So Busy...
About mid-July events conspired to turn my life upside down and running at an accelerated pace. This is not to say that much of this was my choice for if I was to have had any say in the matter I would have done things differently (or not at all) and while I had some say, in other aspects I had none, but since by tuning in energetically I could sense no indications to act otherwise, I of course allowed events to transpire as they did for going with the flow is always the best policy.
'Going With The Flow' is the operating system for me and I stick to it religiously. For the purpose of clarification, 'Going With The Flow' is not something that I espouse because it is a trendy new-age undertaking, sounding good yet untested in real life. That it certainly is not. It is in actuality science coupled with metaphysics. I have fastidiously honed my particular system through much trial and error to where it is an integral part of whatever I do. I approach the process painstakingly because The Universe is an exacting fellow, if I may call it that, and it suffers no fools. You get what you ask for so you'd better be careful what you ask for and please make it as true to what you really desire and then continuously hone it for The Universe will give you what you want in the exact size and quantity that you asked for sometimes even if you didn't know you asked for that. Energy doesn't lie and if that's the vibe you're putting out that's the vibe that comes back to you. Sorta like that.
So, that little bit about the process being said, it was with some amazement that I watched and participated in a sequence of events that unfolded at a rapid pace but not as smoothly as I would have liked. These events are drawing to some sort of conclusion and there is more yet to experience but methinks the brunt of the upset and upending has passed and now I'm through the worst of the rapids though still steering my canoe down a boulder-dotted river.
Were I not to be as metaphysical as I am the events just past (losing my long term residence, taking on a job, and contemplating a long distance move to come sometime after the dust clears) I would have been overwhelmed but as such I was throughout the bumpy ride calm. Inner peace enveloped me, a sure sign I was going with the flow, though my logical mind many times tried to intervene with worrisome thoughts, which is the logical mind's job and not something I would ever dissuade it from doing. It does what it does and does it well and I value that tremendously. I know that the logical mind can in no way fathom illogic, and that it will send me red alert signals when it can't see how the road I'm walking will ever take me anywhere, but I've learned to override that because I can feel with my intuitive sense when I'm in The Flow.
So, as I was bounced and jostled my inner state remained true, steady, and calm, and I marveled at that, for I well remembered times past when I was not so astute at the practice and had been indeed nearly overwhelmed with angry and worrisome thoughts. I had been not so far taken by events back then as to say I was panicking, though I was quite close to that at times, and I had not been so far taken as to say I was lashing out either, because those who received the fullness of my wrath heard it not, so far away and out of earshot had they been.
What I had to yet in fullness to comprehend back then was that The Universe always tries to give you the best possible outcomes for your many requests, because everybody wants the best for themselves always, but if you want to get things harmoniously you might want to have patience because nothing occurs in a vacuum and others' requests have to be accomodated along with yours.
Fear drives a lot of this impatience. The other shades of fear (lack, insecurity, greed, hoarding, deviousness, etc.) provide a 'flavor' of energy that you can sense if you would but tune into it a little bit. This is your compass. Energy is not so hard to ascertain. If you are approaching a potential situation that is not, uhm, 'desirable' the energy that situation is giving off should be enough to warn you because the closer you get the stronger it gets and one does not have to be afar off from a dump to turn the wheel, eh?
But many have been conditioned to override negative energy, what their senses are picking up, for those who need to bend people to their will use numerous tactics to gain compliance and they are to a degree sucessful with that. Sadly, after they hook into you they continue the connection for many years if they can.
Think of manifestation as navigation. Everybody wants to know the future, right? They wanna know it now. Well hold your horses 'cuz I got some sobering news. The future is a seething mass of potential and the farther one gets from the now moment the more things are in flux. Even the very near future is a moving target, shifting constantly according to who wants what, why, where, and when. The Universe is constantly listening and people's guides are guiding and if you’re not listening you're not participating to the fullest and that is to your detriment. Listening every once in a while, listening when you remember to, listening only when you're desperate, etc., it's not really a choice like that. Not an option. Tuning in is a requirement that a responsible, aware, alert, and engaged person naturally adheres to. Believe you me I came to that understanding through the back door because the front door, the one that was wide open and leading the herd towards their prefabricated destinies made no sense whatsoever and actually gave off a palatable “error!” message to me when I approached it, though at the time I could not, at my tender age, fully understand why.
The passage of time gave me the answer to that. Conditioning, my friend, conditioning. You have to think out of the box to figure out that you're even in a box in the first place, capiche? There are far more choices than you are led to believe.
That's how you begin with this. Start following the good energy trail- the one that resonates with your heart (makes you feel good)- and tune in like crazy. The guidance from the heart will never steer you wrong. The path(s) you take might not make any sense until later, if ever. You don't need to know everything! Ask, tune in, take action steps when necessary, be patient when it seems nothing is happening, and move swiftly when synchronicity appears.
This will never make sense to your logical mind but it makes perfect sense when you consider the workings of the quantum field, where everything is connected. Miracles are commonplace and time and distance don't matter.