Universally Accepted

     There is a currency that crosses all cultures, borders, political leanings, and faiths. This currency is known by all, even by the ones who have seemingly forgot it (the relative few).
     You don't have to earn this currrency, ever. It's always in high demand and will be accepted without question. It can be counterfeited but in that guise it's highly diluted, and not really wanted, then.


     You can't store it or stash it, it's best to give it away. Many people do so without question or reservation, it is just what they do, and they would like to see others doing it too, because the ones that aren't giving it away probably need it the most.
     Were everyone to get some daily the world would be a better place. Strangely, everyone can give it freely, without any depletion of the supply, but it makes no one financially better off. It is generated not by governments but by people and the origins of it are truly unknown. Funny thing is, we're all born exuding it but we may not die expressing it. Too many people suffer from the lack of it but as before, it can't be stored, so where is it hidden?  It isn't, it can be found anywhere. All the different cultures I ever visited seemed to have plenty of it. Nobody demands it, but it would be nice if you extended some. We're all better off with it than without it and never is it shunned, for even the most closed to it see it's value, most times.


      You could sink into receiving this substance and never want for more, but more will come anyway.
    Some would call this love but it's not that, some would say it is acting the way a priest or a nun would act but it's not faith-dependent. Little kids have it, especially the newly born. Elderly people extend it a lot. What is this quality, substance, gift?

     Why, it's kindness.