These many things which have come to pass

     Over. It's over. Yesterday, the day before. Upon these laurels I cannot rest. I must continue onward, not that I have to but that I want to.
      I have a destiny, and so do you, or we wouldn't be here, I, writing these words, you, reading them.
     It is not here on this world that our destiny lies, but in the stars. Farfetched? Grandiose? Then the opposite must be true for only one scenario is playing out.
     Either it's an accident, us here, or there is a plan, for what else is there? Either we are steering ourselves or something is steering us.
     It's 2:30 a.m. when I write this but it could just as easily be be high noon or early evening. Whatever the case, the words keep flowing because I do and so do you, for a while, while we're here. And then, we'll not be here, but that hardly matters for the show will go on and we'll be a part of it still. It is my belief that there is no final resting place. Rest for a time, perhaps, but then keep on moving. To where? Where else but towards the fulfilment of that plan which contains all for there is no 'other'.

Joel Pilger-

Joel Pilger-

     There is no container that can hold us. Actually, there is no 'us', which implies a 'grouping of individuals'. I, me, you, us, are only concepts. What 'we' really are is something that can't be wrapped in words and if that seems impossibly expansive so be it. This unfolding will go on, taking us beyond the boundaries of time, and space, and perception, far beyond present day understanding to that which is a bigger understanding. 'Good', 'better', 'best'- all labels. Beyond that we're heading. And then beyond that still.