Drains on the cash flow

     It appears that, more than ever, we the people aren't being included in the bounty that this land, the one that was made for you and me, has to offer. We instead are viewed as competitors for the available loot, and as competitors, we are treated as such.
   While we are necessary, most of us, in the creation of that financial abundance, we are also pushing to be included at the table. This rankles those at the top who see us as little children, clamoring for a share of the spoils, bad of manners, unschooled in the ways (and needs) of the elite, and needing most definitely to be governed.

Claire Anderson- Unsplash.com

Claire Anderson- Unsplash.com

      Nobody really likes the demanding job of being a parent but there are voluneers who seek to steer this massive ship called the USA and receive the recognition that comes from those kind of efforts. Since they are steering (some feel 'righting') this vessel they feel a share of the income generated by all (the taxes) should be theirs because, after all, they are the fiscally responsible ones and without them the money would be spent most unwisely. It all boils down to where is the tax money going, the money that is necessary to run things properly, and who gets what. Sacrifices might need to be made in some areas, more dough given in others. Now you might not agree that it is this simple but isn't it? SOMEBODY has to do this, and there aren't that many stepping up to do the job, so you get what you get. Those entities that have the most to gain (or lose) form coalitions designed to sway the politicians in office and nuture the candidates that they would like to see elected, they monitor very closely what their people, their candidates, are saying and thinking. These entities are the special interests and they have money, loads of it, because they are organized. Ignored and marginalized is the general public.
     I know this is all old news but what is new is that what we are seeing in government now is just the basic structure of it. Many of the people walking the halls of government at this time seem to have only a pauper's measure of the qualities that the grand facades of the buildings they gather in would suggest. They seem to lack the character of learned men and women, those that are highly educated, capable, ethically and morally bound to act in good faith and with goodwill. All of that is gone, stripped away. What remains is a naked government in action, it having no purpose other than to control the flow of money, by whatever means, in ways that benefit the big players at the table.