Of Course They Are
Faux News ran this piece where some lady ‘guest’ they had on said poor people on food stamps just wanted to lay around and watch porn. Ha ha ha.
Welcome to the world, Faux! Of course that's all that they want to do! Do you think that they want to hold jobs?
Now I know that the people over at Faux have an issue with people not wanting to work. Oh, they rail and rant about it. Constantly. Why, you'd think all of the world's ills could be traced to lazy welfare grubbin' layabouts who just want a handout and not a hand up. 'Cuz, by gum, if they took that hand up, we could stop worryin' about 'em.
And that 'worry', if you follow the line of thinkin', is that they are going to adversely impact somebody's pocketbook, which is what all the gripin' is really about. "Don't cost me, us, the city, state, or federal government any money"
So ‘they’ (not Faux, government in general) makes it hard on poor people. They won't shelter the homeless and that's so you'll be scairt into holding a job, and that scares plenty of folks. But still, some have a workaround for that. They just happen to be crippled or lame or barely able to function in our high functioning society and although the folks at Faux would probably like to see that made illegal somehow that's just the way the human race is. There's folks that can't compete because, well, they just can't.
And you can tell. You can spot those folks right quick. But we're not talkin' about those. We're talking about those slippery eels that sneak around collecting free booty at the expense of hard working people and in America, the land of the Self Determined Individual, that ain't right. It jest ain't right.
And so Faux has waged a decades long war of sorts against this kind, tryin' to root 'em out and get 'em goin’ to work like the rest of us, the majority of us, but really- how much are these breed, class, strain, or ilk, to use a few commonly tossed around descriptors, costing us? Compared to possibly- and I'm just suggesting here- a greater share of the proceeds being taken by those at the top, which is kind of like welfare in reverse, ain't it?
I'm just sayin' that maybe it's time Faux oughta shine their spotlight on that and stop harpin' about the layabouts like they're some kind of danged army or something. Because they ain't.
‘Cuz, you know, those folks sittin' way up high jest might be, while not exactly needin' food stamps, watchin' porn too.