiled aversion, treating us with condescending air, and overall despising our very presence as if we were lepers. You once had no Golden Ticket! You once knew of pain! How can you be so heartless, so desensitized, so monstrous? So... ....inhumane?!”
    "We hear you not. Go away!”
    And again, the door slams. 
    Muttering, the disenfranchised shuffle away, only to dream, to scheme, to plot, to hope, to wonder when, or if ever, enough of the wondrous, strategic, and fabulously potent resource that the exalted have will come their way. Glorious, it’ll be, that day when they’ll see bright daylight again! On that day where they'll walk proud amongst their fellow men, heads held high and with confident hearty laughter, be enjoying life again!
  But alas, alas! 'Tis not yet!

Another night shift looms. Another night to only fantasize-

       -about having SENIORITY.

Ratt Rod

    I spent some time living in a medium-sized but rather vanilla Colorado town and there was this guy.
I used to see him here and there, because my job had me driving around town a lot. I'd be waiting three deep to make a left turn at the speed camera controlled intersection, or driving along any of a number of busy arterial drags that fed traffic to the freeway, and spot him. And he was always easy to spot. 
His vehicle of choice was a slightly lowered, apocalyptic-looking, yellowish/rust-orange colored mini truck that had sort of warrior-themed, black stenciled skull on the driver's door. A hint of a powerful engine peeked out above the hood and if you were within a few cars of the thing you could hear it rumbling. 
The driver looked like D-Day from Animal House, with his slight snarl, wrap around shades, and dark, thinning, slightly greasy hair. 
Nearly every other car in town was stock, right off the factory floor, accessorized but not modified, climate controlled, emission compliant, whisper quiet, and boring. 
D-day's snarl probably was one of contempt for people driving company vehicles and ordinary commuter cars because the souped-up mini truck he was driving had to be serious fun. Cops didn't see it that way, oh no, they wanted to be the only ones in town driving the performance cars, tearing off down the road in pursuit, which they had a license to do, but there were times I wondered what their hustling was all about because I couldn't see any reason they were driving so fast. Maybe it was the end of the shift and they were racing back to the yard to park it or they were bored and it was time for a little driving excitement. 
Something I and the masses were never allowed to have. 

License and Registration not required!Koen Van Ginkel-

License and Registration not required!

Koen Van Ginkel-

There was a passenger in town I picked up once that told me that he had twelve points taken off his license because some cop said he had pulled away after the light turned green ‘as if he was racing’. Twelve points! He showed me the ticket- 'Intention To Race' was written on it. Said he was going to fight it in court. Twelve points on your driving record in Colorado was four points more than getting caught for drunk driving! I thought this way over the top unjustified.

Motorcycle cops with their radar guns lurked at the trouble spots in town, places I knew about, this simply due to plying every damn street in town over and over, so I knew to look out for them, and then these speed trap/speed camera vans started showing up and driving became about as fun as if the damn driving instructor at the DMV was sitting beside me at all times. 
Not that I (or most of the people in town) was a speeder, drove erratically, was prone to fits of road rage, or was in any other way a menace to other drivers or pedestrians but the overwhelming and constant police presence the local governing body was financing (the police department was one of the biggest and newest government buildings in town) highly suggested that left to ourselves, the streets would become drag strips filled with drunks, road ragers, and other such out of control menaces to society.
So it was a relief to see D-day bucking the trend. Every time I saw the guy he reminded me that driving- and especially commuting- used to be fun. Cars were never meant to be the cookie-cutter, closed cockpit, sensory deprivation chambers that they unarguably have become. Cars are machines built to serve humanity and machines that serve mankind have personalities. 
Now I know a lot of people don't believe this, but cars, like everything else, have consciousness. Not the same that people have, but they do. Ask anybody that drives for a living. Like your car, it'll like you back. Appreciate your car and it'll like you back more. And nobody appreciates cars more than car enthusiasts. 

I’ll be taking the yellow one homeMarc Kleen-

I’ll be taking the yellow one home

Marc Kleen-

So there's a bonding there. You're one with the vehicle. It knows you and you it. Let that fresh air come in! Feel the rumble of the engine! Know how she handles, how she responds to the throttle, how the tires bite on the curves. Pilots know planes, captains know ships, engineers know trains, and real drivers know cars. 
Car designers have gotten away from that. Cars used to be hand made, not made like toasters. Oh, I'm straying here..... 

Dig- there is a show on Netlix right now called Gotham Garage. If you wanna see how it's done, how driving can be made fun again, that's the show to watch. Whatever this team builds for their customers is guaranteed to be the only one of its kind in town. Fun to drive? No question. Headturner? You bet.
So it is possible to reverse the unfun car trend. Getting from point A. to point B. doesn't have to be as boring as sitting in a laundromat and maybe by making driving fun again people won't be in such a hurry to get from here to there, which they are now, because the cars they're driving aren't fun to drive!
D-day understood this sort of reasoning. Speed cameras, motorcycle cops, and speed camera vans be damned, he was gonna drive his ratt rod anyway and enjoy his time behind the wheel.

