New Look

    A totally relaxing day. Hurricane Walaka provided the day's entertainment, huge swells from the Cat 4 storm were throwing up the biggest waves in a year on the beaches of the South shore.
    Watching nature do her thing, all other entertainment options paled.

Speaking of entertainment, people where I work are watching movies on their cell phones a lot, and it keeps 'em occupied 'cuz the shifts are slow and long-seeming. We are sooo easily bored.
     I guess this is partly because we're so separate from each other now.

Was watching old movies on TCM (Turner Classic Movies) the last few weeks and what's striking about them is that we used to be a lot more social. We didn't have devices to bury our faces in so we had to be social, I guess. Just the way it was. All this your crib- my crib living, he in his man cave, she in her she shed, is okay but for how long?

I’m kinda new hereColin Maynard-

I’m kinda new here

Colin Maynard-

  Ain't you curious about your neighbors and what they're doing, how they think, vote, eat, etc.?
     "Nope!" go most people. "Got everything I need right here" and most people do, nowadays.
     If you want, you can easily disappear, only to surface now and again at the watering holes of our culture- the grocery store/warehouse store, gas station, or airport. Other than that you're just a car on the highway, a face in the crowd, a driveway that leads to a house that you pass by.
     Has any culture lived like this before? We have to be the most physically non-social culture in the last 2,000 years! Our evolution has definitely been away from socializing directly. So what if you got 'likes' on social media? It's like being virtually liked. After all, you're showing your best face to the camera. That ain't real life.
But, whattya going to do about it? What can you do about it? 
  You can pitch an event, but is it a better option for your hoped-for participants than binge watching Netfix in the comfort and safety of their home? That's the event planner's competition these days. I guess option B is what people really want 'cuz getting them out of the house, even on a sunny weekend, takes willpower galore for them, the pull of that instant gratification home entertainment being so strong.
So it's with this in mind that has narrowed it's format choices. The goal here now is to provide a daily entertainment stop for those interested in what I have to say. It won't cost you much time, admission is free, and I'll try to give you something to think about, relate to, or laugh about each day....   ...that I post, which I try to do every day but....    ...things happen. Life happens.
I know you're busy, there's a lot being offered up, and hell, I'm just me. I'm trying, man. Content, like fine wine, takes time (but not too much time!).
  We all have things to do.
I can't compete with Hollywood movies, or with some slickly (is that a word?) produced music video that's rackin' up views like credits on a slot machine's whats hit the jackpot. But- I can git you to sit around a good old pot-bellied stove whats puttin' out some fine heat and spin you a tale.
I'm a rockin' chair on the cabin porch guy, a lazy Advaita-obsessed Joe in a hammock, a soapbox standin' citizen havin' his say, and more. I try to make my posts as intelligent as I can, yet simple, so they can be easily understood. 
So look me up, you know the address. Tell your friends. I aim to reach a wide audience 'cuz I've done this before, and I ain't talkin' about in this century. The territory is familiar to me- public speaking- and I didn't do it as good as I could back then- I tried- but this time around I aim to do better. Won't steer you wrong if I can help it. I partner up with my unseen-but-there friends, compadres, what'er you want to call them, and we do this together. It isn't 'work' for me- ever- though I ‘work’ at these posts for hours some days. 
Enough for one day. Chew on that and maybe I'll see you tomorrow.