My Contribution

     Today is a day away from work, where I have been nine out of the last ten days. In that time, I have been exposed to thousands of people. Today I don't want anything to do with people so I am sequestered at home.
     It's good to be home, where I am not having to be around the energies of the general public, but here at home I am faced with choices. Devices can bring me news, tv shows, podcasts, movies. Do I want to be exposed to that today? Maybe later.

Rami al Zayat-

Rami al Zayat-

     Upon those many devices I see and hear people. These people are trying to sell stuff to me, have me look upon their artistic expressions, listen to talks that they are hosting, read their take on things, watch their interviews with interesting people, etc.
     There might be a 'call to action' included, which I will most likely decline. Let the world run without me today. I have done so many times before and it seemed to have run quite well! I'm putting it all down then will pick it up again after the weekend.
     Lately, as evidenced by these words, it has come to pass that after many many years I have a little bit of a platform to stand on and broadcast my message. Technology has enabled me to do this and even though I could have done this years ago, I said "No thanks, not yet". Somehow now is the time. How it is received (or not) is not my concern. No ego boost is necessary. Kinda past that.

Steve Halama-

Steve Halama-

     People (including me) like it when you contribute, when you put more of yourself out there. There are a lot of people doing so right now and it seems the internet can absorb it all so why not?
     Why not contribute to what you see as not a definitive conclusion but a continuing global conversation?