
I work in a customer service environment that gets pretty intense at times. The passions of the customers rise and fall and the things that they do have all of us scratching our heads because we HAVE seen it all yet they still manage to surprise us. And when they do surprise us, our passions rise because, hey, we'd like to get a little respect. Who wouldn't? I'm no monk but I try to be when things at work spin out of control so..... 

yvan-musy-364570-unsplash.jpg's thought is when it looks like everything is going south, I'm going to laugh. Make a conscious effort to laugh. Step back from my involvement in the situation, observe it as it is unfolding, and just laugh and laugh.

Irons In The Fire

      I like to keep a lot of things cooking. Sometimes things I don't like to keep cooking keep cooking. So I always have multiple scenarios playing out. Right now I have my job, which is a temporary one, slowly winding to its end, I'm dealing with getting rid of an old car, and for some reason I have taken up drawing pictures with pencil and have been learning about that. Plus, there are others, but that sheds light enough on the subject.


    You could call all of these scenarios dramas. Big ones, small ones, the soap opera of my life playing out.
    And then, like in all dramas, there is suspense and wonder at how things pressing will play out, when, and with who. The "Why?" question will be answered in some cases, when the drama comes to its conclusion, and in some cases, I'll never get that answer.
     It's muddy, it's incomplete a lot of times, it's life, and it's messy.
      But I love it.


     In the absence of drama there is restlessness within me. Things get too quiet, my mind is still, and I become aware of bigger questions left unanswered, questions that have always been there, hiding behind all the mundane, worldly issues that have been vying for my attention. I shall explore these deeper issues here and there in upcoming posts, that seems likely, because I like to go there a lot. But not today. I have foreshadowed the scene, in writer's terms, but as to what exactly I will be bringing up I don't yet know.


    There. That feels like what I wanted to put forth this day. Cryptic? Perhaps. The time is not yet ripe to talk about these subjects, I feel, but that could change by tomorrow. Until then, adieu!