Now Changeable

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Personal Pan Pizza

What a concept. I remember when it was introduced. "A pizza just for you! Introducing Pizza Hut's PERSONAL PAN PIZZA!" (cut to) an employee sliding a piping hot, deep dish personal pan pizza in front of a waiting patron sitting at the requisite red and white checkerboard pizza restaurant table. 
     I like it when it's personalized like that. No leftovers, just the way you like it, and just enough. So what comes next?
We are close to having the technology, it’s being feverishly developed while I write this. Personalized dishes, home delivered!

“Did I say “Fries with that”?”

“I did?”

Eiliv Aceron-

Picture this- instead of the old school food court concept, where you jet into the mall parking lot after work and trudge inside, place your order at the counter (or pick it up because you were wise and called ahead) and then drive home- the process is reversed. The food court calls you around 2ish and asks you what you want to eat today (because you never know one day to the next) and soon as you make up your mind it's "Order up!" and the staff gets to work, or puts you in the que. 
  You, the patron, then go about the rest of your day as if you were the Lord of the Manor, which you are, in this scenario, because when suppertime comes or the shift’s over or you've just cemented that trade deal with the Q4 the delivery ‘person’ from the restaurant comes through the kitchen door and BAM! lays the plate on your table. 
No more of the drudgery called cooking. Now I know that might offend a lot of home chefs out there, who love to craft fantastic dishes but I, honestly, have better things to do most of the time. I might want to work on a drawing, which I haven't had time for in a month of Sundays and even if I only get a small bit accomplished it makes my art project that much closer to being complete (so I can start another one!).
So- Silicon Valley! China! Japan! India! I'd like to hear progress reports on those A.I. delivery robots STAT! Can't be patronizing these food courts much longer. I have things to do!