Now Changeable

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Here in Hawaii we are like the rest of the country now. The bars and restaurants have closed and all tour operations have been curtailed. For thirty days we are told. "May you live in interesting times", indeed. 

This dropping of the hammer came rather suddenly. We suspected it was coming but damn it kind of surprised us when it came. Never in my sixty odd years have I experienced anything like this so as to what is coming I can't predict how it will play out for like the virus, this is novel.

Was just back home from work the day of the guv'ners announcement and will be going out again soon but it will be into a completely different world, I imagine. No tour buses plying the highways, no whale watching/snorkling boats on the water, no cruise ships just offshore. 

A plethora of questions have arisen.

Can we wait in line for takeout? (I'm sure there are going to be lines) and if we do, many of us will be sure to keep Social Distancing in effect. 

Will The County chase us off the beaches if we gather in groups of (what is it now?) ten or more?

Will the internet be slower, due to the fact that everybody is going to be online?

Will 7/11 continue to plastic wrap the donuts, donuts that used to be freely available to touch in their display cases, once this is over?


Christopher Windus-

Will it be over?

Tuning in, I'm pretty calm about the whole thing. I see an end to it coming and I picture the end to this time of enforced hibernation akin to the end of Prohibition. People will be free to mingle again! (And none too soon- before the economy collapses).

Anyway, for a long time I haven't had anything I felt like writing about come up and now this has showed. Plenty to write about now! Maybe I can give readers a view of what life is like in the tropics when there are no tourist helicopters whirring across the skies and the sea is devoid of boats. 

Everything is on hold, on hiatus, on leave, save for people out sourcing the bare essentials of life. 

We’ve never seen this before. It's like The Universe threw us a curve ball that we didn't even imagine was possible. 

Like who ever thought there would be a shortage of toilet paper? We now know that that is the first thing that disappears in a time of crisis!

Time to read those good books that you haven't had a chance to read, re-sharpen your cooking skills, and maybe meditate because you haven't done so in years because we've all been soooooo busy. 

Well, nobody is busy now (except food delivery drivers, online retailers, and Amazon, UPS, USPS, and FedEx drivers and warehouse workers). 

Used to be in slow times people went and watched a movie. No can now! (in the theaters). 

Anyway, enough for the moment. More to come. I've got plenty of time to write now.