Le Cause Celeb

Miguel Oros- Unsplash.com

Miguel Oros- Unsplash.com

    I saw, on the TV last night, one of my (I guess I could say) 'heroes', though I prefer not to use such a charged word, moving through the world doing what she does but she didn't look as happy as she used to. She looked somewhat stressed and put upon but I feel she was doing what she was doing for the people, trying to reach the people, with her message. 
       Long Island Medium, Theresa C. 

       Back in the day I wanted to do that, be like her and so many other intuitives, I felt it was my calling. However, back then it was hard to get any training in such arcane subjects, or even talk about them with anybody at all. Anyway, for various reasons, I never made the leap and she did and now she's got her own TV show, the producers have her bestowing readings like the fairy godmother has arrived, and she's as big as she wants to be, which is very brave and were I in her shoes I wonder if I would welcome such exposure or shrink from it but it's happening fast, in real time. There's not much that is going to stop you when you're in demand like that because 'strike while the iron is hot', 'take the opportunity', 'it's divine timing', 'here's your chance', and similar factors drive decisions at that point. Anyway, a big "Yea!" for her. 

      I've always admired people that stood up for what they felt was that higher intelligence coming through and I have known or been around many who were gifted but I'll tell ya, folks, the ones I've been around don't really want to be doin' it or be up on the stage under the bright lights. They have a message, yes, and they'll give it to you, but what they'd really like to say is "Do the work. You can learn how to do this for yourself." They don't want to be up there FOREVER. They act as the bridge, they're showing you what's possible, but I know (from direct experience!) that they don't want to be fielding too many of your burning questions because for them it gets old. Can I even say boring? Yet, out of that well of compassion in their hearts, they'll lift you a bit, but it ain't gonna be endless like this, no way. I'm sure that conditional clause is written somewhere in their life contract. 

     "Who wants to man the 'Information' booth? Volunteers? Anybody?" Maybe I heard that distant call early and chose the path that led me towards this sofa I'm lying on instead. But.... ....that could change!