
  Life affords most of us 70-80 odd years in which to do but I haven't been doing a lot lately. I have taken my cue on how to live life from the fat black cat my partner and I are in temporary charge of. 
Mr. Fat Black cat has a daily schedule that would be the envy of any man. 
     Sunrise is activity time. This means a trek to the food dish. 
After that come laying in the rising sun time, wherever the sun may be hitting the carpet, or if Mr. Fat Black cat is outside, on the deck. 
     Observation is made of every moving thing, animate or inanimate. This occupies at least an hour. 
     Next comes stretch time, followed by crouching in repose. This means that Mr. Fat Black cat is ready for action, ready to leap into action, or maybe its just a comfortable way to sit for long periods of time. 
Noon is sleep time, after which a trip to the watering station and or catbox may be called for. 
      Next it's time for a little walk around the neighborhood. 

First time in a new neighborhood it’s best to take a safe exploratory tour. That’s why I hired this tour guide.Kiven Zhao- Unsplash.com

First time in a new neighborhood it’s best to take a safe exploratory tour. That’s why I hired this tour guide.

Kiven Zhao- Unsplash.com

 "Oh my God it's four o'clock already!" time comes next, which means it's time to watch the owners and neighbors arrive home from work. 
     Owners always bring me food. 
     In exchange for that, I might muster up some meows or engage in a little playtime. It's what's expected. 
      Following that burst of activity, I might hover around the humans, observe their behaviors, and listen in on their conversations. Ok, I'll allow myself to be petted.  
      Next comes rolling over and over upon my back time, after which I'll madly run across the room a bout five times, just to throw the humans off. 
Following that, I'll disappear for awhile, make horrendous sounds of dragging my claws on some fabric, then reappear, having been who knows where doing who knows what. 
     The humans about this time will fall asleep. Think I'll wake them at five a.m....