An Interesting Assessment

  After the totalitarian viewpoint was established, at least in their minds, they focused then on how to implement it. For when the focus is such there can be no compromise. The ultimate takeover of Everything is ego's desire to assuage fear by attaining control.

     In the ego's vision control over Everything is desired but Everything (that which is to be ruled) doesn't desire to be fed and led by the unwise so the only way the ego can achieve utter dominance is either by force or guile, the former unimaginable 'reality' being some sort of fiery iron-forging slave camp populated by Orks and the second unreality being the current day 'news'cycle double-speak that is glazing over millions of eyes daily on various platforms.

     The Orks toiling away in their sweatshop never look happy or even know what happiness is and the people watching and being taken in by the news on certain stations might as well have their brains shut off for they aren't thinking critically anymore, they're only taking in more content provided by 'experts' (and if you question that, we'll raise our voices!). 

No this is not Elon Musk but whoever he is he is an independent entity reasoning, something all of us have to do.Quin Stevenson-

No this is not Elon Musk but whoever he is he is an independent entity reasoning, something all of us have to do.

Quin Stevenson-

     Imagine a world filled with the mindless and the subdued and the moon looks like it's a sister planet in comparison for, like there, nothing really happy happens here and if you think that that is not the case, that we have SportsCenter and baseball and 'What's new to see on Netflix' every week we're living large. To that I simply say "Bah humbug".

All of this is made up and if it's made up it can be changed and it does change, all the time, yet The World is kept within certain parameters for there is a lot of fear present on the planet still. The fear is not so much in the minds of the many but it exists strongly in the minds of the few, who want to see the old ways continue. 

  Good luck with that. 

  "Won't be the future for us" say the manifestors of reality (which we all in truth are). Some of us know that our thoughts create, and the rest are gettin' it. There's a huge steamroller of momentum building that says "No thanks!" to outdated belief systems and the shoddy structures that those create on always perilous presumptions. 

"Mind is the builder" Edgar Cayce repeatedly admonished to the seekers of understanding, not so very long ago.

Fear not what is outside of you, then, but that which is housed within your own mind.


If I move away from the fast-paced world and prevent myself from exposure to the daily news cycle, push back from the offerings on Netflix and Amazon, try not to get pulled into the drama of the basketball and hockey playoffs on SportsCenter, refrain from touching upon any number of ultra-compelling exposes, reality shows, science-based explorations and the like playing on TV, set down the Kindle with it's many book offerings, turn away from the latest podcast, and not compulsively watch any cooking and baking shows, I find I'm pretty darn content. 

Which is puzzling because shouldn't it be the other way? I should be restless and agonizing, positively jones’n for a fix. Well, I'm not. Now how can that be, and more importantly, how did that come about?

Those are answers I cannot give for I do not myself know how I achieved, reached, or have been blessed by this state, which has been with me all of my life. "Born into it", I guess I could say. 

  But methinks I was so born because of all the experiences I had in my past where I was highly self-absorbed and very focused upon any number of outside things and through such involvement solved the riddle of contentment, which is a complex equation, or at least it was for me, one that held numerous variables and the weighing of values that resulted in 'those many things equal this' to me, for contentment is a highly personal thing. 

Putting out this content then is not something I feel I have to do, it's something I want to do, and I can drop this writing at any time simply because it doesn't add a great deal to the measure of fullness I already experience. There is some satisfaction in writing a juicy post, in somehow putting the words together that match the vision I hold within, but it doesn't change the sense of contentment I always feel much. Writing to me is sort of like a skills test, self-administered.

(So yes, putting out content changes me a little. I'll admit that) 

Is contentment a state of 'inner peace' that I'm feeling? I don't exactly know what 'inner peace' refers to. That seems to mean something spiritual and/or mystical, which is what contentment is not. Contentment is more like neutrality towards that which is, neither being for nor against, and not being very interested whichever way things go because contentment will inevitably follow, up to a point. 

A far away point that is fortunately never reached. It may be conjectured, surmised, prophesized, or forecast, but the human race hasn't gone the armageddon route so it'll always been unknown whether I could remain content in the face of that, thank God, so everything else is small potatoes and of little concern.

