You really have no idea

      If you weren't around at the time, you really have no idea what it was like to watch 'The Flintstones' on Prime Time TV. Or drive a V-8 car, rear wheel drive, and pay forty eight cents a gallon for gas.
    The music you listened to came over the radio, and it was coming from a new source called FM. Frequency Modulation (instead of Amplitude Modulation).
     The newspaper was delivered every afternoon around five o'clock by the newspaper boy.
     You had to wait for the weather guy on the evening news, which came on at six and ten p.m. only, to find out what the weather was going to be like tomorrow.
     If you wanted to sell something, you placed a classified ad in the newspaper. And paid for it!
     You took typing class in school on a thing called a typewriter, and everybody had a land line telephone.

Alex Brisbey-

Alex Brisbey-

     It was just the way it was, there wasn't any argument with it. How could there be? We had projections but really no idea what the future would actually bring, and our world kept us busy with pressing matters anyway, just like now. But unlike now, when you wanted information, you had to look it up in an encyclopedia! Imagine that.
     Current day movies and TV shows portraying those times are mainly using actors and actressess that didn't live thorough those times so at best these dramatists can only act as if they understand anything outside of reciting their lines but oh, we who lived then know.
     So what is the point here? Direct experience with a historic mindset carries an unmistakable vibration, one that cannot be duplicated. Accurate duplication would call for total immersion into the timeframe and most importantly, would contain no knowledge of 'other'. Knowledge of 'other' contaminates the vibe. You can't believably represent the 1960's and 70's from a 2018 viewpoint.
     People think they know so much these days, that the internet and all the tools they have through that medium have them so very well informed. They know a lot of trivia, yes, but do they know actualities? Of life in times past? It's almost impossible to convey the actual vibe through any kind of media- and who has a clue if what is portrayed as 'history' is what really occurred anyway? Were you THERE?