2000 B.C. (Before Costco)

     Yeah, I remember those times. And they weren't pleasant. You had to think about price and value, you really had to do your homework. 
     But that was then. Costco changed all that. 
     I feel that as long as a Costco is near me, I am safe. Cargo will arrive on a daily basis, and yes, it will be depleted, but more will come. I'm sure of it, I've seen it happen. Big trucks pull up with more goods. From somewhere. Over and over. 
       Entering within Costco is like a dream come true. They don't just bake cakes and cookies, provide meat, stock frozen foods, carry produce, or sell ya canned goods like any old grocery store. They do it on an INDUSTRIAL scale. Costco is a provisioner! You could feed an army here. The National Guard could not do anything near a better job. If the s___ goes down, I'm running towards Costco, and I won't be the only one. 
     Costco is an example of everything the government can't do right. Here is socialism, communism, and captialism all combined under the banner of Marketplace, and nobody serves the marketplace better. 

Chuttersnap- Unsplash.com

Chuttersnap- Unsplash.com

     Far as I'm concerned, Costco could run the airport. Build and maintain the highways. Run the hotels. Costco Nation. Farfetched? They seen to know how to get things done. Just try and get a parking space near the front of the store though. They haven't figured that out yet. But that's a minor flaw in their otherwise perfect plan. 
    Wally Mart don't stand a chance. Costco is going to take over the world. Provisioning the masses is where it's at. I can't wait for Costco housing. Costco cars. Don't really want to fly in a Costco plane, but it would be nice if they ran a provisioner airline. Oh wait- Southwest is doing that already. Are they affiliated?
    With Costco in charge we'll get this country back on its feet. Re-establish the American Dream. There will be room for EVERYBODY. One goal they have, and one goal only. Provision the masses! With whatever! Not just provide, piecemeal, like Home Depot, where they sell you individual things, like nuts and bolts. Costco would never do that. They'd sell you a BUCKETFULL of screws, nuts, and bolts for every conceivable need. 
     The days of nickel and diming the public are over, retailers! Costco rocks. The New Deal has arrived. There'll not only be a a chicken in every pot- there will also be a freezer full of chicken in the garage!