What things are like in the hobbit village.Rob Mulally-

What things are like in the hobbit village.

Rob Mulally-

Which is what contentment to me is, a generally good feeling that everything is going to work itself out and I'm doing my little part and that is all that is required because if I was to be on stage in some capacity I would be there and I'm not. I am not one so compelled. 

Blogging is my stage and I'm content with that, until I'm not, and then I'll find out, is another way of putting it. 

"Whatever floats your boat" is my philosophy. The Universe- that grand bringer of life and supporter of same- will see to it that I get adeptly placed. There's really nothing to worry about. 

Contentment is an opportunity to really enjoy things being just the way they are. In this state of mind you are able to step back, relax, and gaze upon the big picture. 

Tell Me It's Insignificant

My time with a small group of people is wrapping up. We've been working together for years but soon won't be. One has already flown the coop and the rest will be scattering to the four winds in a fortnight. 

Now when it comes to working together it's not like we've been all lovey-dovey with each other. There have been strong emotions and difficult times aplenty but at this point all of that is water under the bridge. Now we're left kind of staring at each other at times with these sort of blank looks, like when you look past or through something, your attention focused on that which you cannot physically see.

Strange, it is, how Life threw us together for a time for a reason that we thought we knew. It was all about the money, right? Just a bunch of random people filling slots that needed to be filled and we were the ones that showed up and said that, for one reason or another, we were willing to do it, something that the logical mind declares reasonable and understandable. 

But- is that the case? Was our gathering together a random event? All of my coworkers think so and even I, attuned to things non-physical and searching for any energetic clues, can't sense anything other than the vaguest possibility that there was any purpose in our gathering and working together. For years! You'd think that The Universe would let the cat out of the bag at this point, at least a little bit, and provide me with some metaphysical satisfaction but no, not yet, and maybe not ever.

  Couch it in whatever terminology fits your belief system, that is what those 'blank stares' are all about. Not really knowing, but sensing the possibility that something else might have been going on.

According to the business world, the business model, employees are simply commodities (the very definition of employ is 'to use') and nothing whatsover has occured other than we filled functions and soon won't. 

In a business sense, this is oh so true. Time and business forever march on, towards the future and the profits to be gained there, and you're either marching along with the company or not and if you disappear "So what?" for there are little emotions displayed towards castaways as a rule. 

But something did transpire and I can see that something- perhaps many somethings- in the eyes of my coworkers, that is, when we catch each other like that, which we are trying not to do at this time, because it's telling and uncomfortable. 

We have a sense of (Jeez can I say it?) camaraderie because we laughed together, and fought each other- a lot. Many, many times we were angry at each other, but just as many times we forgave. Or tried to. We worked together as a team and got the job done, despite the directives of management, who we knew didn't have a clue as to what was actually going on in our department. 

Many times, individually, we played the role of heroes for our customers, we went the extra mile because we felt it was the right thing to do (and maybe those customers thanked us for it). We dealt with lousy equipment and crowds and bad weather and all manner of things upsetting and complained about it but did it anyway. We did this so often we got used to it and called it 'reality' though we knew that there were realities far different that other people were experiencing but we blocked that out. 

Had to.

Through it all we watched each other and learned from each other because we were, like it or not, a team, a band of misfits doing a job that few others would have volunteered to do and those others thought not a lot of us as we were ferrying them around. They took us for granted and we griped about that and talked story and traded stories and I was amazed at what my coworkers went through as much as they were amazed at what had happened to me, before break, during the shift, or on the days that they were off.

Then at the end of every working day we went home to our respective houses and turned on our TVs and watched others living lives far more spectacular than the ones we were saddled with and ooh..... .....that was painful but as long as our bread was buttered we knew we were at least surviving. We had established perches for ourselves in a highly competitive, fast moving world and were loathe to go for better. However, when you make that decision it comes at a price because time keeps on moving and over the passage of years you go through stages of anger about your situation, then deny it's an issue before finally dropping into rueful acceptance, only wondering by then how those few at the top managed to do it because you certainly, at the time, gave it a go.

