
    Countenance. Demeanor. Composure. These used to be valid forms of expression in the world. Decorum.
    Societies test out certain, um, 'modes of behavior' in order to learn from them, I guess, and so right now we're walking down a certain road on our mutual journey and relating in a socially engineered way, sometimes, with each other. Please, I urge you, think for yourself! Go to that inner place and check in before initiating a response, asking yourself "How do I feel about the situation?" I can't stress this enough.

Siu Ming Wong- Unsplash.com

Siu Ming Wong- Unsplash.com

      Don't blindly be part of someone else's experiment. Now it's good to take in viewpoints, check out sources of information, broaden your intake so that you have a (hopefully) expanded understanding of things (and I can't tell you how to do that other than suggesting it) but in all cases the final say has to come from not the head but a combination of the head and the heart. If the head and the heart agree on it, I think that's the right place, because the heart is your connection to the, um, 'larger expression' of you. I'm trying not to get too deep here. Keep it simple.
      I'm not going to EVER tell anyone WHAT to think or do, no. I'm just going to suggest thinking about things a little first. It has helped me, maybe it will help you sort of thing. I'm not a preacher or a guru or your gym coach or a drill sergeant, any of those arenas where somebody is in charge.
     Neither am I a counselor or a confidant or even a friend. I'm a pragmatist. That's all. More than ever before, and faster than ever, information comes to us. Information used to come s-l-o-w-l-y. There was time to think. Has that been lost on the present generation, and seemingly forgotten, at times, by the ones that have come before? Pul-eeze! Think before you act, or fire off a response to the latest happening.
     Now it certainly is true that at times a rapid response is valid and appropriate, and I don't want to short-circuit that sort of thing, but we are living in a time when 'sustainability' is on a lot of minds, and can that too be taken into account?
      Ok, enough to think about for a day!