Now Changeable

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There's No 'I' In Team

Goes the saying, which coaches and companies use over and over as a motivational tool. I thought when I was born I was on a team, Team USA, but was I ever dreaming!

  Sure, there's been a general sense of being on the same boat, and of living under the same banner, star spangled, but damn...   ...lately...

     Doesn't mean this ship has to sail into the shoals though, or end up on the rocks. Maybe the multitude of captains we have on board can hash it out and agree upon a course of action that benefits the many of us along for the ride. 

The Original A Team


Just sayin'.

This ship has been in trouble before and has righted itself but "Oh man!" this ride we're on has suddenly taken us into the damn Bermuda Triangle or somethin' and the past, future, and present are all swirling and mingling in a dimensionally folding karmacological time warp! 

Which ain't good, way it looks, though looks can be deceiving.

Hard to make sense of which way to steer, hard to make sense of even what the people on deck are yelling into each other’s ears 'cuz that's all warbled. Forget about how we got here, the only question now is “How do we get out?”.

Mist is all around us and "Is that the sky above us or a reflection of the water?" many wonder while the compass spins 'round and 'round. I think I can see people from the past walking toward us right atop what looks like the ocean but that can't be happening!

(a squadron of planes swiftly flies by overhead, their engines droning like they did in the 1940’s)

"Sheesh! There goes Flight 19!" 

And then bam, not a minute after that, we're out of it. The mist clears and most of us are standing around feeling to see if we still have all our parts while others are slumped over on the deck moaning or are grasping railings and retching over the side. The sky is bright blue and the water is calm and we're making headway, the bow is throwing up spray and the mist is receeding behind us. 

Captain(s) we still have, and some of them are cornering their officers and telling them that they're going to have to write a full report but really,