
      Some would say that there is nothing on TV most times and to that I would agree. There seems to be a lot of stories written, produced, and filmed about every little thing so of course a lot of it would fall outside of one's interest range. "Hey! Who's got time to spend on all that?!" you say. But, I'm glad somebody is doing it, providing content, because somebody out there might be interested and that is why I am doing this.


     They say that you can't write about what you don't know and I think that is true because in order to write about what you don't know you have to have a heck of an imagination. So I write about what I know, which is ordinary day to day life, the experiences I have in it, and the lessons I myself have learned, tried to complete, or am still studying, learning about. What I write about then is not simply theory, no, I'm out there in the field applying all that I know and have learned on a daily basis sometimes in very trying conditions, sometimes in conditions benign, but most times, like everybody else, in conditions that are a mix between those two poles.


     Have I mastered these courses? Some of them I have aced, some of them I'm good enough at to pass almost every time, but a lot of them still surprise me because they find ways to (still!) bring up stuff I didn't even know I had so no, I'm not 'there', but I do experience a state of non-reactivity most of the time anymore which I guess is a gauge of progress. Equanimity in the face of drama, I call it. Isn't that where the Buddha was, Jesus definitely was, and all those saints and other elevated persons? Seems we need to be that for ourselves these days, the moral compass we used to look for outside ourselves is gone from sight, clouded, disguised, trying to appear as real but alas, 'tis not.