The Assault On Truth

     This is nothing new. For ages lies have been employed to control, dupe, befuddle, confound, annoy, perplex, distract, disarm, and disposess the masses of their reasoning. There was even a movie made called 'Liar Liar' in which the main character tried to tell the truth in all instances for only one day and found it very, very difficult to do. 
     But the age of telepathy is coming and when that time dawns no more lies can be told because it'll all be in your aura, in your field, what you're thinking, what you're about. You in all your nakedness will be on display, all the time, for people to peruse, everywhere. 
     But until that day dawns, and personal communication devices are no longer necessary, lies can and will be told. 
Truth is devastaing to lies, it cuts through them like a sword and renders them instantly inert. 
     In the face of truth, light is shed on the matter, a glaring, bright, overwhelming light like the kind the dentist shines on your molars or those impossibly bright blue halogen headlights that some of the drivers install in their cars around here. 
     Lies dwell in the shadowlands, while truth stands alone in the empty field, ne'er needing to hide. 
     Lately, truth has become the enemy, which to is say that those presenting alternative facts greatly fear the truth, for the truth would expose them. Thus, in order to defuse the investigation, confound the learned, and polarize the masses, differing stories are told about the same subject and the reader, listener, or observer is left in the position of choosing sides, for we have to choose a side to be on, don't we? But, without clarity, choosing a side to be on is difficult at best, for the credible sources that people rely on to give them information are under attack. The water gets murkier with each passing day and we are asked to accept this nonsense as the best we can do and proceed on a course that leads to who knows where, or why, for all this is being made up as we are being led down some road that we wouldn't be walking on in a million years. 
     (Were we to live that long but in these times it seems like a million years we've been walking this road). 

Not goin’ back to the 1940’s. Not interested.Pablo-

Not goin’ back to the 1940’s. Not interested.


     This is why, my friends, why you need to tune into the vibe because the vibe is what your heart is telling you, it's that still small voice. What is it saying? How does it feel? If it feels oily, slimy, heavy, dark, low energy, wrong, sick, ill, sad, etc. your heart is trying to tell you something. Despite the outward appearances, the dog and pony show, the stature, the position, the title, or the passionate argument, how does the damn thing feel?
    You're never going to get facts from people that try to hide them! Never gonna get the straight dope. Until the bitter end they will hold onto falsehoods because, friends, that's all they got. They don't understand a better way and so they're trying to bring the old way into the new, where it can't live. Those days of deception are over.
     We're not going back to the dark ages, we're going to the light. It’s what most people want. Do I hear an amen?!
    Sorry I have to employ tough love here but the times call for it. It's time to tune in, brothah's and sistahs, to how it feels.
   Ain't nobody wrong, ain't nobody right. It's all about choices in a free will universe. Tuning into the vibe could help you make your choices with a greater degree of certainty because what else you got left that you can rely on? Pundits are under attack on all sides and there is no clear line of sight!