The perception of loss

      Loss, as is applicable here, is unreal. Nothing of these items can truly be lost for they are conceptual, whether they be held personally or collectively. They can be seen as ideals. Yet, there can be the perception of loss, as in loss of standing, loss of stature, or loss of reputation. 
     These are psychological losses, perceptive losses. Whether within one's own mind, or out in the community, every effort is made to prop up one's acceptability because one's ranking in the community is all. Now, where does that leave us, as a culture, as a society? 
      Focused on appearances. On soundbites. On flimsy arguments. On diverting attention away from actual issues. Saving face is the most important thing and is employed in nearly every interaction, up to the most minute instance. You can never be the 'real you', save in the most rare of circumstances. Too dangerous. You must mask your true self to achieve your aims.
   Thus, you, me, and our brethren tend to be shallow and superficial, and can turn on a dime, or a whim, depending upon a hint of a rumor, a scent of a scandal, or a whiff of an opportunity for personal gain. Mercenaries we are, to one degree or another. Just the way it is.

Romain Rullaud-

Romain Rullaud-

   The operating system of humanity has refined, to a very fine degree in this digital age, the ability to think on one's feet, react and repel without a moment's hesitation because, should the foe take hold of an unguarded corner that protects one's standing in the community and then choose to exploit it, all could be lost in a hurry before you know it. Rapidly planted in the minds of many could be a different perception of you and once it is there it is hard to disprove, careers could end overnight. A good example of this, among many, is comedienne Kathy Griffin. She was attacked in such a manner, grieviously wounded, and had to go away to heal, regroup, and bolster her sense of self before once again choosing to enter public life. 
    This is exactly why the current president is so quickly and vehemently on the attack. He knows that in hesitating to respond, public opinion could be swayed. Relenting or apologizing in any way is a sign of weakness, for that hints that there is something there other than unshakable self confidence. 
     So there you have it, today's train of thought. Our society is in danger of becoming so fake, so based on perception only, that nothing real can be supported. The social fabric that binds us could give way for when the new 'normal' is that everybody is only out for themselves NOBODY is left to hold the higher ground. Depth needs to be re-established, true strength of character needs to be displayed, there need be giants upon which the people can have their faith in humanity restored. There are many of those today, people who act responsibly, sanely, and with thought to the future. I've known quite a few folks like that just in my runnings around town so I think it's not a stretch to assume people like that are dispersed throughout society. If you need a little inspiration, look to the balanced people that are around you. They understand that it's called The Human Race for a reason, not Donny's Treehouse, Paul's Investment Club, or Sarah's Pulpit.