(Written as was received, with few corrections)
Verification is required whenever doubt raises it's head and so various means are employed to get one's facts straight. This is done through tuning in, asking others, or research.
Tuning in is one way, the primary way we process information. We test the veracity of information against the known, what is known, by ourselves and determine 'true' or 'false'. That is the first step of a deeper process.
We determine if something is true or false based on what we know.
What we know is not all that is known, it is only what we ourselves know, and thus truth is relative to the beholder. If what we know is truly known, there is no doubt and the search ends there.
However, if what we 'know' is questionable, then we might turn to friends or family. Here verification, if it occurs, is secondary. So-and-so knows this to be true, and thus, through my experience with so-and-so, he being a trustworthy character, I can say that what I postulated is true. But I can't really be as sure as if I knew it myself.
The third level is research. Now you have gone outside of your immediate circle and have scoured all of the information sources out there for your subject matter, and about your chosen subject matter there is that which is known. This is not even close to you at this point, for one can hardly be expected to be an expert in all of the various fields, but over time and through credentials people within those circles have risen to ranks of respectability, accolades have been heaped upon them by their peers, and thus their words carry weight.
Scientific principles aside, the laws of physics being immutable (as it so believed), there is no need to test the veracity of scientific formulas which have been proven time after time and have been employed for hundreds of thousands of hours in a vast field of settings, such as in the case of light bulbs, computers, or airplanes, the inner workings of which are known, and in the known, there is no mystery.
But outside of the proven there is the theoretical, and that is where our discussion takes us to this day. Boundaries are always being pushed up against. Yes, we have computers- can we make them faster? Yes, we have airplanes- can we make them bigger, safer, and faster?
Into that breach of understanding there comes research, then testing, then more research, followed by more testing. The standard scientific process.
And science works pretty well for us so science is our god. We think that every breakthrough that has ever occured has come through mankind's ingenuity alone.
Which leads us back to the beginning. Nothing that we know is true! How can this be so? We don't know what we don't know but we think we do. There are layers of understanding and physics is not an absolute. Can physics be bent, shaped, by our thoughts? That would change everything and bring to light our involvement, which has so far been overlooked.
Objects are thought to be inert, thought to be dead, thought to be without consciousness but, in looking closer, we see that they are alive. Not in the same way that humans are, they are alive in that they move within the field of continuously being aware and reacting to currents of awareness. Objects, or 'inert matter', if you want to call it that, is not self aware, it's just aware. Big difference. Matter simply reacts, following the strongest pull at the moment. There is no internal struggle, which is the case with nearly every self aware human on the planet!
Can we humans marry technology with this evolved understanding of awareness, and use that to power the future?
The strongest force in the universe is said to be love. Harmony. Balance. This natural order is evident in nature. Nature is aware, but not self aware. It is our model, our template, for constructing the future. We can learn much through observing nature for nature is constantly communicating to all its parts, including the humans that dwell within the earth's biosphere.
Technology is not bad, it's just crude, compared to what can and will be. Organic machines? Bio technology? Perhaps this is a ways off in the future but that is where the race is headed. Much is in store for when what is yet unknown comes to be known, when nature reveals its secrets, humanity will be absolutely ready for it.