The Players

    Who are these people in my dreams that I am interacting with? What are we doing together? 
     Recurring dreams, months now, near instantly forgotten upon waking with only the fleeting memories remaining. I am interacting with a varying in size but not so much in membership group of people and what we are doing seems purposeful but I'm not given the why. 
       I can't tell you where we are located but maybe it's an energetic thing, where it doesn't matter so much the location as to our shared INTENTION. Intention, focused, is being used to further a purpose. Upon that we are all agreed. 
     Then, every once in a while, after dreams of this sort, I wake up like today feeling good and I don't know why. Invigorated. Settled. Calm, peaceful about things, sure. Ready to charge ahead, certain that the next step is ready to appear in my path JUST before my foot hits the ground. Like that, this is. Revealed to me piecemeal and it couldn't happen in any other way. 

Well, maybe not as big as this guy, but it feels like that sometimes

Well, maybe not as big as this guy, but it feels like that sometimes

     Necessary, it also is, for me to place myself out into the world for the way in which these events unfold calls for my presence there. I can't just sit at home because what comes to me I need to participate with in some manner for the unfolding to happen correctly. Sounds pretty arcane, huh? 
     It's like I'm a politician, a social scientist, a city planner, a community builder, an advice bestower, a bit player, and a very unique and essential character actor, just by being me! Pretty cool. Damn good work if you can find it, which I seem to have. 
     All this takes place on etheric levels first. It is developed there, honed there, and practiced there before it appears in the physical. Team effort. No one takes credit yet everyone benefits. 
     How can you not feel good about that? It's 180 degrees opposed from the way things happen in The World, the muggles world, the mundane world, where individuals take credit (and the spoils) for their accomplishments. 
     So, I'm feeling good about things today. Yeah. 
     Right on.