Accept No Substitutes

     (The following was written in about two minutes and there was a lot of 'push' behind it. I don't usually get stuff like this but I did and what the heck I decided to publish it. You decide whether it makes sense to you. I never said there were any rules to 'Thought Of The Day' and this was a 'thought' so it qualifies!)     

     Yea, but for the grace of God go I. Ne'r shall I fret or worry for where I go I am led, and that being led errs not in substance or in fact. There are no words that lead me, phrases that can be twisted 'round. I follow no 'leader', though 'leaders' surround me. I follow my own star, invisible but bright within me, and like a dog, only I hear it's call. 
     This does not mean that I am deluded, for how can a deluded one function but on his/her own, and I am not that way, I am neither flying solo or on some flight of fancy. Step by step I progress, and signs appear before me, ones that I recognize, for they tingle with a vibration that is pure. 
    Neither is this calling strong or overwhelming, for that would deny me free will, and I neither bend my will to God's nor does God to mine, it is a cocreation. 
     And in that cocreation is the fact that I make progress towards my goals that doesn't make logical sense. Miracles leapfrog me past the bedufddled logical thinkers, who can't understand how I am carried save by grace. Enough miracles occur and they turn away, unable to witness futher, for they do not comprehend that which is so easily comprehendible. 
    Functioning this way is not difficult, it is easy, perhaps the easiest thing. No books need be read, none further, for that was all done beforehand. 

Go Speed RacerAlessio Lin-

Go Speed Racer

Alessio Lin-

     Slowly the miracle worker pickes up speed until he/she is operating at Godspeed, which is natural, normal. Neither is he/she hesitant, trepedacious, for there is no mystery here. It is like following a well-marked trail but, again, one that is seen only by the one who has joined with the guidance that is available to all. 
     Will you stumble in the dark still, or release that which binds your feet, like vines heavy across the path? The energy has shifted, understanding the way has never been clearer or easier, for it was you, me, us, who have created this opening. It will only get stronger with time. 
     Mark my words, those who read these. The time has come for acceleration of the human consciouness, of human potential. We have only just begun.

     (Whaddya think of that?!)