In The Dark

They are in the dark on this. Let's keep them in the dark on this. What is our cover story? We have to put a positive spin on this. I want everybody in this office on message. Now let's get out there and inspire the troops. Who's our point man on this? I don't want anybody breaking rank. Solid wall of denial. Counterattack with reverse psychology. Misdirect. Paint the other side as the instigators. Vehemently deny assertions of misconduct. Establish plausible deniability. Keep 'em guessing. That was the way my predecessor did it. I did not know that was going on within my department. Rogue elements. Apologize profusely if caught. Claim it was an error in judgement and vow to move forward differently than before. Claim that you did not know about it, even if it was very, very close to you. Meet in secret. Push through legislation. Downplay the opposition. Smirk. Laugh. Ask for absolution from the church. Be forgiven. Entrust the process to your acolyte. Step down, be pushed aside, be forced out, accept a lesser role within the organization. Return to public life. Have your lawyer appear to be outraged, claiming that his client will be absolved of all these nonsensical allegations. 

Never ends. The avoiding and evading.

(On cell, inside limo) “Who’s in the loop on this one?”Andre Benz-

(On cell, inside limo) “Who’s in the loop on this one?”

Andre Benz-

The more I observe the behaviour of politicians and our two political parties the more I start to see that they really represent two ordinary factions, the ones that this country and all others are built upon, which is ages old. Management vs. employees. 
Managers claim to promote jobs but will never work at one. They espouse the nobility of work but will always be the ones leaning on the golden shovels at the groundbreaking ceremony and will disappear until reappearing at the ribbon cutting ceremony. No way are they going to get their hands dirty, strain their backs, or work a shift. That is for the lesser people, the ones other than management. 
  Now managers are necessary in a properly functioning society, somebody has to oversee the process, the operation, the system, the event, in order for it to run smoothly for decisions have to be made. People have to be in a position to make decisions because if things are left to a committee forget about anything getting done in a timely manner. 
    But, managers, being close to the decision making process, have temptation after temptation thrown at them. They have foreknowledge aplenty, which can be used for personal gain. They can get in on the ground floor and set themselves up in the catbird seat quite easily, the only thing standing in their way being pushover things like morals and ethics which they claim to have but (look to what was written above) as to how they handle that
'Watchdogs' are touted as countermeasures put in place to curb appetites and ‘ethics councils’ are sometimes present to oversee things but really, in the present political climate, what a joke. 

So, expect more of the same from the same public figures, some of whom claim to have God on their side. Well, if GOD can't fix this, what can ordinary mortals do? seems to be the issue facing us 'employees'. More like God Help Us. 
But methinks the present-day brash behavior is actually the end of a long lifting and peering under the rug period, where We The People are witness to what's been lurking there all along. So let it all hang out, governors, managers, go hog wild! Disgust the populace so much that accountability will be demanded by the employees because nobody is going to buy your multitudinous excuses anymore and those precious votes you need won't be granted at any price.