
I am a nobody, yet I appear to be a somebody. I come and go. I appear in form and do all sorts of things when I'm around, then I disappear and the ones left think I am gone but I am not. 
    This 'nobody' is me, you, everybody that ever was and ever will be. 
    Appearing and disappearing is what we do. It's what we're good at.
    We're great actors. We really get into our roles. 
There are many, many roles to play. Billions of them.

SomebodyKrists Luhaers-


Krists Luhaers-

If you've been acting for awhile and suspect things might be different than what you've been told, you're one of the few. Awareness comes to those who seek it out, but it comes slowly most times. 
Partially aware now, perhaps, if you’re getting this, you're beginning to remember that this is all a game, one that you are playing with yourself. 
    But you think yourself means just you. 
    Or a slightly bigger grouping of 'you’, which includes your 'soul’.
    It's a conundrum, I know.
    Lately I've come to think that this bigger 'grouping' is all the 'yous' that are, ever were, and ever will appear in form.
    How can that be? 
    I don't know. But I can picture it, and it seems about right. 
    Same thing with souls. There’s just one. 
    Yeah, just one supersoul called God, that all of us smaller souls fit within. Thankfully, I think yet again, in my present understanding of this, that even though we're all together in this gestalt called God, we're still apart somehow. We're 'apart' in that we recognize our differences- our uniqueness, brought about by the experiences we’ve had- while at the same time acknowledging our indisputable similarity to each other, all of this ceaselessly existing in a 'place' where time and space don't exist as we know it. 
    So, as a 'somebody' who is actually a nobody, I go about my day, pretending. It's asked of me! To walk through this world seemingly unaware.   
    But since we're in truth all connected, I and you have feelings about things. That's just being cognizant of the vibrations that exist all around us. Tuning into those in order to read the information they're putting out is a choice. 

NobodyAdrien Olichon-


Adrien Olichon-

I can't wait to see this get acknowledged by the mainstream. What a game changer. You, me, seemingly different now, seen as the same when recognition occurs. 
    Amazing the game has gone on as long as it has. 
    But, actors being actors, they love to play many different roles. It's challenging. 
    But then again, I’m acting too. Playing the role of a slightly awake one. My part in the drama. 

    Looking out the window of my study, I see that another day has dawned. The curtain has risen! Time to get dressed, get out there, and put on another good show.