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Greed Is The Disease

     When people look back at the time just before this time, they will see a world that was consumed with greed. Oligarchs that couldn't get enough, social media being used to spread disinformation, politicians out for their own benefit, a planet and its peoples in distress, and no end in sight. 'Business As Usual' was the credo espoused by the media, many whom had been bought and paid for by advertising and were being used to direct the masses' behavior in ever increasing ways. Let's not even start with the latest conditioning tool, the internet. Consumption was the main, perhaps even patriotic, function to fulfill. Things were looking pretty dire. 

The masses were powerless to try and stop the momentum of business. The leaders of many countries made it plain that they were in it for continued gain and perhaps even ultimate control. Ultimate power was definitely trending. I'm not making this up or exaggerating here. These were the ideas being publicly espoused and/or 'floated'. Term limits were being looked at. Power bases were being built. Reason, decency, and logic were being scoffed at. Everything not part of the greed message was being ridiculed. Protests were of little use, they would be highly contained and barely televised. Facial recognition software was being employed in order to disable dissent. There soon would be nowhere to go and nowhere to hide. Game Over seemed to be looming for the disenfranchised billions. 

Although brave voices stood up here and there members of the media simply drowned them out with pundits who were louder. Rallies were attended by people being bused in. Fundraising to keep people in power was a common practice. People looking ahead saw a dark future for their children, a world of misery and unrealized dreams, a life not really worth living, although some in the media would have them believe otherwise. "Don't let your spirits down" was the message although the evidence of decline and despair was everywhere. People turned to escapism of any kind to get through their days, and many silently wept. 

The world was barreling full speed ahead down a road paved with genetic manipulation, cloning, artificial intelligence, surveillance, robots, drones, tracking, and data of any imaginable value being spread and stored. The nefarious had their fingers in everything and then.... ...unexpectedly, the bottom fell out. The train was derailed, rendering all strategies of control useless. Panic set in. Finding the cure to the disease became paramount, the rallying cry to assemble teams of researchers went forth budgets be damned let's get this thing that we depend on back on track pronto before our fortunes and power wane and....

Like a rudderless ship, it is.

Nathan Dumlao-

    ... so far, not much. The ones that support empire building have been sidelined by a pandemic and without the employment of people, nothing much can be done. 

    Is this The People, the will of the people, acting in concert? All evidence points to such a theory, indeed it is plausible, yet nothing of the sort is mentioned in the media. There must be a scientific reason for this, something that can be discovered, controlled, and contained- like everything else. Even evidence of alien life can be kept hidden for a long, long time. Nothing is considered impossible. 

    Can it be said, then, that the day of reckoning has finally come, the time when the masses have said "Enough"? Not with words, protests, marches, boycotts, demands, or lone champions espousing their causes here and there, but by silently, uncontrollably, yet extraordinarily and quite effectively destroying the very disease which has been causing them to experience a lessened life?

    Charts and graphs abound showing the decline in purchasing power for the majority of Americans, and conditions for people in other countries around the world haven't fared much better. The few have repeatedly been shown reaping ever greater rewards. Is this the 'vision of the future' most people want? "Decidedly not!" say the masses.

    Or was it God that sent this plague forth, that we might amend our ways and get back into the righteous way of living, righteous meaning different things depending on which side of the church gates you're on, or in which country, following which sect?

    The faithful might claim this to be true, the media claims the planetary malaise to be an aberration of nature, and the atheistic scientific community can't support any theory but that. The fact is that little about origin and/or meaning can actually be proved so it's left to us to wonder where did the bug that stopped the world come from? What is its purpose, if it has any, how long will it be here, and what effect(s) will it have, short term and long term? So many questions. 

The few want to rush back into business as usual. Will their desire be honored or will their way of life be permanetly altered? Will the masses at last be acknowledged and supported or will they be dismissed as irrelevant and for the most part discarded soon as business regains its footing?

   Don't look to me to have the answers to this global event for I do not, I can only theorize, but if you connect the dots using all the sources of evidence you have at your command a picture just might emerge, one that very well could be at odds with the one that's being presented to you on the nightly news!