Now Changeable

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After a long hiatus, I have been called by my pestering guides to resume daily meditation. Let me tell you about my guides..... 

     A lot of people believe in guides, discarnate beings that are around them. 'Guardian angels' is a term frequently used. There are many different ways of describing them. I don't SEE my guides, never have, but I have seen things out of the corner of my eye a lot, rapid movements, but I can't capture an image because whatever it is is gone too fast. I think that's them. 

Anyway, when they want me to do something- and it's always good- they kind of get on my mind a lot. At first it's like a good idea to do whatever then if I don't do it I get the feeling that I might be better off or assisted by doing it (but it's never I 'should' be doing something). It's like an increasingly strong suggestion. That's usually enough to get me on the right track. 


Le Minh Phuong-

So. Mediation. I'm naturally good at this, I'm kind of in a walking meditation all the time. I spend time in contemplation often so I'm never far from a state of mental quietness but lately I've been asked to take it a step further and go into a deeper state which calls for stillness of body, eyes closed, sitting upright, breathing slowly and evenly, and setting aside any thoughts or thinking. 

Been doing this for a few weeks now and I like it. Didn't think I would so much but I anticipate doing the meditations I'm doing. A few have come to my awareness and the ones I'm practicing are from Dr. Joe Dispenza and if you don't know who he is look him up. He was in 'What The Bleep Do We Know?' years ago and since then has been up to some interesting stuff. 

  The word that comes to me about this is 'coherence', more of that is necessary to keep my being operating at an optimal level. To give a little background I was pretty good without doing formal meditation for years. I practiced Vipassana meditation on and off, did Transcendental Mediation many years ago, and have explored the mind quite a bit through Advaita practice but now's the time to sit in silence again. Why? I don't know. When the guides lean on ya, you just do it 'cuz it's always for a reason. 

So here's to coherence! Gonna go sit now.