
     Not The Resistance, just resistance, in case you were wondering.
     Resistance causes friction. Friction cause heat. Heat seeks relief. From whatever has caused the clashing, the rubbing together, the grinding between two poles of belief, standpoints, or views. Why do people experience so much resistance on a daily basis? Most people do, and that is why work is something that they dread, relationships with others are difficult and problematic, and why simply interacting socially with people on the street is fraught with victories and losses. Resistance! To what is, The Flow, how things are unfolding this day, and in what manner.


      People might say that they have no agenda, but they do, we all do. There are hopes for how the day will unfold because we all have dreams and until those dreams are filled in their entirety there is a gap between what is and their fulfilment and that gap is what the ego and the soul constantly yearn to close, to cross, for the soul of a person wants its fulfillment and the ego wants its gratification.
     Physical reality, being embodied in the physical, is not like being Superman or Wonder Woman, no, there are a lot of limitations and most of them aren't physical limitations. We yearn to fly, yes, but moreso we yearn to be rich, to have power, to be able to control and shape our environment and until that happens there is going to be resistance because guess what? Others want the same things you do, more or less, and you are part of their picture that they want to see changed. Welcome to physicality!


     Doesn't matter what race you are, nation you are part of, or neighborhood you happen to be in, be it city, town, village, or bustling metropolis, this clashing against the what is and wanting things to be better for you exists and causes frustration, contributes to the mental state psychiatrists call 'angst', and is the source of the amazing human quality to dig deep into the well of willpower in order to rise above. That battle, inner and outer, against what is and where I stand in my efforts to see my particular picture of reality drawn.