Lighter Fare

     Got a vanity license plate the other day for the first time ever. A 'personalized plate', in the vernacular of The State. Couldn't stand the state-issued one, it was soooo bland. 
       Putting the vanity plate on my car, then stepping back and looking at it, I wondered what was to come. Certainly I and my car will be recognized. Over time, in the local area, that will happen. To the many others not in the 'hood I will be a curiosity and they might wonder why the name I picked is on my plate, and what it means. 
     Simple truth is, I always liked the name, and my top choice for a personalized plate was already taken. So I picked that name I did, which is the name of a character in my favorite-ever movie, and I'm going to roll with it. See what happens. 
      Haven't driven my car to work yet, where everybody knows me, so I haven't fielded any questions about my plate yet but I'm ready for that. Got some stock answers, and yeah, I'll be a little self conscious at first, like when you get new glasses or shoes. 
      Never in my varied vehicles experience in multiple states did I ever get a worthy license plate number, and I guess that is what partially drove my vanity plate aquisition. Dozens of cars and never a triple digit plate number, or any good combination of numbers and letters. I always wondered if the good plates weren't given away by the people at the DMV to family and friends. They're supposed to give citizens of The State the top one in the pile- that's the one they always gave me- but I suspect they took the good ones out beforehand and put them in a drawer, to pass out at 'appropriate' times. 

Clem Onojeghuo-

Clem Onojeghuo-

     That sort of perceived unfairness always rankled me because I think your license plate number says a lot about you. It is supposedly numerologically significant, and I looked into that. Your car's license plate (letters and numbers) is a sum total single digit number between 1-9, each number representing a set of qualities. I've had 'four' cars and 'eight' cars and 'five' cars but I never really noticed any difference. House numbers and phone numbers seem to have more power. 
      Anyway, on my latest car registration experience the lady at the DMV reached over and gave me the lamest license plate number EVER and I guess that is what drove me over the edge. I've got a pretty good looking car now and the license plate she gave me was way out of character so I decided I would choose from the top of the pile baby(!) and took on the personalized plate process, which is very easy, but there is a long wait for the plates. Four months! Why? It was so long a wait I almost forgot about them but just the other day a letter came in the mail telling me that my personalized plates had arrived. Right quick I went down to the DMV and got 'em.  

       I'm gonna roll my ride down the street proud now, and I will be noticed. The price I have to pay for this is an extra $25 annually. Worth it?
       Worth every god-blesset penny!