Now Changeable

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The Next Picture

Haven't put pencil to paper in quite some time. It's either Thought Of The Day or art and I can't do both because art is something that you get into. It's not something you do for twenty minutes. 

More like three hours. 

So that's where I'm at. I have got the next picture in mind though. It's gonna portray action of some kind, and I want the character in it to be happy because I'm going to put this one up on the wall. It will be symbolic, something I can look at and not only go "I drew that" but every time I see it I will feel good that it's there. 

Don't know what the character is or what he or she is going to be doing but I'll know it when I see it. 

Gonna be a big picture, about 36 x 24, something like that. I have the paper for it. I can scale it. No bigger than that though. Whaddya think, I'm drawin' a Warhol? 

I want a lot of detail, but not too much. Shadows aplenty that bring out contrast. The clothing not too fancy, nor the background. I want a dramatic pose and/or setting. This picture is going to have energy.

Thinking this one is going to portray a full figure.

Not this one. Too much going on!

Sandra Ollier-

I want it to catch the eye, my eye at first, because that will get me to want to draw it. 

Time budget for this one is six drawing sit down sessions. I took on a project awhile ago with a bunch of people and faces in it that was like drawing the damn Sistine Chapel. Never again! (Still isn't finished).

I want character. Attitude. Gumption. Moxie. Like it like that. Got a new drawing board and have been Jones'n to try it out. 
Looking for that picture now, that setting, that pose, that character. No superheros. Those have been done. 
Meanwhile and during, I will continue with TOTD, a concurrent project. And many other things. 

Seems art is a frivolous endeavor, not worth the time. Au contraire! 

"Ars Gratia Artis"
Art for art's sake!

Some things just must be done.

Not for money, or fame, or for approval from others. Things simply must be brought into the physical, the physical form. 
For everything exists in the ethers. It's just not here yet.

I bring a little piece of the All into physical represenation, best I can. 

No other reason. 

But then again, if you can find a point to life itself, I'd like to hear it.