Thought Of The Day Returns

     A while back, in consultation with my other half, it was determined that Thought Of The Day was not as good as it could be. So I stopped putting it out there. 
     However, in the succeeding weeks, when grand changes were to be made, nothing really happened. I returned to drawing, spent many hours at 'arte', and while still writing on a daily basis what I wrote was edited and filed away, perhaps never to be seen, to be pondered, for it was not quite right. 
     Words are like arte. They can be assembled in certain ways, and in those ways, a greater meaning can be beheld. The trick is in assembling the durn things and nobody seems to do it the same but some are better than most. 
     I hope to be one of those whose wordsmithing is superb, or at the very least passable, but I have my good days and my not so inspired so..... get what you get and I leave it up to the reader to glean from whatever is written that which pertains to them, inspires them, or gets them to think. This I must do. I am the sole editor and it must be that way, for it is laborious indeed to run everything past my other half, who has the best of intentions but with her involvement in the process time runs out. I would love to have her as an additional eyes-on person but we're both busy and our schedules do not permit us the luxury of painstakingly editing each passage and, to be truthful, some of what I feel inspired to write resonates not with her, and thus is doubly hard to edit, if editing is at all possible. 


Heping- is the day I resume the daily blogging. It is a good day, a master number day, as it was the day I started. I shall try to keep it light, stay away from politics as much as possible, though I may occasionally go there, and if there seems to be no burning topic at the forefront of my mind, as was often the case before, I will just write about anything, which I seem to have no problem at all doing. It was in finding 'interesting' topics that I struggled with before, but it won't be so now. I'm going to write about anything and see where that goes. It seems to me that that approach is closer to the reality of day to day existence than some grandiose, profound, Deep Thought Of The Day, which is what slowed down my process and ultimately contributed to stopping it altogether. 
     There is a lot of stuff out there on the web, reams of stuff (if you know don't know what a 'ream' is, youngun's, it's a stack of paper) and I am not going to try and compete with thousands and thousands of fellow purveyors of content, it pains my brain to even think about that. I see myself adding to the mix, not dominating the current conversation or even trying to. I am just going to be me. 
     So it seems like this little pause was necessary for me to get to where I wanted this thing to go in the first place. I just had to play with it for awhile, like anything else, to find out what works and what doesn't. 
    What I don't want to see is turn into some dusty old website, or have it be a platform for ranting, or a forum where I put out stuff where I don't have my facts straight. This I have tried as much as possible not to do. I have tried to be fair, to be relevant, and to be just but not justified, which are two very different things. 
     Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's where I'm at and I hope you'll stay with me, drop in now and again, see whassup because.....'s all Changeable, right?