Why go on?

     Why go forward, and do? Anything? Yeah, these are 'Monday' thoughts, but they apply. You know it, I know it. There are those times when you think "What's the use?" Really, what... is... the... use......
     When I was a kid I might have moped around the house, perhaps dragging my blankie at these times, as a teen I might have lashed out (still do) at The Man, whatever that represents, and as an adult I have handled this situation with various degrees of success but you know what? ("What?") I still got back on the horse and rode that sucker all the way through the workweek. And somehow, that was good for me. Maybe it showed me that I have fortitude, maybe it showed me that I can rise above, maybe it showed me that I have inner reserves of strength I didn't know I had because looking back, I have faced a lot of Mondays and probably so have you.
     Some would say "Of course! There happens to be a penalty for not working!" That Which Need Not Be Named.
      But I'm not talkin' 'bout that. I am talking about That Which Is Necessary For Your Soul To Go Through because this is a school, brothah, sistah, and we all signed up for it.

Keith Johnston- Unsplash.com

Keith Johnston- Unsplash.com

       So, saddle up and ride that horse anyway you can 'cause there ain't no sittin' on the sidelines heah. I don't think The Universe would EVER throw up a "No you can't do that" to you just sittin' 'round but the result is stagnation, which would be the worstest thing, in my mind, ever. I know I couldn't go there. Anything but that! I came to this planet to do. Something. Not sit on a park bench. That's like sitting on the bench through a baseball game. I'd MUCH rather be on the field.