Think For Yourself

As long as you can because some of those lovable tech guys wanna upgrade you.

Don't be alarmed, it's for your own good. You'll see. It's better that they instituted technological innovations first because if it wasn't for them, more nefarious factions, also hard at work on this, might prevail.

The technical innovations I'm talking about have to do with brain implants. Researchers are trying to understand how human brains work and you know, whatever God built some people think they can do him one better so why not put a chip or two into people's heads to speed up the cognitive processes there because wouldn't you be better off being connected all of the time?

Think of the things that you could do! No more interfacing with smartphones, for instance. All that pecking at keys to send texts, problematic auto correcting, saying things that Siri doesn't understand, message sending failures, dropped calls, etc. Eliminate this 'glacial' processing and lessen the likelihood of glitches simply because.....'s better. And everybody wants better, right?

You won’t even feel it.Adi Goldstein-

You won’t even feel it.

Adi Goldstein-

Balking at the prospect of being implanted? Look at the reality of the situation pal- you're already wired, you're just doing your computing through your phone so why not toss that device? A chip in your head that can pick up WiFi would be the next logical step, don'tcha think? We do!

Of course, that chip might get hacked, it might crash, and there's really no On/Off switch for it but the upside is that you could get soooo much more done. Want increased productivity, creativity, and interconnectedness? Sure you do! But even better (wink) you could outsmart the competition (and the bad guys) with those abilities!

These are the reasons that certain visionary tech folks, seeing brain implants as the inevitable future/market, are trying to bring that future closer and the sooner it gets here the better because....

...the more turned on and tuned in you are the more you could benefit the planet and enjoy your time on it by installing their product, goes the theory, but......

...since humankind hasn't really got a grip on mental illness, what causes it, and how to handle it much less cure it one would think a little study should go into that before anybody starts hard wiring potentially unstable people (but really, who's going to wait for that?)

Have you ever seen science (tech) hold back on anything, especially a thing that has potential to this degree, the potential to completely change what it means to be human? (I know right away what I would do with this capability- seven billion souls, all on the same page! No blogger could ever hope to beat that number of hits!)

It's always been the dream of advertisers, politicians, TV programmers (and now Netflix, Amazon, and You Tubers) to get inside of your head so with the prospect of technological invasiveness to an extraordinarily intimate degree coming on the near horizon along with it comes cries of alarm from some very concerned futurists. "Individuality?” They query the tech guys, with their gargantuan research budgets. "Free will? What, pray tell, happens to that?”.

"What happens to 'being human', to not knowing, to struggling to learn rather than just 'knowing' the answer because Google has brought the answer seamlessly right into your(?) head the moment you thought of the question so that you of course could be more productive and/or creative?"

"God (the ultimate scientist) might have an issue with that! Most of us are sure he's had a hand in our prior development and feel he's long supported us in our trying to be Gods ourselves (whatever other logical reason would we be here?). We are now fervently hoping for a positive soulution to come from him soon to counteract the utterly frightening ‘solution’ to cognitive functioning that tech is racing pell mell towards, and seemingly unchecked".

"Let's just hope God has anticipated this (he should, he's all knowing) and is going to use this not only for our evolvement but also for our betterment. After all, he gave some people the idea of computing years ago and with all that power granted the species hasn't done itself in yet! Man, we sure hope that's the case".

And so do I. I'm right there in the far thinker's camp, similarly spooked. Because while I have the desire to continuously upgrade myself, I have no desire to be a mindless (though very productive) drone, which could happen due to some chip being implanted or through some ingested swarm of nanobots swimming purposefully up my capillaries with the goal of hardwiring my neural synapses.

If that ever happens (and I still have some personal awareness left) it might just as well be Game Over time for the idea of ‘me’, far as this cowboy is concerned.