And now here we few are, near The End of our job, and in the eyes of The World we have failed at life and have to pick up the pieces and start over somewhere and the 'insignificance' of our existence is staring us right in the face- but wait!

The moment of recognition is undeniable.Anton Shakirov-

The moment of recognition is undeniable.

Anton Shakirov-

There is something there, it's showing in the eyes of my coworkers, in those of some of the managers, and undoubtedly in the minds of some the people we touched while just doing our job and that something is highly significant. We did make a difference in their lives (but we're probably never going to know what it was). It could have been just one thing that we did, or it could have been many things. The essence of who we individually are is etched into their minds, that essence being how we handled ourselves in combat situations, in bored situations, in charged situations (and in many other situations, those being too numerous to list). That 'something' we did is what is turning the gears in their heads behind that blank look these ones are displaying, it exists in that space where the processing of data is occurring but there are as of yet no words.

    I know what that blank look is, I've seen it before. We've touched each other, made indelible impressions on each other. We may have been accidentally thrown together in this life (which is my feeling, save possibly for a few individuals) but we'll never, ever forget each other. Through time and space we'll have the memory of each other and though faces will disappear and eventually bodies too it just might transpire that we will find ourselves together again, in another place and another when, and if that happens (and we're sensitive enough by then) we’ll remember each other by our peculiar energetic signatures. We might all join together for awhile in a different and probably higher in vibration setting to play out another drama or we may simply individually spend a few hours together but all the while I'll certainly (and hopefully they'll too) be inwardly nodding, like I have done many times in this life, thinking this:

"I KNOW you from somewhere!”

      I know you because we have spent time together before and this has separated you out from the mass of humanity. Other people will continue to be background characters but you will always appear different to me. This might just be in a general sense, as in I might feel a degree of familiarity with you, or it might be a recognition so strong that I will be able to pick you out of a crowd.

         In either case, I will know what kind of person you are- without you having to say a thing.

The Mystery Of Our History

Spent some time lately catching up on history, what's being newly presented about what's old in the metaphysical arena, as well as any current day scientific findings, and it's hard to discount what the evidence is pointing towards. A vastly different story than the one we were previously told. 

Now disinformation abounds, so navigating these waters takes skill and determination, but it can be done by anyone with a reasonable amount of intelligence because theories that point to preposterous conclusions can be discounted quite readily. Plausible theories are then left over to examine carefully, really pour over. 

Theoretical pondering about what has taken place in the past is not something I find terribly exciting to do but others seem to revel in the realms of archeological, geological, and anthropological focus. (Thank God that they are so driven for years of study and meticulous field work are as a rule required!) Many of these people are then compelled to collaborate with other experts and construct theories, try and connect the dots. The end results of their patient investigations, explorations, and research are they know what they are talking about. The foundation that supports their conjectures about what really happened is strong, graced by high degrees of credibility.

These degrees of credibility and subject matter knowledge enable them to easily withstand the attacks of low level critics, those who would offhandedly discount their theories. To the rest, those critics taking a more reasoning approach towards what is being presented, a certain degree of debate serves as healthy exercise for the presenters for it points out the weak spots in their theories and acts to strengthen them. This fortification process bolsters and over time creates ever more formidable theories supported by an increasing amount of evidence about what might have happened, for until all the evidence is in, no one can ever really know for sure.

That being said....... then follows that the idea that 'civilization' began on earth X number of years ago (roughly 6,000, as is commonly believed) and that any people existing before that were uncivilized bears (no pun intended) us to take another look.  

Silent witnesses. Just one of many ancient sites all over the world.Jack B.-

Silent witnesses. Just one of many ancient sites all over the world.

Jack B.-

More has happened here than what we were told is my belief, and that comes from following people who have done the work and presented the evidence, evidence that is credible enough for me. I don't need to know every little thing that happened because if I know enough I can extrapolate the rest. Also, if the energy around what is being presented feels 'clean', that tells me that I'm on the right track. 

If it wasn't, I would feel compelled to dig deeper. 

