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Mueller investigation enters fourth year. New revelations expected Friday
Tattoos for kids touted by some parents as 'appropriate personal choices'
Driverless car pileup at busy Arizona intersection
McDonalds, KFC, Wendys merger
Gas prices hit 19 cents per gallon as electric vehicle sales surge
Canadian border wall proposed
Swedish teens might spend entire winters gaming, teachers warn
Chinese geneticist combines DNA of dogs and cats, creates hybrid creature
Obesity epidemic strikes California, ground zero of A.I. implementation
Virtual reality home theatres spike sales at Costco, Wal Mart
Anti-technology group touts sunset viewing over Netflix as evening entertainment
Hackers disrupt Global Citizen Identification Network, personal identities compromised
Police find teen thought to be missing, was binge watching TV at friend's house for two years
Amazon purchases Brazil, Apple announces conversion of Upper Mongolia into technology park
Micro-drone surveillance has New Yorkers on edge
Draconian online use policy passed in China, access limited to five hours a day
'More Saving, More Doing' contractor cult discovered at Fayetteville Home Depot
'The Voice/The Chops' singing/cooking show debuts on NBC
Child superstar Baby GooGoo's online sales surpass Lady GaGa's
House Republicans propose bill to shred Obamacare for 341st time
'Freaky' baby discovered texting at only two weeks old
Liechtenstein rebrands itself as Europe's first nationwide theme park
Congolese children found wearing surplus Make America Great Again apparel
Replicating nanobot escapes from Colorado research facility
Top pick in NBA draft mulling Laker's five year, one billion dollar contract offer
Lost Frederick Remington painting found at New Mexico Goodwill.
Rap music joins 'Oldies' rotation at most American radio stations
Aliens land on Mars, institute astonishing re-development of formerly barren planet
Food Stamps program replaced by daily $5 pizza subsidy

The future is green hair!

Kevin Grieve-

Astronomers discover that The Marvel Universe of Superheroes actually exists