Now Changeable

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Let's Get Serious

“it’s time to get serious!”

("U talkin' to me?”)

That's about how I would typically react to that sort of statement, for I am not the type to get serious about anything, though I can get serious. When it's necessary, when it’s crisis level stuff and I gotta kick in and do something, I can get focused pretty damn fast. I've done it before, I know the ability is there. But most of the time, 'not serious' is how I roll.

In fact, the many things in life that I'm 'supposed' to take seriously (that list being probably a few pages long) I've never taken seriously and, despite my cavalier attitude, I have survived. So there! 

But this is not about measuring my belief system against the ones that others hold, this is about something else and that is that Spirit is asking me, has been asking me, to step up. 

Now I know that sounds portentous, grandiose, and perhaps (perhaps?!) even egotistical, like I'm fancying myself some sort of Chosen One or something so I gotta check up. I have to take it slow- but not too slow- 'cuz Spirit is patient but not that patient. If I drag my feet too much they might look at some other candidates, that sort of thing. 

Mh Mehedi-

Now I can't verify any of this but I can feel it. I've also been having significant ‘downloads’ and experiencing some pretty auspicious dreams. I don't know exactly what I'll be asked to do, if I'm asked to do anything at all, but whatever I'm asked to do if I am asked to do it is gonna be for the good, that's the feeling I'm getting about this. 

I also know that if I do step up when asked I'm gonna have to get serious and represent. Now that sounds ominous, huh?

"No more foolin' around! Get on task you (no judgement here)… ….you......

slackers!” I might (lovingly) say.

A ‘slacker’ is what I was just last month, last week, and certainly yesterday, but won't be for much longer, it seems. But I could be wrong about this. Maybe my sense of humor will be heightened and doing what I’m called to do I'll be the life of the party but......

.....maybe not! Bummer City would be being like a school marm and looking over my glasses at miscreants and believe you me I would know how to spot them, having been one myself for many, many years. 

So what does one do in this situation? 

"Take it day by day" 

Good answer. Anybody else?

"Be open to it"

I'm already there.

"Explore the possibilities!"

I'm on it.


You betcha.

"Ask- pray- for guidance"

Damn straight. 

I'm tellin ya, I'm serious about this gettin' serious. It's being asked of me and so far I haven't said no. It’s weird but not totally unexpected, as I have been pushing myself in this direction for a long, long time and damn if the train hasn't finally showed up on the horizon, chuggin' my way. 


Ain't dyin' now, if ur thinkin' that, that ain't in the cards. This is about livin' a life larger than the one I've been used to and fitting into some grown up clothes. 

All right I'll say it- some seriously grown up clothes. 

This is all about being a walking and (sometimes) talking embodiment of The Truth of one’s being.

I always thought there was more to life than what passes for life these days.