Now Changeable

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     Ok, folks. Been around for awhile and what I have noticed is that this weaselin' has been gettin' out of hand. 
     Everywhere you go, everywhere you look, they's folks weaselin', tryin' to get their way. 
     Can't get what they want straight up, like puttin' it to a vote, no, they got to try weaselin' what they want to get passed, get approved, become law, and when something becomes law, the people caught on the other side of it can't do what they were doin' anymore, or get what they were wantin'. 
     Weaselin' to get your way is called cheatin' in some parts, bein' underhanded in others. It gets me riled up jus' thinkin' about it. 
    Tell you why- 'cuz they's bad feelins' goin' 'round afterwards. Things ain't settled, is what I'm tryin' to say. And what ain't settled right just bides its time until it can weasel its way back to doin' what it wants to do, and weaselin' to get what it wants to have. 

First weasels, now rattlers! Git me that scattergun!

Zach Savinar-

     Politicians be weaselin', business leaders be weaselin', well, it's just everywhere. Weaselin' is pervasive in our society. It's all over the TV, it's portrayed in the movies, it's what makes up a lot of the dramas we watch and read about. People have power, they want more, money, they want more, fame, they want more, and they can't go out and just get it so they's weaselin' goin' on.  

    Weasels are sneaky varmints, they lurk just out of sight in the shadows, or in the tall grass, and when they see an opportunity, they move right quick and snatch what they's after and damn! what got caught by 'em always looks totally surprised. Like they didn't even see it coming. 

     Bein' up front about things don't get you what you want so you go weaselin', which is a lower vibration but lookin' around, it appears folks got they minds made up that that's the way things get done, if you want things gettin' done, 'cuz the other way calls for dealin' with those holdin' a contrary view. Not weaselin' entails negotiation, time commitment, and possibly conceedin' on some points to get things done right and make it square with all the parties involved. But weasels ain't the budgin' kind. Nope, they ain't! They's gonna try 'n weasel their way, shoehorn their goals, objectives, and agendas inside convoluted mazes and morasses of twisted words, wild claims, and unsound notions to catch you off guard, you folks on the other side of this weaselin' bein' so dumb that you won't figure it out until years from now, after they's gone, somewhere way down the line. 

    Weaselin'! It ain't right!