Everybody's Praying

     I saw a picture of a huddle of people inside the oval office lately, and a lot of those people were laying hands on the leader of the pack. Now some might see this as a good thing, but I saw it as kinda dicey because I have been around a lot of religious people in my time and the way some of them interpret The Good Book well...  ...let's just say that I NEVER read some of that stuff in there. 
     But on the other hand, you can't say that a person following the ways of The Lord is without faith in a higher being, so they got that going for them, at least. I happen to like the idea of God too. And I've been praying to this being, even talking to him, her, or it sometimes, and I ain't afraid to say it because I have been tested. Lawd! I have been tested in sooo many ways. But I have never seen such trying times as these so I'm praying even harder than ever for a whole lot of things, and if I look around, I see that a lot of other people are praying too. They want to see The Lord's good works happen for them individually, in their communities, in their cities, in their country, and in the world, sort of in that order. 
     God is said to work in mysterious ways and there is no greater evidence of that than what is going on politically right now. My faith has been tested through a trial more scathing than the very fires of hell, brothers and sisters. I have seen the darkest shadow places and I have seen the glimmering path up to the mountaintop. I hope to continue towards that golden path. 

Edward Cisneros- Unsplash.com

Edward Cisneros- Unsplash.com

    And when I get up in that rarified air, 'cuz I will it to be so, I hope there's room upon that mountaintop for a lot of people that haven't been having it so good. That's what I pray for. I want to see them happy and clean again, full of hope and with a promise of a better future. Don't look like politics is gonna change right now, so I guess we've got to look upon the one 'elected' as our savior, hate to say that, but he's a tenacious one and so I figure that for right now that must be God's plan, because God doesn't make mistakes. 
     Even so, when God's not looking or listening while he's busy answering prayers from the multitude, I've ofttimes prayed for Jesus to beam down, aliens too, and take over with their wisdom and super cool technology, but they're waiting in the wings, I guess, watching, observing, giving us a pointer here and there, in a way that you wouldn't even know it was them. 
     Were God himself to show that would be the greatest thing, but he never does, does he? Never once in The Good Book did he directly show, so it's not likely to happen now, when we really, really need him. 
    So I'm gonna keep praying, just as hard and as passionately as those guys in the White House, and if it comes down to God having to choose who gets their favor bestowed, I want to let him know right now that I'm okay. Okay enough, I guess. Send that favor, that guidance, to where it's really needed at this time. Here's the address:

      1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C., 20500

      Blessed be!