So, kind of being ahead of this unfolding a little bit I can see that earth peeps got a lot of growing up to do and I don't mean that in a facetious way, a smart alecky way, I mean that in a compassionate way. Thank God we get time to process this 'cuz it's big, yeah, and it's gonna rock a lot of worlds. We're much older than we think and because of that we're a lot richer in experience and that prevents the worst part of our natures from coming out (true for most of us) which enables us to create bigger and better versions of what could be. That’s my idea of 'civilization'. We just get better and better at it because we've failed a number of times before and learned from those failings.

We've already learned the hardest lessons that could be concocted, tests we set up for ourselves, it appears, in order to see which way we would choose to go but it doesn't have to be this way forever. I think enough of us have learned what truly works by now and can take earth life up to the next level, the higher frequency, and as we do the full mystery of our history will then reveal itself because we'll be ready to finally know..... 

......’Humanity- The Rest Of The Story’ 

P.S.- I had a sneak peek of the trailer. This movie is going to pull out all the stops, there’s never been anything like it. High drama, absurd comedy, poignant heartbreak, and supreme challenge abounds. It’s going to be very long but, man oh man, it’s a must see.


     I am an avid dream follower. Every night before lights out I program myself to remember my dreams and that has worked fairly well for a long time. I don't remember the entirety of what I have been dreaming about but usually I will get some final image or scene, full of emotion and tendrils of understanding, that makes no sense whatsoever when I initially wake up but over time (not a lot) I can allow some meaning, significance, theme, and/or essence to present itself out of what I 'saw' just before waking. Dream interpretation is tricky so use all the tools. Allow is the key word. However you get there (to comprehension) doesn’t matter so long as you get there.

     A lot of dream stuff is symbolic, as if it is in code, so my technique is I have to sort of ‘triangulate’ feelings, physical sensations, associations with various characters in the dream (be they presently alive or long ago dead, as well as any odd behaviors they were exhibiting), in addition to any other bits of information in order to hopefully ‘get the message’. This is great fun and of course highly insightful. Remembering dreams can also, if you track them over time, start to reveal patterns. Recurring dreams and recurring themes arise on numerous evenings to show that you're still working on an issue and that you are making progress towards resolution. Non-progress is also possible, but who wants that? The impetus is to grow, to expand, and to deepen. Positive energy heads in that direction. It would be extremely hard for me, like it probably is for most people, to override built-up momentum and go the other way. 

       Lately my dreams have been many. I sense my dreams have been very active ones, that is, filled with bustle and people, like being in a crowded room or engaged somehow in a busy town, but I can't remember anything about what I was so involved in seconds ago 'cuz I forget them soon as I wake up. Try as I might, I cannot grasp the tiniest thread and pull on it that leads me into some sort of memory about what I was dreaming about. Usually, this is not the case, for by staying quiet and focusing I remember much, much more but lately, nothing. Zipola. Yeah, this is frustrating but I have experienced periods of non-remembering before. Whatever it is that I'm dreaming about is something I'm not supposed to know yet or it doesn't concern me. Perhaps I’m helping others. 

     The feeling then is that I'm living two lives, one in the waking state and a very different one in the sleeping, states so different that I am unable to recognize one while being at the same time cognizant of the other, know what I mean? They're that far apart. 

      So. Ride it out is all I can do before I'm ‘dream journaling’ again- and that's another thing I want to talk about. Writing down dreams takes forever and is hard to do, because you have to be conscious enough to write but not so awake that you are forgetting your dream. The just-wakened state is a nebulous, fragile, delicate, and very precious one. If your dream (or dreams, as many of them are linked) is a highly involved one the time it takes to write things down might have you forgetting pertinent details. Better to simply have a voice recorder near your bed that is easy to find and activate. First thing you do upon gaining consciousness is turn the thing on then mumble away into it. This is difficult to do, certainly, if you're in a shared sleeping situation because you will sound and look silly doing this but hopefully if you have a partner who understands that this is important to you they can overlook it, maybe by falling back asleep (or even mumbling into their voice recorder). Either way, just mumble away quietly. 

Dreamcatcher deployed.Nazym Jumadilova-

Dreamcatcher deployed.

