Now Changeable

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The present day climate seems awfully dire but strangely, if you think about it, a lot of planetary citizens are doing quite well. Yet, things could be better. There could scads more transparency, for one. What's with all this hiding around in the shadows stuff, all the secrecy? What is that about? 

That kind of stuff has always been there, long before tech started placing its hyper-vigilant Googly Eyes upon everything. Lots has been uncovered already but that has only raised the protective hackles of certain factions worldwide and so one must suspect that there must be a lot left under the rug. The steady trend, however, is it’s only a matter of time before there are no more secrets. Data can’t be protected. Hackers will see to that.

    You would think that with all of this light being shed, spread, and disseminated that the bad guys, the bad people, those who are badder than bad, the dark lords, the evil princes, the tainted kings and vile queens, the corrupt and twisted would throw up their hands thinking "What's the use anymore?" and come crawling out of the same kinds of holes in the ground that Saddamn Hussein crawled out of all disheveled but.....

 .....they haven't, have they? No, it's more like now they're all super pissed and have brazenly come out into the open and are in our faces doing everything they can to make their tainted realities seat themselves into the social fabric and.... know where I'm goin' with this. I don't have to describe viruses for you to get the picture.....

......but that hasn't caused the lightworkers, lightbearers, the good guys, the white hats, the Lone Rangers, the Zorros, the Masked Avengers, the what was that movie called, those film noir guys that were shadow dwellers themselves but got the job done social justice vigilantes, started with a W?.....

....(The) Watchmen (thank you). That doesn't stop those kind from settin' things right, where they can, and how they can, just don't pay any mind to how things get cleaned up because that might not be the 'right' way to do it but it always gets the heads in the theatre nodding in agreement. 

So we got two potential eventual outcomes we're moving towards. One path leads us to where it's increasingly dark and (I gotta say it) ultimately horrific, except for them, the few, that will live somewhere, nobody knows exactly where, but it'll be on top. And then we got the other path that leads us towards the light, where all of us will happily dwell, because we came into mutal agreement that that is what we wanted and were willing to make that happen.

This playout of the dark and light has been going on forever, it seems, as far back as history has been written but even further back from that if you're at all metaphysical and after all the time that has passed you would think that I would be writing about either how these damn leg irons chafe my ankles or how bright and shiny unicorns really are 'cuz by now one side of the other should have won. 

“La la la la la……..”

Marc Schafer-

But neither side has. What we have instead is the same old standoff where neither side has won yet but they won't concede the battle. They have no intention of giving in. Sort of like the Republicans and the Democrats. (Good analogy there). 

  Looking back, I can assure you from personal experience that the mainstream media hasn't changed much. In the olden times, when there were newspapers, there wasn't a lot of good news to be found. Only thing that has changed is that nowadays the news can be presented in rapid fire fashion, like a barrage, and boy have the not-so-lofty taken full advantage of that. "Look at all the platforms we now have to spread our same old message!" they exclaim in glee, as they present the 'present' of their version of 'reality' to you.

Now as anybody who has ever encountered a noisy environment instinctively knows, the cumulative effect of being continuously impinged upon presents the danger of wearing you out. To counteract this, you get the hell out of there! You go outside, leave the room, take a break, get away from the social setting, or turn off the device.

Ahhhh. Calm settles in. Deep breaths occur. Stress drains from your system. You relax. This is exactly what the purveyors of negative content don’t want you to do. They want you to stay tuned in so you can 'keep appraised of the developing situation'. They want to keep you on edge, wear you down, numb you out, and eventually break you. They want you to give in, cry "Uncle!", and accept the 'new' version of reality that they are espousing, urgently and passionately, for 'your protection and safety', which is some sort of dreary ongoing nightmare battle world.

They want you to choose to give up your dreams of a better world. They want you to extinguish the light that burns within you, fuels your heart, and powers your soul but only you can choose to do that. 

Never give in.

Be the insouciant one.

(Insouciant, from Websters: 'Showing a casual lack of concern, indifferent')