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An Interesting Assessment

  After the totalitarian viewpoint was established, at least in their minds, they focused then on how to implement it. For when the focus is such there can be no compromise. The ultimate takeover of Everything is ego's desire to assuage fear by attaining control.

     In the ego's vision control over Everything is desired but Everything (that which is to be ruled) doesn't desire to be fed and led by the unwise so the only way the ego can achieve utter dominance is either by force or guile, the former unimaginable 'reality' being some sort of fiery iron-forging slave camp populated by Orks and the second unreality being the current day 'news'cycle double-speak that is glazing over millions of eyes daily on various platforms.

     The Orks toiling away in their sweatshop never look happy or even know what happiness is and the people watching and being taken in by the news on certain stations might as well have their brains shut off for they aren't thinking critically anymore, they're only taking in more content provided by 'experts' (and if you question that, we'll raise our voices!). 

No this is not Elon Musk but whoever he is he is an independent entity reasoning, something all of us have to do.

Quin Stevenson-

     Imagine a world filled with the mindless and the subdued and the moon looks like it's a sister planet in comparison for, like there, nothing really happy happens here and if you think that that is not the case, that we have SportsCenter and baseball and 'What's new to see on Netflix' every week we're living large. To that I simply say "Bah humbug".

All of this is made up and if it's made up it can be changed and it does change, all the time, yet The World is kept within certain parameters for there is a lot of fear present on the planet still. The fear is not so much in the minds of the many but it exists strongly in the minds of the few, who want to see the old ways continue. 

  Good luck with that. 

  "Won't be the future for us" say the manifestors of reality (which we all in truth are). Some of us know that our thoughts create, and the rest are gettin' it. There's a huge steamroller of momentum building that says "No thanks!" to outdated belief systems and the shoddy structures that those create on always perilous presumptions. 

"Mind is the builder" Edgar Cayce repeatedly admonished to the seekers of understanding, not so very long ago.

Fear not what is outside of you, then, but that which is housed within your own mind.