Nazym Jumadilova-

Then, upon regaining full consciousness, say at least two hours or so, replay what you have recorded and be amazed at what you were oh so casually talking about then, astounded even, for what you said you would most likely never say in the fully conscious state. Unadulterated, your dream has been captured in its purest form. Further analyze, contemplate, or ‘process’ then ('cuz you've done so already, I'm sure) at will until you’ve exhausted the evening’s dream subject and feel done. Dream understanding takes time. Through a contemplative approach you just might start seeing patterns in your dream and connect the dots, bringing comprehension to what seemed unrelated before. If you cannot gain comprehension, let the dream go and see what happens. I’ve many, many times understood what my dream(s) of the prior evening were about late in the day during flashes of insight. Sometimes you just have to let events unfold.

I'm going to earnestly do voice recording myself for I have recently read some dream journaling I did a few years back where I was writing all my dreams down and it brought it back to me how much doing that served me (as well as entertained me), for the spirit realm is extraordinarily clever and can be quite funny, operating as it does completely out of time and any earth-bound associative rules. 

I know we all have a lot to do and doing this is just one more thing. Capturing dreams only takes a minute or two though. That’s not a lot. All you gotta do is push the button on the recorder. The real ‘work’ is listening to what you’ve said later and then thinking about it. My experience has been that doing so has been worthwhile in every aspect of my life and I wouldn’t let these nightly picture shows escape unnoticed back into the ethers for anything. 


     There is that which is and that which is to be. That which is, which is my present job, is heading towards extinction while that which is to be is open to interpretation from the point where I am at now, which is a vastly different point from where I was then, when I initially took the job. Taking a job similar to the one I chose then is not a decision I will revisit. 

So what now? The field of potential, previously closed and/or muted, opens once again and choice is offered. 

Every stage in life presents different sections which need be negotiated, each section containing peculiar variables, preferences, and needs. During this stage, it's like all these balls peculiar to the present mindset I have are in the air and are being juggled, dropped on the floor, then picked up again. They must be incorporated and the feat mastered for the show to go on. 

Readjustment is a process of seeing what fits, trying things on, using one's imagination, employing extrapolation, and visualizing potentials. Basically, it's using all the tools available in order to create the best possible outcome, for the best possible outcome is always highly desired but what if your imagination is limited by what you can't conceive of, for so much exists in the field of potential that is unknown?

Certainly this is true in many areas, in jobs, in physical locations, in relationships with people, so what determines outcome? All you can do is put one foot in front of the other and take steps towards uncertain but sensed goals. Really, expand into the possibilites as much as you can for you can't imagine what further doors may open to you by simply walking through the first one. There's always more. 

My kind of gig.Kael Bloom-

My kind of gig.

Kael Bloom-

Adding to this is the call of the soul to fulfill one’s purpose for being here as part of the Grand Design. Certainly we have some say in which roles we play but oft times there are agreements we have made to be at certain places at certain times in order to have experiences and have affects on others and outcomes because we are all butterflies that impinge on the fabric of existence and if we can do so in tune with the conductor what a symphony we can be a part of, ideally. 

This has always been my goal, to play my part in perfect harmony with the source of creation, but ne'r am I (or you) limited to only one role. We are asked again and again if we would like to do this or take part in that for the fabric of the living tapestry is ever changing and actions might be required of us this day, tomorrow, or perhaps next week or for months on end. Any volunteers?

It's like we have agreed to do certain things but also have leeway to change our minds so if you think you're working at an ordinary job or living somewhere that's not what you would consider optimal there's more behind what you see with your eyes and hear with your ears as to what's really going on. 

I am continuously astounded that this is not at the forefront of people's minds, the fact that life is magical and never the opposite but if you watch mainstream media you'd think otherwise, that nothing of what I have been relating is occurring. Theirs is the dull version of events. Perhaps you should 'change the channel' and tune into a different story. Just a suggestion. 

'Cuz to me it couldn't be any more black and white. Either reality is just an accident of evolution, where we glimpse our surroundings and culture with temporary self awareness or this is an ongoing, incredibly complicated dance of energies heading towards a positive, expanding, and never ending journey beyond the reaches of time.