Slack-jawed fool

    Maybe I'm amazed this day that I am able to write this, to think, to plan, to dream, to be alive. It is all so miraculous, this life. What an opportunity. What a rich bath to immerse oneself in, a set of circumstances continuously changing, never stale, you never know what is going to happen next.
     The other day a bird pecked at my window almost as if to say "Wake up!" and then two days later it happened again. Is somebody trying to tell me something?
     I don't know what is going to happen today but I feel good about it. That is strange, but that is where I stand. At present. Not even sunrise yet and I can't wait to get out there. Why? I don't know.


     Whatever happens, it is almost like it has been scripted overnight, planned months before that, in the etheric realms by most of the participants. I truly believe that. We live two lives, then. One, the waking consciousness where everything appears to be random, because we forgot, and the sleeping consciousness where we know everything and everybody from way before. How can this be? I guess we're bigger than we think, smarter than we let on. Just a theory of mine, I can't prove it to anyone, so until then I am a slack-jawed fool wandering this world, amongst players who do not yet know.