Thanks, Twitter

      While I do enjoy the genial conversations this platform enables there's nothing like the daily (or even hourly, sometimes) Twitterstorms, are there? You get a ringside seat at All Star wrestling, you can be that fly on the wall in the locker room, you can overhear what's being said during the barroom brawl or step behind closed doors in the boardroom and witness what they really think. 
       Thanks, Twitter. What would we do without you? Now I know the company has 'pologized for some of their users' behavior, but top brass at the brand has insisted over and over that we need to have this unprecidented access. I'n not so sure that that is a good thing, but they haven't relented and so the daily mudslinging continues. 
      How low can we go? Verbal sparring used to be held in an arena that at least had some semblance of decorum, they would call these 'debates', and learned men would judge the veracity of one man's argument vs. the other's and determine who's argument was the stronger. Ha! Not so anymore!
     Now it's who is the better schoolyard taunter, shouting across the playground? Who's the master at 'Yo' Mama'? Who's got the whip hand when it comes to dishin' dirt? 

Rita Morais-

Rita Morais-

     Thoughtful arguments, measured positions, and researched stances- who needs that when you can just pull out your Twitter six shooter and give the other slinger a broadside? Yeah! That's how we roll. 
     In 280 characters or less give us a tweet and make it good 'cuz lined up in the que are ten thousand others that are crafting their 280 character or less responses. Bit by bit we'll strive for comprehension, piece by piece, and block by block, but we'll never know any complete story because we're limited to a paragraph and a half and we've got very short attention spans anyway. Hopeless, this seems. 
     However, if we are persistent and follow the feed long enough, and are able to retain salient points, enough data will accumulate in our minds and a comprehensive picture, sort of like a mosaic, might dawn in our craniums and the big picture will be revealed. Until then (if that ever happens)-                    

     "What's the latest?!"