
"It's not like I'm adverse to hearing your story.... uhm...."
(she doesn't want to hear it)
....and I don't want to interrupt...."
(oh no time's up)
".....but I really have to change the subject before I forget...."
(yeah I know, revert the conversation back to your stuff)

".......to tell you about what happened at my new gig inside the offices of Domenite Corporation yesterday, which has sort of been a theme to my life. It's a...."
(oh here we go)
".....pattern of injustice that actually really became apparent during the time I held that human resources position at Blurt Company......"
(she's not interested in my life at all!)

".....which was like, really traumatic! Grayson and Frederika were soooo mean. I mean they- and especially Grayson- saw that I had an in with Terrell, who's was grooming himself for upper management, and they......"
(it's okay for her to share)
"....set up that meeting, the one I told you about, remember? Terrell was warm to me when we sat down but when Frederika said what she said...."
(you shoulda got over this months ago)

“Yup….. ….I see…… ….uh huh…..”Andrea Tummons- Unsplash.com

“Yup….. ….I see…… ….uh huh…..”

Andrea Tummons- Unsplash.com

"....that's when Terrell's attitude changed towards me and after that it was never the same. I had been branded somehow with the Scarlet Letter- for doing absolutely nothing! The head of human resources and a few other people in other key management positions....."
(staring blankly, nodding occasionally)

".....started giving me the cold shoulder, like I had the plague or something. And I did! The BlurtCo black plague! I had been marked for death! It was so unfair. Frederika got promoted soon afterwards...."
(I wonder what I'm going to make for dinner tonight?)

"....but didn't last, did she? She only thought she had the right stuff! Grayson (laughs) had to run solo after that, and that enabled Terrell to clearly see that he was incompetent. Justice, huh? But then Janice showed up. Ugh! That little tart! When she came onto the scene my career became as good as over! Terrell......"
(sigh... ....trying to look like I’m listening)
".....and her started going out and I knew. I knew that it was the end for me. That's when I started sending out my resume. Anything was better......"
(I feel so alone)

"...than the oppressive environment that BlurtCo became. But you know what it did for me, that whole experience?"
"It changed me into a better person. I wasn't bitter about it. Being bitter only makes it worse. I chose to move on. Other people don't care what has gone on in your life!"
(tell me about it)
"My getting shot down at BlurtCo was what got me to take classes. Classes in human development that were offered for free by the local community college. Group therapy sessions, they were, hosted by a psychologist. A group of ten of us....."
(maybe I should join one…)

"....shared the experiences we had had, wrestling with pain. We listened to and supported each other's journeys. Sometimes it got really deep. I remember there was this guy named Jason....."
(please do go on)
"....who had been persecuted at work, not exactly in the same way that I was....."
(I think I'm gonna pass out)
"......which was by a tag team duo. Jason got picked on by the whole department he was in. He was gay, you know. In a construction company! When the guys he was working with found out...."
(what were you saying? I think I missed something)

"....it was like he was radioactive. The whole environment of camaraderie he had been enjoying with the guys shifted right under Jason's feet. Not a single one of them would talk to him anymore....."
(I know what that feels like)
"......so he retreated to this inner world. I guess we all have one. I know I do! That's the place I go......"
(when the outer world gets to be too much?)

".....when I feel I'm not being heard. It's a place where I can express my feelings and maybe get some feedback, like when I'm talking to a close friend. A friend like you! I really treasure...."
(is this really happening?)
".....these times when we talk".