A Time For Healing

    When this nation, the U.S. of A., was founded way back in 1776 upon the signing of the Declaration Of Independence, at around 5:00 p.m. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the die for what is transpiring now was cast. However, a whole lot of stuff had to play out beforehand, which did, and this all has to do with the placement of a particular planet at the time of the U.S.'s birth. 
      On that fateful day the planet Pluto was in Capricorn, at 27 degrees and about 44 minutes. Pluto's placement was in the second house of the chart, which rules personal finance, which in the case of the U.S., could be considered the U.S.'s 'personal finance'. 
     Pluto is known as the god of the underworld. All the sneaky things that go on in the shadows take place in the domain of Pluto and so, with Pluto's influence on the money making activities of this country we can see that every trick in the book has most likely been used, and quite successfully, to undermine our opponents in order that we may gain the upper hand. Capitalism unbridled.  

Yippie Kai Yea!Photo- Vinny O'Hare- Unsplash.com

Yippie Kai Yea!

Photo- Vinny O'Hare- Unsplash.com

     The reach of the United States has been far, spanning the globe; it's impact on the world incalculable. Truly this has been a great nation but we may have got there by nefarious means and so we have a lot of skeletons in the closet. 
      ....picture an astrological chart's operation like that of a clock. Some of the gears turn quickly, some slowly. The moon is quick in its movement. It makes its way around the entirety of the 360 degree circle of the zodiac in one month. There is a full moon every 28 days. The moon spends about two and a half days in each sign of the zodiac as it makes its way around the chart. It's influence is felt, but only briefly. 
      Mercury and Venus, quick movers too, never stray far from the sun, which transits about one degree of the zodiac each day. At present, Mercury and Venus are ahead of the sun which means that soon both planets will go retrograde for awhile, until from our perspective, they appear to be behind the sun. (If you don't understand retrograde motion, there are animations on the internet). 
       Mars, somewhat slower in motion, is currently retrograde, and will be so until late August of this year. A retrograde motion diminishes a planets influence, so the qualities of the planet Mars are muted during this time. 
       Further out lie the very slow movers Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and then Pluto. All of these planets spend a good portion of the year in retrograde motion. These are the 'major planets' of the zodiac, the 'grinders'. Their influence is felt over longer periods of time. 
      Jupiter spends a year in each sign of the zodiac and takes twelve years to go completely around. Saturn spends two and a half years in each sign, and takes 29 years to go around. Two or three times in the average human's lifetime comes an event called a 'Saturn Return', which is when Saturn, known as the serious taskmaster of the zodiac, returns to the point where it was when a person was born. Let's say that when Saturn returns, which happens at roughly 29, 58, and 87 years of age, it's review time. Have you completely mastered the curriculum you were working on before? If so, good. If not, this can be a painful time, because review lessons will be brought home to you whether you like it or not. 
   Skipping Uranus and Neptune, which have their own return periods (I think you get the picture) we'll join up with icy Pluto. Pluto takes the longest to go completely around the zodiac, many, many generations, and guess what? We happen to be the members of the generation of the United States when it has its Pluto Return! It has taken that long for Pluto to make its way around, and in that length of time Pluto has managed to amass a heavy load of...  ...karma is a good word. Baggage. Things under the rug. 
     It was in 2008 that Pluto got within ten degrees of its position when the United States's astrological chart was cast. This is when its return influence began to be felt, and it has been moving slowly and inexorably closer to its exact original position since then. 
     This means that all of those secrets and lies and who knows what else that exists under the rug are being brought to the surface and, like the full moon's effects, the energy of this is the strongest BEFORE the moment of exactness is reached, because on the moment it is reached the cycle can be said to be completed and then, like a waning moon, the influence steadily lessens. 
       Pluto will become exact in February 2021, and then again in December of that year, due to retrograde motion. So we've got a ways to go. Adding to this, Saturn is already in Capricorn at about five degrees and moving towards Pluto's position, and Jupiter will be joining this duo in 2020 so a whole LOT of housecleaning is going to be going on. 
     The outer planets, as said before, are slow movers. They're heavies. They grind through astrological signs like stones grind grain into flour in mills and not a kernel will lie untouched. Pluto's positive traits are sprituality and rebirth, it's negative ones are lust for power and control. Could this be said to be a lot of what is going on in the United States right now?