Top 100

   Got on the ol' internet last night and explored the musical offerings. "Why not see what's out there?" I asked myself. "It's been awhile".
    Settled on a 'Billboard Top 100' songs (of 2018) You Tube playlist. Now whether this was the actual list compiled by Billboard magazine or something that a guy put together in his garage and posted on You Tube was questionable. You can't be sure anymore and it looked legit so what the heck I dived in. 
    Somebody thought these were the top 100 songs but it certainly wasn't me. I was astounded at how utterly bland and repetitious just ten of them were and dreaded listening further. I tried to imagine myself duty-bound, like a guy sentenced to community service or something, in order to muster up the will to push through to the end but I could not find it in me to try and go all the way. 
   The first ten I viewed featured the likes of Drake, Ariana Grande, and some others who I can't remember the names of. Please don't think I'm some old fogey dissin' modern day music and pining for the old days because, brother, music is either listenable or it's not. Visual video fluff might dazzle you, and slick instrumental and voice (re)production might be a sign o' the times, but as far as bein' ear candy, this stuff is not. 
      I wanna plead with the young people that they're being duped and to turn away from this, because most of it is junk. But what the hell do I know? You oughta see the views these videos are compiling!

Now I know the 'artists' out there don't want to hear that their product is shoddy. They probably could care less because they're makin' bank on their ‘music’ and just like at any business, whether they put out good product or not, as long as people keep buying the stuff they'll make more of it. The music industry used to have quality control but man, those days are gone and now the masses are being fed some serious cattle fodder. 
There's good stuff out there somewhere but it's daunting to have to plow through tons of material to find it. A lot of the videos I watched and listened to had handsome lads and lithe ladies, the men were smooth crooners and the women songbirds, Ariana Grande seemed to be a nice person and Drake as well (he was handing out wads of cash in “God’s Plan”, bless him for that), but if I was blind and just listening to this I would be suffering. Young uns', it wasn't always this way!
There used to be mainly good stuff out there as a rule, and the bad stuff was kept on a shelf a fair distance away away from whatever device might be able to broadcast it. Safeguards were in place. They called that shelved kind of music 'B sides' and late night DJ's would only play it at two or three a.m.. 
Why did they do that? Advertisers! Audience! People listened to the radio because that's where the music came from and if it wasn't good, they'd turn to the next station or turn the damn thing off. But the system doesn't work like that anymore. You are now the filter, saddled with that onerous role, one in which you are asked to give the artist a thumbs up or down, a ranking, a 'like', or to subscribe to their feed, and man, that is work! Who wants to work at listening to music?

To be fair, and to silence any critics who say I haven't tried, I have tried. I've gotten on Spotify, searched You Tube, perused Pandora, and scanned the playlist of the best local (and very eclectic) radio station in town. In addition to that, I have tried in many other ways to seek out good music with the intention of restoring and refreshing my playlist but how much torment can a man stand? Song after bad song I suffered through the last time I went all the way through a top 100 list, thinking that at least ten of them might be good (I set my sights very low) and then at the end of that excruciating ordeal, none of the songs were deemed to be sufficiently satisfying enough to be worthy of being listened to again! (As far as building a playlist with marginal material, I have tried that before and have rued making that decision). Going all the way through that last ‘Top 100’ playlist and coming up dry was traumatizing and made me extraordinarily hesitant to attempt to (ha!) do what used to bring a great deal of joy to me, which was to spend hours filtering through albums and tapes and CD's.

Like a gold mine, coming across this (except for Feliciano!)Joseph Pearson-

Like a gold mine, coming across this (except for Feliciano!)

Joseph Pearson-

    Maybe I just don't get it. Maybe I don't like the beat, rhythm structure, lyrics, or the voices that make up the peculiar flavor of modern music. But if that's so, how can I listen to Classical, Jazz, Funk, Rock, Pop, and Reggae stations on the radio and damn if not every song but every tenth or fifteenth song is good? 
  DJ's have saved me from having to filter, that's why! They have gone through the filtering process to the best of their ability and are presenting me with a playlist that they think is good, or good enough. It's a dirty job but somebody has to do it, they have to have a passion for music driving them because, music lover that I am, I have found that I’m just not up for that degree of sifting.  
You know, in some ways the internet has been a godsend. When it comes to doing research, finding out information on how to fix your make and model of car’s door handle, or checking out new recipes for a Keto diet, internet sites are invaluable but in other ways the portal has backslid on us and saddled us with unwanted and time consuming tasks. Seems that many times when I initiate a project on the internet and am using a new app or program that is proclaimed to be 'intuitive' and 'user friendly' it ends up being more painstaking an endeavor than building a highly detailed scale model of the H.M.S. Agincourt, complete with sails and rigging. 
   Music sifting is just one glaring example of this sort of backsliding. I'm frustrated as hell about it. But what comes to mind in dealing with this issue is an old Chinese saying:
  "Give a difficult job to a lazy man and he'll find an easier way to do it"

I’m that lazy man and I will find a way, because I can listen to my top 100 songs for only so long!

I want a service staff

     I want somebody to patch the roof. Take the car to the shop and bring it back when it's done. Step in and manage my household affairs. I want to ring the Downton Abbey bell to Mr. Carson and have the staff hup-hup-hupping to my every need. 


     I will pay them well and try my best to ensure that they enjoy their time in my service for I have worked service jobs and know what it's like but there are more important things for me to be doing now than the mundane, thus this need to be relieved of everyday burdens has arisen. It's time. 


     I need extra space and time to get important things done. I need to drift like a cloud at times, and move quickly like a cheetah when opportunity appears.


     I can't be standing in line at Lowes wondering if the QX532 part I pulled off the shelf fits the C28 coupler housing. Waaaaay too ordinary for me. In fact, I don't even want to think about stuff like that. That's Carson's department.