Slotting Myself In

Let's get to the true nature of what it is to be a human, which is that each one is an utterly unique being, shaped by myriads of influences that carry an indelible stamp of beautiful, fantastic complexity.

So why not build on that? Has anybody noticed lately that they are expected to be more? More than just a 'being'? Trending lately is that if you truly want to excel at this game called life you have to be a personality.
Personalities are engaging, fun, thought-provoking, different, qualified, specialized, experienced, unique, seasoned, wild, edgy, and (at their best) provocative. If you want to separate yourself from the crowd you have to create a brand- yourself! And then once you've become a brand, you market that product by putting you on display! 

Attention grabbingSaketh Garuda-

Attention grabbing

Saketh Garuda-

     But not at a bargain price! Personalities demand recompense and perks far and above what non-branded humans get from their dreary, ordinary, and indistinguishable lots in life. Personalities, because they are different, special, and all the rest, attract and demand entitled status, they actively seek it out, go to where'er the market for their brand might be and try to muscle their way in amongst other personalities already crowding the turnstiles. 
    Success comes to those rarified few personalities who have the right stuff, that is, they outdo the other personalities vying for position and once THERE, upon the throne of their desire, they rule. They rule until they tire or their brand starts losing its luster for always there are any number of wannabe personalities jostling for position in the hallways below them. And never is their position upon the throne truly secure, because, as old the saying goes, “All fame is fleeting”. Even so, personalities can be and are preserved forever.
  Certainly they are marketed forever, because, well, because they can be! As long as somebody continues to show interest the market for that 'product' is there. Elvis lives! (As does James Dean, Amy Winehouse, Tupac, Bowie, and even an obscure early ‘60’s TV comedian named ‘Soupy Sales’, who was still doing his shtick on MeTV the other night).

We've been absolutely inundated with personalities lately and this phenomenon shows no sign of stopping. Who will you give your attention to this day? I've got my list. I'm sure you have yours. 

But I've got to admit, I'm a little bit jealous that these astute forerunners have been clever enough to dazzle me, leverage their brand, and sucker me (gasp!) into becoming interested or even worse, becoming a fan (!). I used to have a life, but now it gone, Gone With The Wind (Sorry- had to write it that way. That phrase is copyrighted).

Hell, people are even branding themselves on ordinary social media now. I've been enamored, captivated, and perhaps even a little bit possessed- or is it dis-possessed?- by this ever-growing procession. It's like a mesmerizing parade. Must.. …resist...  …this...
But then again, isn't this exactly what I’m doing? Yikes! Trying to brand myself (Thought Of The Day)?!
Ok, I'm late to jump on the bandwagon, as usual. But be sure to tune in tomorrow, though-  Because there’s no telling what I might write about next!