Cloud 9

     Blissful noncompliance
     Today is a day for drifting, for doing nothing but those things that absolutely need to get done. The world can run without me.
     Today is a day off from work, a day when I answer to no one for no reason whatsoever and I have complete freedom and control over where to place my attention.


     Today is a day for spontaneity.
     Today is a day for rest.
     Today is a day for not looking so closely at anything, unless it is art, which I will look at in exquisite detail.
     Or maybe not.
     Today is a day that might go down in history, but if it does, I won't be in it!


     Today is a day when I am Rip Van Winkle for a day. I will reemerge and ask what happened, while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
     Today I am outside of time, cares, worries, and concerns.
      I love these kinds of days.

I want a service staff

     I want somebody to patch the roof. Take the car to the shop and bring it back when it's done. Step in and manage my household affairs. I want to ring the Downton Abbey bell to Mr. Carson and have the staff hup-hup-hupping to my every need. 


     I will pay them well and try my best to ensure that they enjoy their time in my service for I have worked service jobs and know what it's like but there are more important things for me to be doing now than the mundane, thus this need to be relieved of everyday burdens has arisen. It's time. 


     I need extra space and time to get important things done. I need to drift like a cloud at times, and move quickly like a cheetah when opportunity appears.


     I can't be standing in line at Lowes wondering if the QX532 part I pulled off the shelf fits the C28 coupler housing. Waaaaay too ordinary for me. In fact, I don't even want to think about stuff like that. That's Carson's department.