Now Changeable

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     (In a video I see a diminutive man, against a background of gray. Not physically strong is he. But mentally, this man is a giant. After watching for an hour, I turn away and some time later post these words) 

What really drives us? Should we blindly take others' conclusions about what this world is about or should we question those conclusions, and by so doing, come to a further understanding?
Why, you'd think that this had been done already. By the many who have come before. You would think that we would have this (human life) down. 
From the looks of things, we have. We have 'figured life out and are expanding our horizons' but is this so? Perhaps 'expanding our horizons' is only us still searching, searching for something satisfying. 
  Looking around, everybody seems to be busy doing something, which is in a way searching for something, so what other action should a herd follower take but to join the pack and search too- for fulfillment, higher purpose, better sex, more money, endorphin highs, adrenaline rushes, enlightenment, bliss, inner peace, etc. Why not 'bundle it' all and call it 'Satisfaction'? 
But I, like many, can't get no satisfaction no matter what I do so I search and search but this little Indian man patiently and logically brings it home to me and anybody else that cares to listen that searching is unnecessary and is only a product of the mind. Searching comes through thought. We search because we have thought ourselves into searching! We have promomoted thinking over being and have created worlds upon worlds, concepts upon concepts. We have turned simple into complex. We have woven personal webs that must be cut through and torn apart in order to get back to simplicity. 
This man shows us the way but we must carefully follow his words, for he does not err in his reasoning, though we, in a rush, might choose to take a shortcut. We are in this rush, at first, for we think that what he is talking about is some sort of desirable state but we find that what we desire can only be in conflict with what is. 
And there is only what is. 
This gentle yet unwavering man brings us back to the state we were in before we started thinking about everything and anything and that was probably so long ago none of us can remember for we have been seemingly wrapped up forever in thought, in analyzing information, in trying to make sense of things in hopes that we will get to......
.....The Answer but if The Answer comes as a result of thought it cannot be The Answer for The Answer is beyond all thought and can't be expressed for in expressing it you have placed a limit on the limitless! 

The roots of the tree of knowledge run deep.

Jeremy Bishop-

But still this urbane man tries, even though he is now not of this world. Recordings of him live on though, and his words continue to ring true in numerous books. 
Some would say that this man of wisdom didn't have it all figured out, that there were flaws in his reasoning and so they argue amongst themselves about that, about things that they don't get about what he said, even though he tried to articulate his understanding as clearly as possible. His understanding had to be articulated in a precise and painstaking manner so that it could be transferred and we could comprehend. 
Mental silence was what he was leading us towards, seeing things as they truly are in their pristine state, unsullied by thought.
Some listened, but many turned away, perhaps to return at another time or in another life when the pain got to be too great, when the 'world got to be too crazy' and their minds roiled, like the minds of many are probably roiling now, so great is our political dysfunction. Madness, our present state is, the result of thoughts running wild, logic and reason abandoned for magic, fantasy, and deluded states of being held only in the minds of those so taken by them, these states of being having nothing to do with what actually is. 
Presently, it is being asked of many to share in these states of madness but the man from India said that this has been commonplace throughout history. When minds are in conflict with reality only corruption can result. The power hungry seek to foster, and then capitalize, on widespread states of delusion.  
And thus it is that many are arguing now with what is and wanting to assert their worldviews to such an extent that they are willingly putting filters over their eyes and distorting the sounds coming into their ears to match the 'realities' that they, and only they, hold as being true. 
The cure for this is the cold logic of The Universe which filters not and this is what came into the mind of the refined man, he one out of a multitude, who defied worldwide madness. He asked not to be worshipped or followed but only that he be listened to, for he wanted to alleviate the confusion the masses were undergoing. He truly wanted to help, for there was no personal gain to be had for him, he being far beyond the needs of money or being liked.
Krishnamurti was his name. He's alive and well on You Tube and if you're so inclined, cue up one of his talks and listen. It won't be as exciting as watching any one of the eight "Fast And Furious" movies, but it also won't have you wanting more substance at the end. After watching any of the videos of his talks you'll feel nourished somehow, like your mind has permission for once to just be still. Maybe watching one of the videos of him will point out to you something you've got a hang up with, or through watching you can see how to approach the process of thinking in a different way. You'll see why it's highly important to not go unconscious, why it's important to always monitor your thoughts. You'll see many benefits and those benefits will accrue. 
For sure, you will see that there is an antidote for what passes for 'deep thinking' these days, and be comforted by seeing that before you came into this world, there were actually people that wrestled with and came to some pretty good conclusions about life and why we're here.