
     (Thought a little lawyer talk was in order so read carefully!)

     Terms of Service/User Agreement

      Section A, Article 1.
      Thoughts, opinions, viewpoints, ruminations, any and all manner of expression here are covered by the understanding that it is the reader's responsibility to judge, interpret, bring to conclusion and/or comprehension that which is presented. No effort will be made by the author to connect EVERY dot, however many there may be. Conjecture applies. 
       2. From time to time, that which seems to be contrary to what has been expresssed before may arise. This will more often than not result from a different level of understanding being attained by the author. Due to the realization that some concept wasn't fully explored, this seeming renenging on a prior claim might be to complete a thought, opinion, rumination, etc. earlier expressed but not felt to be captured in its entirety. In other cases, it may be due to the difficulty of trying to put concepts into understandable form and inadvertently crossing paths with a previously expressed line of thought. In those cases it's not so important HOW the conclusion is reached, only that it is realized, and seen to be valid.   
       3. It is understood that the author will make every attempt to be fair, and present concepts in ways that bring a lack of offense; however, if so construed as to be considered otherwise, the general rule to follow shall be that it was unintentional and ony due to lack on the author's part to bring balance into the explanation. Perfection is something to strive for but is rarely achieved.



       4. Thus, continuing, all conceptual understandings are to be considered malleable, that is, evolving, and should be viewed as such. It is further understood that the author may have a greater or lesser knowledge of the subject matter than the reader, the only difference between the two being that an EFFORT was made to express them (i.e. you are reading the author's words and he not yours).
       5. Purity of expression is always the goal, and this shall be the considered the continuing endeavor of the author every time he sits down to write. Interpreting concepts is his personal interest. Presenting them for mutual benefit is his immediate aim. His overall, and over time, intention is for the betterment of the whole.
       Lastly, the author urges all interested parties to come to their own conclusions about anything expressed now or in the future concerning what is expressed here. Think for yourself (please!) and take not my thoughts, opinions, ruminations, etc. as absolutes by any means. I strive as one pointing towards something that lies beyond words, that which I believe is all encompassing, eternal, and ultimately unable to be expressed for it is a living truth. It is who we are, are becoming more consious of, and it is with greatest humility I approach this awesome reality offering up words to try and describe the indescribable, my vain, perhaps, attempt to bring, in some manner, comprehension of that which is always present. The Isness, the All, our reason for being.