We're All In This Together
Is an easy thing to say but in truth it's been a long time since people have been unified about anything.
Just the other day I got a huge download about what this virus really is and why it's here.
Imagine that there is a majority of people that just want to live and let live. Yeah, they don't always get along with each other but they find ways to get along. You can see this reflected in the culture to a greater extent than it used to be. People celebrate personal success and victories like before but they also celebrate your personal successes as well as your trials through adversity. Seems to me that enough people have been around long enough to realize that there are only so many scripts that can be played out in the human drama and in some way or another they have had their experiences with things like:
Loss, failure, success, tragedy, struggle, depression, excess, adversity, jealousy, relationships, children, grandparents, parents, etc., etc., enough so that they can easily relate to your situation, whatever that situation may be.
However, that being said, there is also a contingent upon the planet that perhaps hasn't learned as much as you and gravitates towards the kinds of behaviors that you abandoned long ago because they were not so positive. Greed, manipulation, hate, bullying, all those behaviors that are used to get one's way at the expense of others.
Now, following here, I think it needs to be said that we're all connected at some level and aware of what is going on. If that seems too farfetched that's okay. Just imagine that that is so because it makes the rest of this make sense.
So group A, the larger group, the majority, has to live (and probably in some way) be subjected to group B, which is the minority. This is so because the minority is powerful. They hold the cards and pull the strings, usually. You can easily see this around the globe. There are many of those in positions of power from group A in powerful places too but they're usually not front and center.
Knowing this, things don't run as good as they could is the simplified version.
The status quo is one of falling short, and we live with it. It's just the way things are. The world has problems and they just can't be solved.
Looking around and seeing that, living with that, incrementally sometimes things keep getting worse. Despite all the efforts towards making things better, things just get worse! A new, lower benchmark is established. Once that is 'achieved', it opens the door for even lower levels of behavior and such has been the case lately, since 2016, if you know what I mean.
Down we slide and as we go, people call out in alarm to those in control, those running things, because they sense (from prior experiences, those memories being strong) that where we're headed isn't right. These initial naysayers are ignored. Disregarded. Laughed at, even.
Continuing to slide, backslide, move downhill, those contrarian voices become louder, more animated, and increasingly agitated. "Hey! Yo! We need to curb this 'cuz...." but to those voices come responses meant to demean, damage, discredit, disavow, dismay, etc. Write all you want, it won't do any good.
Louder still come the voices, the criticisms, the studied remarks, the educated and celebrated now chiming in. Reluctant they were at first but the call to act can't be denied yet still, the ones in control say "Nah, not important. We know better. Chill out. Stand down. Trust us. Relax".
It gets to the point where protests are perhaps initiated and shouting matches become De Rigueur on TV. Fake news! Us. vs Them. Sides are clearly drawn. Cultish behavior entrenches and insulates. It gets darker and darker. Seems like nothing can be done. The will of the many is crushed by the ambitions of the few and then.....
....along comes a virus that stops the world.
Didn't see that one coming. Totally out of left field, never happened before, and Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, and Dictatorships are stopped in their tracks. The powerful are now powerless, overnight, and scrambling.
Was it the will of the people that created this? Dig- we're all connected. The many saw and didn't like the way things were going so they asked for help. Prayed for it, anguished over it, lit candles and visualized over it and all the rest, quietly, like they always do but times being increasingly bad for so many the power was amplified. This didn't happen overnight this took place over perhaps decades where the gap between the haves and have nots steadily increased. This process accelerated since 2016 and then bingo the soulution came, a soulution so drastic and tragic that it was sure to change things, a soulution that some people chose to die to enact and that is what is happening now.
Because we're all connected. Love is the way of The Universe and that's the way this planet is heading, not towards dissolution and chaos. The majority knows that, at some level, and planetwide, chose to participate in this grandest of dramas.
The world changed, is changing, and as to what comes of it I and many others don't know. It's uncharted territory and can't really be think-tanked but things will never be the way they were prior to this virus because.....
....and this should be evident by now, but even so I'll state it clearly.....
....if something like this happened once, it can happen again. I'm not talking about a return of the virus, I'm saying that the will of the people will manifest in a different, game changing way because the people want better and aren't going backwards. Fight it as they may, deny it as they will, those not on board with this are going to struggle and eventually lose. It may be a long and messy fight but the writing is on the wall. Whatever means are employed to institute some sort of dysfunctional status quo other means will be employed to defeat it.
(I wrote this spontaneously and have made limited corrections in order to preserve the flow of the thought train and hopefully not dilute it).
Thus, upon completing the task, I now look out upon a silenced world and see that things are good. In time, when the lesson is learned, when the necessary degree of remedy is applied, the need for this tragic drama will be over and the world will return to 'normal'. What that normal will turn out to be will be interesting to watch.
Stay calm, and keep focused on everything that is good.
Enough for now. Good day.